
bool ViEChannel::ChannelDecodeThreadFunction
bool ViEChannel::ChannelDecodeProcess()
int32_t Decode(uint16_t maxWaitTimeMs)
int32_t VideoReceiver::Decode(uint16_t maxWaitTimeMs)
VCMEncodedFrame* VCMReceiver::FrameForDecoding
VCMEncodedFrame* VCMJitterBuffer::ExtractAndSetDecode
void VCMJitterBuffer::UpdateJitterEstimate
void VCMJitterBuffer::UpdateJitterEstimate
// Calculates the delay of a frame with the given timestamp.
// This method is called when the frame is complete.
VCMInterFrameDelay::CalculateDelay(uint32_t timestamp,
                                int64_t *delay,
                                int64_t currentWallClock)
    if (_prevWallClock == 0)
        // First set of data, initialization, wait for next frame
        _prevWallClock = currentWallClock;
        _prevTimestamp = timestamp;
        *delay = 0;
        return true;

    int32_t prevWrapArounds = _wrapArounds;

    // This will be -1 for backward wrap arounds and +1 for forward wrap arounds
    int32_t wrapAroundsSincePrev = _wrapArounds - prevWrapArounds;

    // Account for reordering in jitter variance estimate in the future?
    // Note that this also captures incomplete frames which are grabbed
    // for decoding after a later frame has been complete, i.e. real
    // packet losses.
    if ((wrapAroundsSincePrev == 0 && timestamp < _prevTimestamp) || wrapAroundsSincePrev < 0)
        *delay = 0;
        return false;

    // Compute the compensated timestamp difference and convert it to ms and
    // round it to closest integer.
    _dTS = static_cast<int64_t>((timestamp + wrapAroundsSincePrev *
                (static_cast<int64_t>(1)<<32) - _prevTimestamp) / 90.0 + 0.5);

    // frameDelay is the difference of dT and dTS -- i.e. the difference of
    // the wall clock time difference and the timestamp difference between
    // two following frames.
    *delay = static_cast<int64_t>(currentWallClock - _prevWallClock - _dTS);

    _prevTimestamp = timestamp;
    _prevWallClock = currentWallClock;

    return true;

_prevWallClock :前一帧最后一个包到达时间戳
_prevTimestamp :前一帧时间戳

// Updates the estimates with the new measurements
VCMJitterEstimator::UpdateEstimate(int64_t frameDelayMS, uint32_t frameSizeBytes,
                                            bool incompleteFrame /* = false */)
    if (frameSizeBytes == 0)
    int deltaFS = frameSizeBytes - _prevFrameSize;
    if (_fsCount < kFsAccuStartupSamples)
        _fsSum += frameSizeBytes;
    else if (_fsCount == kFsAccuStartupSamples)
        // Give the frame size filter
        _avgFrameSize = static_cast<double>(_fsSum) /
    if (!incompleteFrame || frameSizeBytes > _avgFrameSize)
        double avgFrameSize = _phi * _avgFrameSize +
                              (1 - _phi) * frameSizeBytes;
        if (frameSizeBytes < _avgFrameSize + 2 * sqrt(_varFrameSize))
            // Only update the average frame size if this sample wasn't a
            // key frame
            _avgFrameSize = avgFrameSize;
        // Update the variance anyway since we want to capture cases where we only get
        // key frames.
        _varFrameSize = VCM_MAX(_phi * _varFrameSize + (1 - _phi) *
                                (frameSizeBytes - avgFrameSize) *
                                (frameSizeBytes - avgFrameSize), 1.0);

    // Update max frameSize estimate
    _maxFrameSize = VCM_MAX(_psi * _maxFrameSize, static_cast<double>(frameSizeBytes));

    if (_prevFrameSize == 0)
        _prevFrameSize = frameSizeBytes;
    _prevFrameSize = frameSizeBytes;

