1. delusion(n):a false belief or opinion.
Synonym: deception.
Example: These are the three New York states of mind, and what they have in common are longing and a quantity of delusion.
2.tremor(n): involuntary shaking of the body or limbs, as from disease, fear, weakness, or excitement; a fit of trembling.
Synonyms: shudder, shiver, quiver.
Example: Little information was available on the tremor, but no additional damage was reported with it.
3. nonplus(n/v): (v) to render utterly perplexed; puzzle completely.(使惊慌失措)
(n) a state of utter perplexity.
Synonyms: perplex, confuse, confound, disconcert.
Example: And she claims to be nonplussed by those presidential invitations.
4.vampire(n): a preternatural being, commonly believed to be a reanimated corpse, that is said to suck the blood of sleeping persons at night.
Synonyms: beast. monster.
Example: I think the vampire continues to be associated with beauty, glamour, elegance, great strength, a secret benevolence, and goodness.
5. crucifix(n) : 苦像,耶稣受难像。
6. footage(n): length or extent in feet.
Synonyms: picture ,show.
Example: You'd have to set them in a hole and that takes away some footage.
7. splice(v/n) : (v) to join together or unite (two ropes or parts of a rope) by the interweaving of strands.
(n) a joining of film, electromagnetic tape, or the like.
Synonyms:unite, graft.
Example: Do not splice two independent statements by means of a comma.
8. muff(n/v) : (n) a thick, tubular case for the hands, covered with fur or other material, used by women and girls for warmth and as a handbag.
(v) to perform (an action) awkwardly.
Synonyms: err, mismanage.
Example: Then she locked her hands inside her muff and began to walk briskly.
9.sin(v): (n) transgression of divine law.
(v) to offend against a principle, standard.
Example: That's not a sin, but rather the reality of content creation.
10. coverlet(n): a bed quilt that does not cover the pillow, used chiefly for warmth; bedspread.(床罩)
Example: My neighbor let the coverlet fall back, and they were hidden again as by magic.
Synonyms: quilt, spread.
11.adultery(n): voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse.(通奸)
Example: He has argued that the government should be able to prohibit both gay sex and adultery.
Synonyms: affair, cheating, infidelity.
12. guise(n/v): general external appearance; aspect; semblance.(仪表)
Synonyms: form, shape.
Example: Once again, Franco is playing the role of West in the updated version, with Rogen assuming the guise of Kardashian.
13. liaison(n): a person who initiates and maintains such a contact or connection.(联络人)
Synonyms:contact, communication.
Example: I was on the plane with LBJ, liaison to the Kennedy entourage
14. swoon(n/v): to faint; lose consciousness(迷倒,晕倒)
Synonyms:weaken, collapse.
Example: The emotional intensity caused regular folks to faint and the media to swoon.
15. commiserative: (adj) 又同情心的
16.carnal(adj):pertaining to or characterized by the flesh or the body, its passions and appetites; sensual.(色情的)
Synonyms: sensuous, corporal.
17. thrall(n/v): (n) person who is in bondage; slave.(奴隶)
(v) subjected to bondage.
Example: If you want to live in the United States, somewhere along the line you will fall under the thrall of the federal government.
Synonym: slavery.
18.divine(n/adj/v): (adj)of or relating to a god, especially the Supreme Being.
(n)a priest or member of the clergy.(神职人员)
(v) to discover or declare (something obscure or in the future) by divination(预言); prophesy。
Synonyms: foretell, predict, foresee, forecast.
Example: I could use this opportunity to become as stylish and perhaps as divine as many of the heroines of yesteryear.