Loadrunner V12.53 学习笔记(二)

In this section,I will introduce the basic functions for each LR items.

HP Software:

Agent Configuration:

Launch Agent Configuration, it allowed user to Enable "Firewall Agent" & "Terminal Services". The "Setting" button will be available once checked the "Enable Firewall Agent". From the Setting page, user is allowed to edit the Firewall settings.

Agent Processser

Agent Processer which need to install on the Agent PC machine. It will  generate Vuser and controlled by the Loadrunner Controller. It's used for receive scripts and execution instruction.

Agent Runtime Setting Configuration

Launch "Agent Runtime Setting Configuration",it will open the LR Agent Runtime settings page where allow user to setting the logon method. by default, user need to manaully logon to a machine before it can run Vuers. User is allowed to setting using automatic login from here.

"Allow Virtual users to run on this machie without user login": Allows an automatic login to the network from the agent machine, so that Vusers can run without any manual intervention.

  Domain.The network domain upon which the user machine resides.

  User.The user name required to run the Vusers.

  Password.The password for the specified user.

"Manual log in to this machine": Instructs LoadRunner to prompt you for a manual  login for each Vuser run.

Agent Service

When the PC works as an Agent, it should start the Agent Service.

##The difference between Agent Service and Agent Processer.

1. GUI Vusers 、ASPGUI脚本回放时必须使用Process,其他情况可以使用Service

2. Service is launched by the Local System user. and Processer is launched by the user who remote access the machine.



1 .uninstall the service


2 .run magentproc.exe from \launch_service\bin


After Controller run the load test scenario, the analysis graphs will be generated per user's requirement, user can compare multiple graphs by combining results from several load test scenarios or merging serveral graphs into one. and then analysis out the system performance.

Analysis API Reference

This api set allow the following purposes:

  Unattended creation of an Analysis session that can then be opened in the HP LoadRunner Analysis

  Custom extraction of data from the results of a test run under the HP LoadRunner Controller

Configure Virtual Table Server Link

When you launch VirtualTable Server, you will get below window where you need to specify theServer NameandPort.

Once you have entered the valid server name and port, navigate to Start > AllPrograms > HP Software > HP LoadRunner > Tools, and then click ontheVirtual Table Serverlink.


Allows you to easily an deffectively control all the Vusers from a single point of control and monitor the scenario performance during test execution.

Diagnostics for J2EE and .Net Setup

This utility helps to setup the diagnostics for J2EE and .NET setup.

To setup diagnostics, you must start application server and make sure that you are not running any load test.To configure the settings, go to "Controller" >" Diagnostics", select "Enable the following diagnostics", and then specify the percentage of Vusers that you want to collect the diagnostics data. See the figure below.

Function Reference

It's the entry to access "VuGen Function Reference 12.53" file.

HostID Generator

It used to generate new hostID.

HP Web Tours Application

It will launch the localhost web Tours application.

IP Wizard

IP Wizard helps you to manage your system’s IP addresses. Once you launch it, you will get below window. Select "Create New Settings", and then click onNext.

Enter IPv4/v6 details, IP Wizard will automatically check if the server’s routing table will need updating. If yes, scripts will be generated. Then, click on the "Next" button

In the last step, IP Wizard will display the IP address and its subnet mask details as shown below. Click on "Finish".

Load Generator Calculator

This utility will help you to calculate how many virtual users that can run on a Load Generator machine for the specified script.

1. VnGen Script: Click on the highlighted button to specify the script path.

2. IP address or host names: user can enter multiply IP addresses by pressing on Enter Key.

3. User need to specify the CPU or/and Memory limites(in bytes) by double clicking on the checkbox.

Once the extimate is done, it will display the results in results multi-text box. and it will display the error message as expected. and if user have right, it will give you the calculated output.

LoadRuner Certificate Manager

1. Launch "Loadrunner Certificate Manager"- It will show the CA information which have been installed on current machine.

2. if no CA install, Use "Loadrunner Certificate Manager" to install a Certificate Authority(CA), Steps:

Run the Certificate Manager from\bin\LRcertificateMngr.exe.

If you have not previously created certificates  with this application, it displays the defaultLoadRunnercertificates.

In the Certificate Manager, clickChange.

ClickNewand enter the required values in the Create New CA Certificate screen. When finished, clickCreate.

To install this CA certificate on otherLoadRunnercomputers, clickExportto save the generated certificate. Then install it on otherLoadRunnercomputers using thegen_ca_certcommand with a-installoption as described at the end of the procedure below.

ClickNextand continue following the on-screen instructions  to create a corresponding SSL certificate and install both certificates on the currentLoadRunnermachine.

