02.【Translation】电子计算机 Electronic Computing


Our last episode brought us to the start of the 20th century,

上集讲到 20 世纪初 

where early, special purpose computing devices, like tabulating machines,

当时的早期计算设备都针对特定用途  比如 制表机

were a huge boon to governments and business


- aiding, and sometimes replacing, rote manual tasks.

它们帮助, 甚至代替了人工

But the scale of human systems continued to increase at an unprecedented rate.

然而人类社会的规模  在以前所未有的速度增长 

The first half of the 20th century saw the world's population almost double.


World War 1 mobilized 70 million people, and World War 2 involved more than 100 million.


Global trade and transit networks became interconnected like never before,


and the sophistication of our engineering and scientific endeavors reached new heights


- we even started to seriously consider visiting other planets.

- 我们甚至开始考虑造访其他行星

And it was this explosion of complexity, bureaucracy, and ultimately data,


that drove an increasing need for automation and computation.

人们需要更多自动化 更强的计算能力

Soon those cabinet-sized electro-mechanical computers grew into room-sized behemoths


that were expensive to maintain and prone to errors.

维护费用高 而且容易出错

And it was these machines that would set the stage for future innovation.

而正是这些机器 为未来的创新打下基础

One of the largest electro-mechanical computers built was the Harvard Mark I,

最大的机电计算机之一是 哈佛马克一号

completed in 1944 by IBM for the Allies during World War 2.

IBM 在 1944 完成建造,给二战同盟国建造的.

It contained 765,000 components, three million connections, and five hundred miles of wire.


To keep its internal mechanics synchronized,


it used a 50-foot shaft running right through the machine driven by a five horsepower motor.

它有一个50英尺的传动轴,由一个 5 马力的电机驱动

One of the earliest uses for this technology was running simulations for the Manhattan Project.

这台机器最早的用途之一 是给"曼哈顿计划"跑模拟

The brains of these huge electro-mechanical beasts were relays:


electrically-controlled mechanical switches.


In a relay, there is a control wire that determines whether a circuit is opened or closed.


The control wire connects to a coil of wire inside the relay.

"控制线路" 连着一个线圈

When current flows through the coil, an electromagnetic field is created,


which in turn, attracts a metal arm inside the relay, snapping it shut and completing the circuit.


You can think of a relay like a water faucet.

你可以把继电器 想成水龙头

The control wire is like the faucet handle.

把控制线路 想成水龙头把

Open the faucet, and water flows through the pipe.


Close the faucet, and the flow of water stops.


Relays are doing the same thing, just with electrons instead of water.

继电器是一样的,只不过控制的是电子  而不是水

The controlled circuit can then connect to other circuits, or to something like a motor,


which might increment a count on a gear,

马达让计数齿轮 +1

like in Hollerith's tabulating machine we talked about last episode.

就像上集中 Hollerith 的制表机一样

Unfortunately, the mechanical arm inside of a relay *has mass*,

不幸的是,继电器内的机械臂 *有质量*

and therefore can't move instantly between opened and closed states.


A good relay in the 1940's might be able to flick back and forth fifty times in a second.

1940 年代一个好的继电器 1 秒能翻转 50 次

That might seem pretty fast, but it's not fast enough to be useful at solving large, complex problems.


The Harvard Mark I could do 3 additions or subtractions per second;

哈佛马克一号,1 秒能做 3 次加法或减法运算

multiplications took 6 seconds, and divisions took 15.

一次乘法要花 6 秒,除法要花 15 秒

And more complex operations, like a trigonometric function, could take over a minute.

更复杂的操作 比如三角函数,可能要一分钟以上

In addition to slow switching speed, another limitation was wear and tear.


Anything mechanical that moves will wear over time.


Some things break entirely, and other things start getting sticky, slow, and just plain unreliable.


And as the number of relays increases, the probability of a failure increases too.


The Harvard Mark I had roughly 3500 relays.

哈佛马克一号 有大约 3500 个继电器

Even if you assume a relay has an operational life of 10 years,

哪怕假设继电器的使用寿命是 10 年

this would mean you'd have to replace, on average, one faulty relay every day!


That's a big problem when you are in the middle of running some important, multi-day calculation.


And that's not all engineers had to contend with.


These huge, dark, and warm machines also attracted insects.


In September 1947, operators on the Harvard Mark II pulled a dead moth from a malfunctioning relay.


Grace Hopper who we'll talk more about in a later episode noted,

Grace Hopper(这位我们以后还会提到)曾说

"From then on, when anything went wrong with a computer,


we said it had bugs in it."

