无论你是摄影新手还是专家,想要拍出一个堪称完美的照骗,需要付出巨大的耐心勇气和汗水。南非摄影大师Sheldon Evans给出几个快速技巧(snappy tricks)可以帮你节约一半的时间,同时避免大量的麻烦。
Sheldon Evans在约翰内斯堡因为拍摄婚纱照而闻名,但现在他是YouTube上拥有3000粉丝量的up主,以下就是他的小视频。
5 Genius DIY Camera Hacks That Will Greatly Improve Your Photography Skills In 1 Minute
Whether you’re a beginner or an expert photographer, getting that perfect shot often takes painstaking effort and excruciating time. South African camera pro Sheldon Evans has a few quick – and we mean snappy – tricks that can cut your shooting time in half and save you heaps of hassle.
In a 1-minute 28-second video, Evans demonstrates 5 ways you can use simple household devices, such as CDs and matches, to produce high-quality photo or video effects. This could keep the cost of your next photoshoot low, and might help you travel with less gear. To boot, each technique is so simple that your dog could probably pull it off.
Sheldon Evans is known for his wedding photography in Johannesburg, but has recently become a popular YouTube personality with almost 3 thousand subscribers. Check out his tips below!
1.hacks [hæk]
传统意思是劈、砍、干咳,在互联网里是黑客的原词。黑客是我们通过hacker音译过来的。同时,hack也被逐渐变成一个跟极客高科技相关的词汇。这里面Camera Hacks可以翻译为“摄影小技巧”或者“摄影黑科技”。
原意是指:击球;开枪。这里边模拟拍摄按快门的那一个动作。因为摄影最后定格的时刻就是按快门的瞬间,所以perfect shot翻译为完美瞬间。同时,大家在dribbble上的作品也被称所shot,曝光的瞬间。
4.heaps of hassle
heaps of [hi:pzʌv]= a heap of=lots of =a lot of
heaps of food;heaps of good times.
lots of people.有许多人;lots of misery 许多苦处
loads of[loʊd]=a load of
loads of friends 大批的朋友
loads of time 充裕的时间
scads of[skædz]大量的,没有 a scad of
scads of information
scads of girls
三者的区别就是heaps of最为正式,loads of多用于口语中,而scads of用在美国口语中。但这三个短语都不如lots of or a lot of常用。