
原文:Understanding Physically Based Rendering in Arnold

Designing materials based on physical laws can tremendously simplify shading and lighting, even when we do not necessarily strive for realism or physical accuracy. By understanding and applying a few principles, we can make images that are more believable, and create materials that behave more predictably in different lighting setups.


In modern renderers, physically based rendering refers to concepts like energy conservation, physically plausible scattering and layering in materials and linear color spaces. Arnold is a physically based renderer, but it also lets you break the rules and create materials and lights that do not obey the laws of physics if you wish. In this document, we'll explain the underlying theory and how to set up your shaders to follow these principles.


▶ 阿诺德支持各种第三方程序,如:Substance Painter

Photons and Scattering(光子和散射)

In rendering we simulate photons emitted from lights, traveling through the air and bouncing off surfaces and through volumes, eventually ending up on a camera sensor. The combination of millions of photons on the camera sensor then forms the rendered image.


This means that from a physics point of view, surface shaders describe how the surface interacts with photons. Photons hitting an object can be absorbed, reflect off the surface, refract through the surface, or scatter around inside the object. The combination of these components results in a wide variety of materials.


Energy Conservation(能量守恒)

Unless an object is a light source that emits photons, it can't return more energy than is being contributed by the incoming light. For a material to be energy conserving the number of photons leaving the surface should be smaller or equal to the number of incoming photons. If a material is not energy conserving, materials will appear overly bright and render with increased noise, especially when using global illumination.


To keep materials energy conserving, the weight and color of material components should never exceed 1. Further, we must be careful to ensure that the combination of all components is energy conserving, which we'll explain in detail later.



At the microscopic level, object surfaces are intricately detailed. For rendering, we do not use geometry to represent all of this detail, but rather use statistical models than having easy to understand parameters.


Arnold's Standard Surface shader model objects with one or two specular layers, and a diffuse or transparent interior. This model can represent a wide variety of materials. Let's look at the individual components.


Diffuse and Subsurface Scattering(漫反射和次表面散射)

First, consider the diffuse interior. Incoming photons will enter the object, scatter around inside and either get absorbed or leave the object at another location.


If photons scatter many times, we get a diffuse appearance, due to photons leaving the surface in many different locations and directions. For materials like skin, photons can scatter relatively far under the surface giving a very soft appearance, which we render with subsurface scattering. For materials like unfinished wood, photons do not scatter very far which gives a harder appearance, and we render these as diffuse. For thin objects like leaves, the photons can scatter all the way to the other side of the object, which we render as diffuse SSS with thin_wall enabled.

如果光子散射很多次,并且由于光子在不同的位置和方向离开曲面,我们就会得到一个漫反射外观。对于像皮肤这样的材质,光子可以在曲面下散射的相对较远,呈现出一个非常柔软的外观,我们使用次表面散射进行渲染;对于像原木材料,光子不会散射的非常远,因此呈现出更坚硬的外观,这种效果使用漫反射进行渲染;对于像叶子这样的纤薄物体,光子可以一直散射到另一面,这种效果以漫反射 SSS(启用 thin_wall)形式进行渲染。

Note that fundamentally all of these types of materials have the same underlying physical mechanism, even though we provide separate controls for them in the shader.


The diffuse interior also typically has the biggest influence on the overall color of the material. Each photon has an associated wavelength, and depending on the properties of the material some photons with some wavelengths are more likely to be absorbed than others. This, in turn, means that photons with some wavelengths are more likely to leave the surface, which will give it a colored appearance.

漫反射内部通常对材质的整体颜色影响最大。 每个光子都有一个关联的波长, 并且根据材料的特性,某些波长的光子比其他光子更有可能被吸收。反过来就意味着,某些波长的光子更容易离开曲面,从而使曲面呈现彩色外观。

The skin of a red apple mostly reflects red light. Only the red wavelengths are scattered back outside the apple skin, and the others are absorbed by it. 红苹果的表皮主要反射红色光线,只有红色波长的光才会散射在苹果皮外面,其它的光则被吸收。
Energy Conservation(能量守恒)

A single photon can only participate in one of the diffuse, subsurface scattering and backlighting components, for physical correctness we do not want more photons leaving the surface than entering. For Standard Surface, it is automatically ensured that the sum of these components is not higher than 1.