LoadRuner Detect

Detect environment issues with LRDetect tool. The LRDetect is a simple tool developed for support purposes. It collects operating system, hardware, software and other LoadRunner related information that helps the support team to quicker troubleshoot issues.

LoadRunner License Utility

To run Vusers from the LoadRunner Controller, you need the appropriate LoadRunner licenses. These licenses must be installed on the computer on which the LoadRunner Controller is installed. You use the LoadRunner License Utility to manage your LoadRunner licenses. The LoadRunner License Utility enables you to:

View the details of licenses that are currently installed.

Install additional licenses

details: http://claudihome.com/html/LR/WebHelp/Content/Controller/ui_License_Utility.htm

LoadRunner User Guide

Launch the "LoadRunner User Guide" file.

MI Listener Configuration

Configurate the "Check Client Certificates" value, by default is: false.

Setting "Private Key password"

Monitor Configuration

This dialog box enables you to select the type of monitors to run and the server whose resources you want to monitor, add the measurements to monitor for each server, and specify the frequency with which you want the monitored measurements to be reported.

Password Encoder

You can encode passwords in order to use the resulting strings as arguments in your script or parameter values. For example, your Web site may include a form in which the user must supply a password. You may want to test how your site responds to different passwords, but you also want to protect the integrity of the passwords. ThePassword Encoderenables you to encode your passwords and place secure values into the table.

To encode a password, on a LoadRunner machine, selectStart > All Programs > HP Software > HP LoadRunner > Tools > Password Encoder.

Performance Monitoring Best Pratices

The entry to access the "Performance Monitoring Best Pratices" file.


The entry to access the  "Performance Monitoring Best Pratices" file.

SSL Utility

The entry to access the "SSL Utility" which will allow user to "convert Certificate", "Test Connection" and "Remove Certificate Encryption".

Start HP Web Tours Server

The entry to start HP web Tour Server.

TruClient Help Center

The Entry to access the TruClient help file.

Tutorial - Online Version

The Entry to access the Online help file Version . 

Tutorial - Print Version

The Entry to access the Online help file Print Version .

Virtual Table Server

The Virtual Table Server (VTS) service maintains a database accessible by several clients (load generator) on the same network.

With VTS, several load generators can obtain values from a single common pool of values. One Vuser can create key values (such as a new customer ID), and any number of other Vusers can immediately use that value.

There are several versions of VTS. The VTS3 comes with LoadRunner 11.52 was completely rewritten to exchange data using REST JSON from a Node.JS server encapsulated in a 64-bit executable.

VTS2 was a 32-bit Windows program and uses an in-memory database.

Sure, a Vuser can make requests to obtain values, but that may impose a different load profile that may not be realistic.

Without VTS, a single Vuser can only act on values it creates. As of LR8.0 and 9.10, LoadRunner is limited to having each load generator refer to its own parameter files, which means the same static values are used by multiple load generators. VTS provides a way for load generators to communicate with each other in real time.

If the script "marks" each value as being used, VTS provides a mechanism for allocating unique values among load generators.

If the script is written to act according to data obtained from VTS, the behavior of load generators can be controlled in real time.

An alternative to VTS is making calls to aMySQL C API dllandthis VuGen code. But beware that call dll's is not thread safe, which requires running as a process rather than thread and thus drastically reducing the number of Vusers which can be run from each load generator machine.

Virtual User Generator

It's the entry to launch the VuGen.

In a performance testing environment,LoadRunner replaces human users with virtual users, also known as Vusers. Vusers generate a load on a system by emulating actions of typical users-in a repeatable and predictable manner. You use VuGen(LoadRunner'sVirtualUserGenerator) to create Vuser scripts.VuGen works on a record-and-playback principle. As you walk through a business process on your application, VuGen records your actions and transforms these actions into steps in a Vuserscript. These Vuser scripts form the foundation of your load tests.

HPE NV for Performance Testing:

HPENetwork Virtualization for Performance Testing(NV) helps to improve the accuracy of your LoadRunner scenarios and Performance Center tests.

HPE Network Virtualization is a  network emulation software solution that enables your organization to test application performance under a variety of current and potential network conditions.  This is an ideal solution for your development, testing, and networking teams, as well as any users who need to quickly and accurately understand whether their code or application is ready for the network and remote end users.

Help Center: The entry to access the help file.

NV Agent: The entry to launch the NV agent.(it will running in the background once launched it) 

NV License Manager: The entry to view the License info.

NV Network Editor: The entry to create/edit the NV network.

Next: Will study the functions for each of the items

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