

司马迁 〔两汉〕













Chen involveduprising

Sima Qian [HanDynasty]

Chen Sheng,Yangcheng people also, the word wade. Wu Guang, Yangxia people also, worduncle. Chen Shue young, taste and people commission tillage, stop tillage onthe ridge, disappointed for a long time, said: "wealth, no phaseforget." The servant smiled and answered, "If you work for theservant, why is there wealth?" Chen Zhe too rest Yue: "Jie, swallowsparrow Ann know lofty ambition zai!"

The first Julyof the second world, the hair LvZuo Shi Yu Yang 900 people, Tuen Daze township.Chen Sheng, Wu Guang all the time when line, for Tuen Mun long. It will rainheavily, the road is blocked, the degree has lost period. Lost period, law arecut. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang said, "The present death is also dead, andthe great plan is also dead. If we wait for death, will the country die?"Chen Sheng said, "The world has been bitter for a long time. I heard thatthe second son also, should not be established, when the son Fusu. Fusuremonstrated with a number of anecdotes, on the foreign general. Now or smellinnocent, the second kill it. The people heard much about his virtues, but didnot know his death. Xiang Yan for Chu, the number of meritorious service, lovesoldiers, Chu pity. Either he thought he was dead or he thought he was dead.This sincere to my many cheat self-proclaimed childe Fusu, Xiang Yan, sing forthe world, should be more." Wu Guang thought so. Is the line ab. Knowinghis meaning, he said, "The first step is a success. But the ghost of thestep?" Chen Sheng and Wu Guangxi, reading about ghosts, said, "Thisteaches me to intimidate the ears first." Dan wrote down the book andsaid, "King Chen Sheng," and just put it in the stomach of the fish.Pawn to buy fish cooking, fish belly book, solid to strange. In the temple nextto Wu Guangzhi, the night campfire, the fox cried, "Big Chu Xing, KingChen Sheng!" All the dead are frightened at night. Denier, stroke oftenlanguage, all refer to Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng is anative of Yangcheng, and his character is involved. Wu Guang was born inYangxia. Chen She was young, had been hired to plow with others, one day hestopped farming and went to rest on the ridge of the field, because ofdisappointment and sigh hate for a good while, said: "if who in the futurerich, we do not forget each other ah." His hired companion smiled andreplied, "How can you be rich and prosperous if you are employed to cultivate?"Chen Sheng heaved A sigh and said: "Alas, HOW can a bird know the ambitionof a swan?"

In July of thefirst year of the Second Emperor of Qin, the government recruited the poorpeople to garrison Yuyang. Nine hundred people were stationed in Daze Township.Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were relegated to the ranks and served as pettycommanders of the garrison. It is raining heavily and the roads are blocked. Itis estimated that the schedule has been delayed. If you miss the deadline,you're legally beheaded. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang then discussed and said,"Now fleeing is also death, insurrection is also death, is it OK to diefor state affairs?" Chen Sheng said, "The people of the world havebeen suffering under the rule of the Qin Dynasty for a long time. I heard thatthe second Emperor of Qin was the youngest son of the first Emperor, so heshould not be made emperor. It was Childe Fusu who should be made emperor.Because of Fusu's repeated remonstrations, the emperor sent him to lead histroops outside. Now it was heard that he was innocent, and the second killedhim. Most of the people heard that he was wise and wise, but did not know thathe was dead. Xiang Yan was a general of the State of Chu. He had made greatachievements in battle for many times and loved his soldiers. The people of Chuloved him very much. Some think he's dead, others think he ran away. Now if wepretend that our people are Childe Fusu and Xiang Yan's team, as the world'sfirst, there should be a lot of people who will respond." Wu Guang thoughthe was right. So they went to look for fortune. When the soothsayer understoodtheir intention, he said, "You will succeed in all the great things youdo, and you will build up your success. But have you consulted ghosts andspirits about it?" Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were very pleased. Consideringthe matter of ghost divination, they said, "This is to teach us to useghosts and spirits to intimidate people." So he wrote "King ChenSheng" on silk with red sand and put it in the belly of the fish that othershad caught. The soldiers were already surprised when they came back to cook thefish and found the silk text inside the fish. Chen Sheng secretly sent Wu Guangto the temple in the jungle next to the station. At night, he carried a lanternand shouted in a miserable voice like a fox howling: "The great Chu willbe Xing, and Chen Sheng will be the king." The soldiers were frightenedall night. The next day, there was a lot of discussion among the soldiers. Theyjust pointed and looked at Chen Sheng with each other's eyes.