我们就说它出了 bug(虫子)"

And that's where we get the term computer bug.

这就是术语 "bug" 的来源

It was clear that a faster, more reliable alternative to electro-mechanical relays was needed


if computing was going to advance further,


and fortunately that alternative already existed!


In 1904, English physicist John Ambrose Fleming

在 1904 年,英国物理学家 "约翰·安布罗斯·弗莱明"

developed a new electrical component called a thermionic valve,


which housed two electrodes inside an airtight glass bulb


- this was the first vacuum tube.


One of the electrodes could be heated, which would cause it to emit electrons


– a process called thermionic emission.

-这叫 "热电子发射"

The other electrode could then attract these electrons to create the flow of our electric faucet,


but only if it was positively charged


- if it had a negative or neutral charge, the electrons would no longer be attracted across the vacuum

- 如果带负电荷或中性电荷,电子就没办法被吸引,越过真空区域

so no current would flow.


An electronic component that permits the one-way flow of current is called a diode,

电流只能单向流动的电子部件叫 "二极管"

but what was really needed was a switch to help turn this flow on and off.


Luckily, shortly after, in 1906, American inventor Lee de Forest

幸运的是,不久之后在 1906 年,美国发明家 "李·德富雷斯特"

added a third "control" electrode that sits between the two electrodes in Fleming's design.

他在"弗莱明"设计的两个电极之间,加入了第三个 "控制" 电极

By applying a positive charge to the control electrode, it would permit the flow of electrons as before.


But if the control electrode was given a negative charge,


it would prevent the flow of electrons.


So by manipulating the control wire, one could open or close the circuit.


It's pretty much the same thing as a relay


- but importantly, vacuum tubes have no moving parts.

- 但重要的是,真空管内没有会动的组件

This meant there was less wear,


and more importantly, they could switch thousands of times per second.


These triode vacuum tubes would become the basis of radio, long distance telephone,


and many other electronic devices for nearly a half century.


I should note here that vacuum tubes weren't perfect


- they're kind of fragile, and can burn out like light bulbs,


they were a big improvement over mechanical relays.


Also, initially vacuum tubes were expensive


– a radio set often used just one,


but a computer might require hundreds or thousands of electrical switches.


But by the 1940s,

但到了 1940 年代

their cost and reliability had improved to the point where they became feasible for use in computers….


at least by people with deep pockets, like governments.


This marked the shift from electro-mechanical computing to electronic computing.

这标志着计算机 从机电转向电子

Let's go to the Thought Bubble.


The first large-scale use of vacuum tubes for computing was the Colossus MK 1,

第一个大规模使用真空管的计算机是 "巨人1号"

designed by engineer Tommy Flowers and completed in December of 1943.

由工程师 Tommy Flowers 设计,完工于1943年12月

The Colossus was installed at Bletchley Park, in the UK,

巨人1号 在英国的"布莱切利园", 用于破解纳粹通信

and helped to decrypt Nazi communications.

巨人1号 在英国的"布莱切利园", 用于破解纳粹通信

This may sound familiar because two years prior Alan Turing,

听起来可能有点熟,因为 2 年前 阿兰·图灵

often called the father of computer science,


had created an electromechanical device, also at Bletchley Park, called the Bombe.

图灵也在"布莱切利园"做了台机电装置,叫 "Bombe"

It was an electromechanical machine designed to break Nazi Enigma codes,

这台机器的设计目的是  破解纳粹"英格码"通讯加密设备

but the Bombe wasn't technically a computer,

但 Bombe 严格来说不算计算机

and we'll get to Alan Turing's contributions later.


Anyway, the first version of Colossus contained 1,600 vacuum tubes,

总之,巨人1号有 1600 个真空管

and in total, ten Colossi were built to help with code-breaking.

总共造了 10 台巨人计算机,来帮助破解密码

Colossus is regarded as the first programmable, electronic computer.

巨人 被认为是第一个可编程的电子计算机

Programming was done by plugging hundreds of wires into plugboards,


sort of like old school telephone switchboards,


in order to set up the computer to perform the right operations.


So while "programmable", it still had to be configured to perform a specific computation.

虽然"可编程" ,但还是要配置它

Enter the The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator - or ENIAC -

电子数值积分计算机 "ENIAC"

completed a few years later in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania.

几年后在 1946 年,在"宾夕法尼亚大学"完成建造

Designed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert,

设计者是 John Mauchly 和 J. Presper Eckert

this was the world's first truly general purpose, programmable, electronic computer.


