知识点59 :S字母开头的单词 sap-sedate


  1. If something saps your strength or confidence, it gradually weakens or destroy it
  2. Sap is the watery liquid in plants and trees
    When something sags, it hangs down loosely or sinks downward in the midde
  3. To fortify a place means to make it stronger and more difficult to attack, often by building a wall or ditch round it
  4. If food or drink is fortified, another substance is added to it to make it healthier or stronger


  1. If someone forces you to do something, they make you do it even tough you do not want to, for example, by threathing you
  2. If a situation or event forces you to do something, it makes it necessary for you to do something that you would not otherwise have done
  3. If someone forces something on or upon you, they make you accept or use it when you would prefer not to
  4. If you force something into a particular position, you use a lot of strength to make it move there
  5. If you force your way through or into somewhere, you have to push or break things that are in your way in order to get there
  6. If someone uses force to do something, or if it is done by force, strong and violent physical action is taken in order to achieve it
  7. Force is the power or strength which something has
  8. The force of something is the powerful effect or quality that it has
  9. Force is used before a number to indicate a wind of a particular speed or strength, especially a very strong wind
  10. If you refer to someone or something as a force in a particular type of activity, you mean that they have a strong influence on it
  11. You can use forces to refer to processes and events that do not appear to be caused by human beings, and are therefore difficult to understand or control
  12. In physics, a force is the pulling or pushing effect that something has on something else
  13. If you do something from force of habit, you do it because you have always done it in the past, rather than because you have thought carefully about it
  14. A law, rule, or system that is in force exists or is being used
  15. When people do something in force, they do it in large numbers
  16. If you join forces with someone, you work together in order to achieve a common aim or purpose
  17. Forces are group of soldiers or military vehicles that are organized for a particular prupose
  18. The forces mean the army, the navy, or the air force, or all three
  19. The force is sometimes used to mean the police force
  20. If you bolster something such as someone’s confidence or courage, you increase it
  21. If someone tries to bolster their position in a situation, they try to strength it
  22. A bolster is a firm pillow shaped like a long tube chich is sometimes put across a bed instead of pillows, o r under the ordinary pillows
    Having a pleasant taste
  23. If you describe food or drink as insipid, you dislike it because it has very little taste
  24. If you describe someone or something as insipid, you mean they are dull and boring

An ancient Roman festival celebrated in December: renowned for its general merrymaking

  1. A carnival is a public festival during which people play music and sometimes dance in the streets
  2. A carnival is a traveling show which is held in a park or field and at which there are machines to ride on, entertainments, and games
    A jamboree is a party, celebration, or other gathering where there are a large number of people and a lot of excitement, fun, and enjoyment
    An orgy is a party in which people behave in a very uncontrolled way, especially one involving sexual activity
    If you spend a period of time doing something in an excessive way, you can say that you are going on a particular kind of spree
  3. If you urge someone to do something, you try hard to persuade them to do it
  4. If you urge someone somewhere, you make them go there by touching them or talking to them
  5. If you urge a course of action, you strongly advise that it should be taken
  6. If you have an urge to do or have something, you have a strong wish to do or have it


  1. Someone who is scrupulous takes great care to do what is fair, honest, or morally right
  2. Scrupulous means thorough, exact, and careful about details
    If you scrutinize something, you examine it very carefully, often to find out some information from it or about it
  3. A scroll is a long roll of paper or a similar material with writing on it
  4. A scroll is a painted or carved decoration made to look like a scroll
  5. If you scroll through text on a computer screen, you move the text up or down to find the information that you need


  1. If you scramble over rocks or up a hill, you move quickly over them or up it using your hands to help you
  2. If you scramble to a different place or position, you move there in a hurried, awkard way
  3. If a number of people scramble for something, they compete energetically with each other for it
  4. If you scramble eggs, you break them, mix them together and then cook them in butter
  5. If a device srambles a radio or telephone message, it interferes with the sound so that the message can only be understood by someone with special equipment
    If you describe someone as crafty, you mean that they achieve what they want in a clever way, often by deceiving people
  6. When people or animals creep somewhere, they move quietly and slowly
  7. If something creeps somewhere, it moves very slowly
  8. If something creeps in or creeps back, it begins to occur or becomes part of something without people realizing or without them wanting it
  9. If a rate or number creeps up to a higher level, it gradually reaches that level
    A cryptic remark or message contains a hidden meaning or is difficult to understand
    Scruples are moral principles or beliefs that make you unwilling to do something that seems wrong


  1. A roller is a cylinder that turns around in a machine or device
  2. Rollers are hollow tubes that women roll their hari round in orderto make it curly
    A coaster is a small mat that you put underneath a glass or cup to protect the surface of a table


  1. If you describe someone or something as sedate, you mean that they are quiet and rather dignified, though perhaps a big dull
  2. If you move along at a sedate pace, you move slowly, in a controlled way
  3. If someone is sedated, they are given a drug to calm them or make them sleep
    A sedative is a medicine or drug that calms you or makes you sleep
    Sediment is solid material that settles at the bottom of a liquid, especially earth and pieces of rock that have been carried along and then left somewhere by water, ice, or wind
    A residue of something is a small amount that remains after most of is has gone
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