

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]《猎杀U-571》

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]《恐怖游轮》

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]《神秘岛》

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]怒海救援The Finest Hours (2016)

[if !supportLists]5. [endif]鲨滩The Shallows (2016)

[if !supportLists]6. [endif]深海逃生47 Meters Down (2016)

[if !supportLists]7. [endif]深海浩劫Deepwater Horizon (2016)

[if !supportLists]8. [endif]海洋深处In the Heart of the Sea (2015)

[if !supportLists]9. [endif]一切尽失All Is Lost (2013)

[if !supportLists]10. [endif]夺命深渊Sanctum (2011)

[if !supportLists]11. [endif]海神号Poseidon (2006)

[if !supportLists]12. [endif]惊涛大冒险The Guardian (2006)

[if !supportLists]13. [endif]怒海争锋Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

[if !supportLists]14. [endif]颤栗汪洋Open water (2003)

[if !supportLists]15. [endif]完美风暴The Perfect Storm (2000)

[if !supportLists]16. [endif]深海狂鲨Deep Blue Sea (1999)

[if !supportLists]17. [endif]泰坦尼克号Titanic (1997)

[if !supportLists]18. [endif]从海底出击Das Boot (1981)

[if !supportLists]19. [endif]大白鲨

[if !supportLists]20. [endif]海神波赛东号海神号幽灵船冰海沉船

[if !supportLists]21. [endif]极度深寒逃出克隆岛

[if !supportLists]22. [endif]碧海追踪

[if !supportLists]23. [endif]万劫余生

[if !supportLists]24. [endif]冰海陷落

[if !supportLists]25. [endif]未来水世界

[if !supportLists]26. [endif]凡尔纳的海底两万里

[if !supportLists]27. [endif]Pirate Radio海盗电台

[if !supportLists]28. [endif]极度深寒、

[if !supportLists]29. [endif]幽灵船

[if !supportLists]30. [endif]海神号

[if !supportLists]31. [endif]海防最前线、

[if !supportLists]32. [endif]鬼潜艇

[if !supportLists]33. [endif]大不列颠号

[if !supportLists]34. [endif]孟菲斯美女号

[if !supportLists]35. [endif]加勒比海盗

[if !supportLists]36. [endif]鲁宾逊漂流记、

[if !supportLists]37. [endif]天降奇兵(绅士大联盟)、

[if !supportLists]38. [endif]怒海争锋、

[if !supportLists]39. [endif]深海圆疑

[if !supportLists]40. [endif]深渊、

[if !supportLists]41. [endif]核艇风暴、

[if !supportLists]42. [endif]深海狂鲨

[if !supportLists]43. [endif]深海异种

[if !supportLists]44. [endif]海上情谜

[if !supportLists]45. [endif]孤筏重洋

[if !supportLists]46. [endif]少年派的奇幻漂流、

[if !supportLists]47. [endif]老人与海

[if !supportLists]48. [endif]海神号历险记

[if !supportLists]49. [endif]荒岛求生、

[if !supportLists]50. [endif]青川珊瑚岛

[if !supportLists]51. [endif]鲁滨逊漂流记

[if !supportLists]52. [endif]地心历险记

[if !supportLists]53. [endif]神秘岛

[if !supportLists]54. [endif]荒野猎人

[if !supportLists]55. [endif]惊涛飓浪

[if !supportLists]56. [endif]珍珠港

[if !supportLists]57. [endif]A计划,

[if !supportLists]58. [endif]弃船Seven Waves Away

[if !supportLists]59. [endif]亚哈船长Capitaine Achab

[if !supportLists]60. [endif]白鲸记Moby Dick

[if !supportLists]61. [endif]怒海孤舟Lifeboat

[if !supportLists]62. [endif]黑帆第一季 Black Sails Season 1

[if !supportLists]63. [endif]人鱼童话Free Willy

[if !supportLists]64. [endif]怒海救援The Finest Hours

[if !supportLists]65. [endif]詹姆斯和巨桃James and the Giant Peach

[if !supportLists]66. [endif]叛舰喋血记The Bounty

[if !supportLists]67. [endif]007之海底城 The Spy Who Loved Me

[if !supportLists]68. [endif]丁丁历险记The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn

[if !supportLists]69. [endif]海洋深处In the Heart of the Sea

[if !supportLists]70. [endif]环太平洋Pacific Rim

[if !supportLists]71. [endif]水中生活The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

[if !supportLists]72. [endif]战海风云Billy Budd

[if !supportLists]73. [endif]海鹰The Sea Hawk

[if !supportLists]74. [endif]波罗地海海盗Störtebeker

[if !supportLists]75. [endif]割喉岛Cutthroat Island

[if !supportLists]76. [endif]海盗骷髅旗Jolly Roger

[if !supportLists]77. [endif]20世纪的海盗 Пираты XX века

[if !supportLists]78. [endif]海图迷踪Carta esférica, La

[if !supportLists]79. [endif]超级战舰Battleship

[if !supportLists]80. [endif]血拼大西洋The Battle of the River Plate

[if !supportLists]81. [endif]格兰特船长的儿女The Children of Captain Grant

[if !supportLists]82. [endif]新地岛Nova Zembla

[if !supportLists]83. [endif]海上之魂Souls at Sea

[if !supportLists]84. [endif]冰川时代4 Ice Age: Continental Drift

[if !supportLists]85. [endif]恐怖游轮Triangle

[if !supportLists]86. [endif]哥伦布传1492: Conquest of Paradise

[if !supportLists]87. [endif]奥德赛The Odyssey

[if !supportLists]88. [endif]怒海英雄:叛乱Hornblower: Mutiny

[if !supportLists]89. [endif]巨浪White Squall

[if !supportLists]90. [endif]猎杀红色十月The Hunt for Red October

[if !supportLists]91. [endif]猎杀U-571 U-571

[if !supportLists]92. [endif]波西·杰克逊与魔兽之海 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters

[if !supportLists]93. [endif]波塞冬历险The Poseidon Adventure

[if !supportLists]94. [endif]海底两万里20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

[if !supportLists]95. [endif]碧海追踪Into the Blue

[if !supportLists]96. [endif]金银岛Treasure Island

[if !supportLists]97. [endif]白鲸记Moby Dick

[if !supportLists]98. [endif]纳尼亚传奇3:黎明踏浪号 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treade

[if !supportLists]99. [endif]大海盗

[if !supportLists]100. [endif]海盗The Vikings

[if !supportLists]101. [endif]海盗해적 : 바다로 간 산적

[if !supportLists]102. [endif] 老人与海 The Old Man and the Sea(1958)

[if !supportLists]103. [endif]老人与海The Old Man and the Sea(1990)

[if !supportLists]104. [endif]从海底出击Das Boot

[if !supportLists]105. [endif]辛巴达七航妖岛The 7th Voyage of Sinbad

[if !supportLists]106. [endif]辛巴达航海记The Golden Voyage of Sinbad

[if !supportLists]107. [endif]辛巴达航行七海Sinbad of the Seven Seas

[if !supportLists]108. [endif]未来水世界Waterworld

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