In writing,events are recorded in the order in which they develop. Writing the process ofthe uprising, first write the cause of the uprising and the planning before theuprising, and then write the outbreak and development of the uprising, untilthe establishment of the regime, the context is very clear. In the description,the author adopted the writing method of first cause and consequence. Write themotive of the uprising, then write the harsh punishment of the Qin Dynasty;Write the occurrence of the uprising, then write first the cruelty of thelieutenant and so on. All were reasonable and strongly highlighted the justiceof the uprising. In addition, through the description of typical details, theprocess of the uprising, the great momentum and the spiritual outlook of theuprising leader are fully displayed, so as to leave a deep impression onpeople.

This articlevividly describes the historical process from the Daze Township uprising to theestablishment of the Zhang Chu regime, and reproduces the heroic qualities ofthe two uprising leaders, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang. Chen Sheng has high classconsciousness and has "lofty ambitions".  It is because of his foresight, his words areinspiring, only then can they receive the effect of "obeying orders".As the leaders of the uprising, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were able to assess thesituation, be resourceful and decisive, and make careful plans and arrangementsfor the uprising.

"It willrain heavily, the road is blocked, and the time is out of date. Lost period,law is cut "is the direct cause of Chen She et al. Faced with theinevitable situation of death, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang made a quick decision toplot an uprising, determined to lead their people to a way out of the uprising,which shows that they had a good grasp of the timing of the uprising. In 2people plot, Chen Sheng made incisive analysis to current situation, grasped"the world is bitter Qin long Yi" this one social background. On thebasis of this analysis, decided to play the banner of Childe Fusu and Xiang Yan-- because "the people heard more about their virtues, unknown their deathalso", "Xiang Yan number of merit, love soldiers, Chu people feelsorry for", "or think death, or think death", put forward thisslogan, "it is appropriate to respond to more". They under the tellerinspired, masterminded the stomach and a rebellion is afoot. Dan book two"paranormal" event, deceive the other shuzu eyes and ears. They actedtogether to kill the lieutenant of the double reed play, successfully lit thefuse of the uprising, these can show that they are good at planning.

In the lattertext, "In all counties, the officials who suffered from Qin"corresponds to the above "the world suffered from Qin for a longtime", "all the officials were punished, and they should be killed inresponse to Chen She" echoes the above "many officials should bekilled", which shows that Chen Sheng's analysis is completely correct andreflects his ability of insight into the current situation. It was Chen's abilityto plan and see that led to the uprising, which quickly spread throughout thecountry.

Chen Sheng, WuGuang in the plot of the uprising had asked people to calculate the divination,and later in the Bu implied that the performance of Dan book and fox Ming twohoax. This kind of deception to create public opinion to overthrow a politicalpower is common at the moment of change in Chinese history. When theCONSCIOUSNESS OF THE BROAD MASSES AFRAID of the DESTINY is very strong, theperson who makes a story wants to "IMPERIl the people", with avariety of deceITful techniques to show himself as the superman who is orderedby the day is the most skillful, the most effective gmeans.  The author Sima Qian more in the descriptionof Chen Sheng, Wu Guang walk, deliberately point broken "the person whoknows the meaning of the meaning", "know the meaning of themeaning", then "the step is accomplished, merit" Yun Yun, as for"the ghost of the Bu", is clearly involved in the plot. Sima Qian'sprogressive view of history is reflected in the fact that Chen Shi's Familymakes such deception clear in its writings, and in the book of the Emperor'sAncestors, which also has reservations about myths such as the cutting ofsnakes created by Liu Bang.

The two generalswere not at fault in the uprising in Daze Township. A conflict between them andWu Guang was premeditated by the uprising leader, but they were inevitablykilled in the end. This is because they are the representatives of the QinDynasty forces, in the face of the brutal class struggle, as the opposite ofthe rebel army, so they cannot escape the fate of victims. After capturing thefirst county of Kuti County, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang promptly sent Ge Ying tothe east of Kuti County to open up a new battlefield, so as to quickly open upthe situation and lose no time in establishing the country as king andestablishing the peasant regime. All these show that they used their strategiesand tactics properly in the early stage of the uprising and succeeded in assumingthe responsibility of leaders. Chen Sheng took the lead in the battle, and WuGuang "always loved people, and his soldiers were mostly used". Theseare indispensable qualities of leaders, which are clearly reflected in ChenSheng and Wu Guang.

The personalityis through specific events or details of narrative, it is not hard to see,shiji biography for each historical figures, not only record the big end of itslife, and pay attention to reveal the characters' spirit, at the same timedisplay characters activities related background, environment, so as torepresent the true picture of social life at that time, This is the mainembodiment of the literariness of Shiji.

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