ENIAC could perform 5000 ten-digit additions or subtractions per second,

ENIAC 每秒可执行 5000 次十位数加减法

many, many times faster than any machine that came before it.


It was operational for ten years,


and is estimated to have done more arithmetic than the entire human race up to that point.


But with that many vacuum tubes failures were common,


and ENIAC was generally only operational for about half a day at a time before breaking down.

ENIAC 运行半天左右就会出一次故障

Thanks Thought Bubble.

谢了 思想泡泡

By the 1950's, even vacuum-tube-based computing was reaching its limits.

到 1950 年代,真空管计算机都达到了极限

The US Air Force's AN/FSQ-7 computer, which was completed in 1955,

美国空军的 AN/FSQ-7 计算机于 1955 年完成

was part of the "SAGE" air defense computer system,

是 "SAGE" 防空计算机系统的一部分

which we'll talk more about in a later episode.


To reduce cost and size, as well as improve reliability and speed,


a radical new electronic switch would be needed.


In 1947, Bell Laboratory scientists John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley

1947 年,贝尔实验室科学家 \N John Bardeen,Walter Brattain,William Shockley

invented the transistor,


and with it, a whole new era of computing was born!


The physics behind transistors is pretty complex, relying on quantum mechanics,


so we're going to stick to the basics.


A transistor is just like a relay or vacuum tube

晶体管 就像之前提过的"继电器"或"真空管"

- it's a switch that can be opened or closed by applying electrical power via a control wire.


Typically, transistors have two electrodes separated by a material that sometimes can conduct electricity,

晶体管有两个电极,\N 电极之间有一种材料隔开它们,这种材料有时候导电

and other times resist it


- a semiconductor.

- 这叫"半导体"

In this case, the control wire attaches to a "gate" electrode.

控制线连到一个 "门" 电极

By changing the electrical charge of the gate,

通过改变 "门" 的电荷

the conductivity of the semiconducting material can be manipulated,


allowing current to flow or be stopped

来允许或不允许 电流流动

- like the water faucet analogy we discussed earlier.

- 就像之前的水龙头比喻

Even the very first transistor at Bell Labs showed tremendous promise


- it could switch between on and off states 10,000 times per second.

每秒可以开关 10,000 次

Further, unlike vacuum tubes made of glass and with carefully suspended, fragile components,


transistors were solid material known as a solid state component.


Almost immediately, transistors could be made smaller than the smallest possible relays or vacuum tubes.


This led to dramatically smaller and cheaper computers, like the IBM 608, released in 1957

导致更小更便宜的计算机,比如1957年发布的IBM 608

– the first fully transistor-powered, commercially-available computer.

- 第一个完全用晶体管,而且消费者也可以买到的计算机

It contained 3000 transistors and could perform 4,500 additions,

它有 3000 个晶体管,每秒执行 4500 次加法

or roughly 80 multiplications or divisions, every second.

每秒能执行 80 次左右的乘除法

IBM soon transitioned all of its computing products to transistors,

IBM 很快把所有产品都转向了晶体管

bringing transistor-based computers into offices, and eventually, homes.


Today, computers use transistors that are smaller than 50 nanometers in size

如今,计算机里的晶体管小于 50 纳米

- for reference, a sheet of paper is roughly 100,000 nanometers thick.

- 而一张纸的厚度大概是 10 万纳米

And they're not only incredibly small, they're super fast


- they can switch states millions of times per second, and can run for decades.

- 每秒可以切换上百万次,并且能工作几十年

A lot of this transistor and semiconductor development happened


in the Santa Clara Valley, between San Francisco and San Jose, California.


As the most common material used to create semiconductors is silicon,

而生产半导体最常见的材料是 "硅"

this region soon became known as Silicon Valley.

所以这个地区被称为 "硅谷"

Even William Shockley moved there, founding Shockley Semiconductor,

甚至 William Shockley 都搬了过去,创立了"肖克利半导体"

whose employees later founded Fairchild Semiconductors,


whose employees later founded Intel - the world's largest computer chip maker today.

这里面的员工后来创立了英特尔 - 当今世界上最大的计算机芯片制造商

Ok, so we've gone from relays to vacuum tubes to transistors.


We can turn electricity on and off really, really, really fast.


But how do we get from transistors to actually computing something,


especially if we don't have motors and gears?


That's what we're going to cover over the next few episodes.


Thanks for watching. See you next week.

感谢观看 下周见

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