Ok! It Is Very Cheney
- Property: animated
- r"$\sum_{i=1}^{N}i^2$"will be converted to tex_math
- Function: tight_layout could fine tune the ticklabels, axis labels and titles
Artist Tutorial
- Three layers to the matplotlib API:
- matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvas
- matplotlib.backend_bases.Renderer
- matplotlib.artist.Artist, which is the most import one for a typical user
- Two types of Artists:
- primitives: the standard graphical objects: Line2D, Rectangle, Text
- containers: Axis, Axes(Subplots), Figure
- matpotlib.artist.getp(art), get
Axis: the drawing of the tick lines, the grid lines,
the tick labels and the axis labels - Tick, another container rarely used
- Actually, matplotlib could generate math symbols as images which are going to be inserted into MD file
Thu Aug 24 2017