    // Only update the Kalman filter if the sample is not considered
    // an extreme outlier. Even if it is an extreme outlier from a
    // delay point of view, if the frame size also is large the
    // deviation is probably due to an incorrect line slope.
    double deviation = DeviationFromExpectedDelay(frameDelayMS, deltaFS);

    if (fabs(deviation) < _numStdDevDelayOutlier * sqrt(_varNoise) ||
        frameSizeBytes > _avgFrameSize + _numStdDevFrameSizeOutlier * sqrt(_varFrameSize))
        // Update the variance of the deviation from the
        // line given by the Kalman filter
        EstimateRandomJitter(deviation, incompleteFrame);
        // Prevent updating with frames which have been congested by a large
        // frame, and therefore arrives almost at the same time as that frame.
        // This can occur when we receive a large frame (key frame) which
        // has been delayed. The next frame is of normal size (delta frame),
        // and thus deltaFS will be << 0. This removes all frame samples
        // which arrives after a key frame.
        if ((!incompleteFrame || deviation >= 0.0) &&
            static_cast<double>(deltaFS) > - 0.25 * _maxFrameSize)
            // Update the Kalman filter with the new data
            KalmanEstimateChannel(frameDelayMS, deltaFS);
        int nStdDev = (deviation >= 0) ? _numStdDevDelayOutlier : -_numStdDevDelayOutlier;
        EstimateRandomJitter(nStdDev * sqrt(_varNoise), incompleteFrame);
    // Post process the total estimated jitter
    if (_startupCount >= kStartupDelaySamples)


bool ViEChannel::ChannelDecodeProcess()
  int32_t Decode(uint16_t maxWaitTimeMs)
int32_t VideoReceiver::Decode
VCMEncodedFrame* VCMReceiver::FrameForDecoding
uint32_t VCMJitterBuffer::EstimatedJitterMs()
int VCMJitterEstimator::GetJitterEstimate(double rttMultiplier)
  // We have a frame - Set timing and render timestamp.
bool ViEChannel::ChannelDecodeProcess()
int32_t Decode(uint16_t maxWaitTimeMs)
int32_t VideoReceiver::Decode(uint16_t maxWaitTimeMs)
void VCMTiming::UpdateCurrentDelay
void VCMTiming::UpdateCurrentDelay(int64_t render_time_ms,
                                   int64_t actual_decode_time_ms) {
  CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
  uint32_t target_delay_ms = TargetDelayInternal();
  int64_t delayed_ms = actual_decode_time_ms -
      (render_time_ms - MaxDecodeTimeMs() - render_delay_ms_);
  if (delayed_ms < 0) {
  if (current_delay_ms_ + delayed_ms <= target_delay_ms) {
    current_delay_ms_ += static_cast<uint32_t>(delayed_ms);
  } else {
    current_delay_ms_ = target_delay_ms;
uint32_t VCMTiming::TargetDelayInternal() const {
  return std::max(min_playout_delay_ms_,
      jitter_delay_ms_ + MaxDecodeTimeMs() + render_delay_ms_);

这里通过计算wait_time_ms ,得出取出下一帧需要等待的时间。

    uint32_t wait_time_ms = timing_->MaxWaitingTime(
        next_render_time_ms, clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());
uint32_t VCMTiming::MaxWaitingTime(int64_t render_time_ms, int64_t now_ms)
    const {
  CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);

  const int64_t max_wait_time_ms = render_time_ms - now_ms -
      MaxDecodeTimeMs() - render_delay_ms_;

  if (max_wait_time_ms < 0) {
    return 0;
  return static_cast<uint32_t>(max_wait_time_ms);

获得next_render_time_ms ,这里综合考虑了jitter_delay+decode_delay+render_delay

 next_render_time_ms = timing_->RenderTimeMs(frame_timestamp, now_ms);
int64_t VCMTiming::RenderTimeMs(uint32_t frame_timestamp, int64_t now_ms)
    const {
  CriticalSectionScoped cs(crit_sect_);
  const int64_t render_time_ms = RenderTimeMsInternal(frame_timestamp, now_ms);
  return render_time_ms;
int64_t VCMTiming::RenderTimeMsInternal(uint32_t frame_timestamp,
                                        int64_t now_ms) const {
  int64_t estimated_complete_time_ms =
  if (estimated_complete_time_ms == -1) {
    estimated_complete_time_ms = now_ms;

  // Make sure that we have at least the playout delay.
  uint32_t actual_delay = std::max(current_delay_ms_, min_playout_delay_ms_);
  return estimated_complete_time_ms + actual_delay;
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