2017-01-18 友邻优课 友邻优课
1. 后真相政治 (post-truth politics) 是一种政治文化,该词在2016年美国总统选举以及2016年英国去留欧盟公投事件期间被频繁使用。所谓 “后真相”,是指忽视真相、不顾事实的委婉说法。“后真相政治” 即是雄辩胜于事实,人们把情感和感觉放在首位,证据、事实和真相沦为次要 (甚至毫不重要),政治人物说谎不再是为了瞒骗,而是为了巩固目标群众的偏见,换取共鸣与支持。2016年,《牛津英语词典》宣布 “后真相” (post-truth) 成为年度词汇;
2. 另类右派 (英语:alt-right 或 alternative right) 是美国右派政治思想中反对主流保守主义的一个派别。这一派别总体上并无正式确定的政治理念,但其拥护者多支持2016年大选中的共和党候选人唐纳德·特朗普,赞同其反对外来移民,反对多元文化及反对政治正确的思想;
3. 丹麦文化中的基础元素之一是 "hygge",指与家人或爱人一同享受幸福时光,通常伴随着诸如品味佳肴或是点一支蜡烛以营造温馨气氛这一类场景。
Spelling it out: the words of 2016
Alongside the usual crop of new slang words and technological terms, 2016’s unexpected (始料未及的) political twists (这个词将着重用墨) also put several previously unfamiliar terms into widespread circulation.广为流传,口口相传
Alongside: beside 除了...以外
crop: 本意,庄稼;此是,庄稼
political twists ----twist 拧 tongue twister绕口令
The most obvious was Brexit: and after Britain’s vote to leave the EU, there is now talk of Frexit, Nexit and Italeave.
Brexit 英国退欧。唯德国独木难支。
In America, meanwhile, a season of 主语 what came to be known as post-truth politics (后真实时代)culminated in 以...为告终 谓语 the election in November 插入 of Donald Trump to the White House, 以下为状语伴送 egged on 怂恿 by fake news and the Alt-Right 另类右翼的 movement (as some white nationalists now prefer to style( 粉. 饰themselves).
culminate 终结
alternative right 极端右翼narcism ,racism
In the tech world Slack, a corporate messaging platform, became a verb 动词 alongside Google, Uber and Facebook.
Slack 美国科技独角兽公司 如let,s slack it .
And then there was hygge (roughly pronounced “hue-gah”), a Danish term often translated as “cosiness” that refers to the sense of happy ease found in entertaining company.
cosiness 舒服 惬意
No wonder it’s so popular: it sums up /what many people yearn for /after a tumultuous( 对应前面的political twist ) year.
crop: n. 一批
slang: n. 俚语
twist: n. 跌宕起伏
culminate: vi. 告终
egg on: 怂恿
Alt-Right: n. 另类右翼 (alternative right)
yearn for: 渴望
tumultuous: adj. 动荡的
"Tomorrow is the first blank page
of a 365 page book.
Write a good one."
Brad Paisley