
    Find a way

    Yeah. I'm just kind of, you know, have-nothing-wonderful-to-do. Otherwise I must keep my eyes on my laptop screen and watch my favourite English series "Black Mirror", pretending that I am learning English. Anyway, this article just is jotting without any specific meaning.

    Now I am ready to cut to the chase. Find a way. This is what I learnt since I prepared the graduation entrance examination(GEE). To tell the truth, I did underestimate this exam. And that is the nightmare began. For instance, the first time I write an GEE English composition is when I sat in the examination room. I never read the books or videos which are regarded as GEE bibble by almost everyone who tries to be a tough competitor, such as “肖秀荣政治1000题”. And you gotta justice me a moron if I tell you how I prepare for my major-exam. Definitely you will. I reviewed the textbooks two months ago before GEE and just looked through them at the preceding night before the major-exam day. I don't blame you if you say that word. Don't feel sorry because I just am. 

    But I am writing this just to say I am a idiot or the complain about everything. I am trying to express, you know, things are always getting funny when you thought it was doom. Put it this way, it is doom only when you thought it is doom. I saw so many notes at 考研帮 APP talking about how lost he/she is now and have no idea whether he/she should prepare the coming second-round examination or not. The truth is that it won't kill your situation sadness or solve the problem no matter how hard you put complaint on yourself. Everybody is a hero because he/she has a dream and is willing to devote time and energy to pursue his/her goal. Besides, we're sure man of the bravery won't be easy to quit. Only a loser and sucker would quit easily. The most important point is that our world and lie are not all about GEE. We just need to find a way to release ourselves and turn back to the orbit for the ultimate goal. 

    Find a way. Never give up. 

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