单个光子只能参与漫反射、次表面散射或背面照明这几个组件中的一个,为了实现物理上的正确性,我们不希望离开表面的光子比进入的光子多。对于标准曲面,会自动确保这些组件的总和不高于 1。

Specular Scattering(镜面散射)
Specular Roughness 0 to 1 粗糙度从0到1

The specular layer is modeled using a microfacet distribution. We assume that the surface consists of microscopic faces oriented in random directions. A surface with low roughness such as a mirror will have little variation between the faces, resulting in sharp reflections. With high roughness, there will be a lot of variation resulting in softer, glossy reflections.


A strong Specular highlight is visible on the apple. Note the table's specular reflection which is broad and dull (high Specular Roughness value). 苹果上可见强烈的镜面反射高光。注意,桌子的镜面反射宽泛而暗淡(因为镜面反射粗糙度值较高)。
Rough reflections caused by scattered light rays 散射光线引起的粗糙反射
Glossy surface. The angle of incidence and reflection are equal. 光泽曲面:入射角和反射角相等。
Diffuse surface. Ray direction varies randomly. 漫反射曲面:光线方向随机变化。
Roughness Map(粗糙度贴图)

To get variation in the highlights of the surface, a map should be connected to the Specular Roughness. This will influence not only the brightness of the highlight but also its size and the sharpness of the environmental reflection.


Low Specular Roughness & High Specular Roughness ('Scratches' texture connected to Specular Roughness) 低镜面反射粗糙度 / 高镜面反射粗糙度(“划痕”(Scratches)纹理连接到镜面反射的“粗糙度”(Roughness))

Photons can not only be reflected off the surface but can refract through it as well. Photons will pass through the specular layer, typically changing direction when exiting on the other side of the layer, controlled by the index of refraction (IOR).

光子不仅可以在曲面上发生反射,还可以透过曲面发生折射。光子将穿过镜面反射层,通常在离开该层的另一面时改变方向,具体取决于折射率 (IOR)

If the interior of the surface is transparent, such as for clear glass, then photons can pass through the object and exit on the other side. If there is a diffuse interior, the photon can scatter inside the object and get absorbed or exit the object again. The more refractive the specular layer, the more the underlying diffuse interior will be visible. For materials like metals, photons refracting through the specular are often immediately absorbed, and so the diffuse interior is not visible.



The percentage of photons reflected or refracted by the specular layer is view dependent. When looking at surfaces head on, most light is refracted, while at grazing angles most light is reflected. This is called the Fresnel effect. The index of refraction controls exactly how this effect varies with the viewing angle.


Opacity and Transmission(不透明度和透射)

Opacity is best understood as a way to model surface geometry using textures. It does not affect how photons interact with the surface, but rather indicates where the surface's geometry is absent and the photons can pass straight through.


Ramp texture connected to the opacity 渐变纹理连接到不透明度

Variation of a Specular BRDF with respect to the view direction 镜面反射 BRDF 相对于视角方向发生的变化

A typical use for opacity would be a sprite type of effect, such as cutting out the shape of a leaf from a polygon card or making the tips of hair strands transparent. Be warned however that scenes containing many opacity sprites (for example tree leaves) can slow down rendering considerably.


叶片不透明度:禁用 / 叶片不透明度:启用 / Alpha贴图链接到“不透明度”(Opacity)

Transmission depth is similar, but rather than the surface it controls the density of the object interior. Denser volumes will absorb more photons as they pass through the interior, making the object darker where it is thicker.


透射颜色:白色 / 投射颜色:浅蓝色
Pepe model by Daniel M. Lara (Pepeland) 由 Daniel M. Lara 制作的 Pepe 模型 (Pepeland)


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