Words and Phrases
So they pool those desires.
pool:动词,共用,聚拢(资金、知识、设备等) If a group of people or organizations pool their money, knowledge, or equipment, they share it or put it together so that it can be used for a particular purpose.看到pool时,立马想到的是水池,swimming pool, 没想到还可以用作动词,好新奇。pool本义为池子,那就聚集东西,联想为聚拢,共用
e.g. We must do our utmost to pool ideas and information to make a sound plan.
All that did was to exacerbate the problem.
exacerbate:(formal) to make sth worse, especially a disease or problem使恶化;使加剧;使加重
e.g. Air populltion exacerbeted the environmental problem.
Both were initially acting in good faith.
in good faith:诚心诚意,真诚地
e.g. We have to act in good faith, so we are able to achieve win/win.
Buddhism calls this "the middle way".
the middle way: 中庸之道
e.g.The middle way does not mean to compromise, but to seek to a third alternative.
看到那个丈夫准备好去度假钓鱼而妻子则希望回去看望母亲的例子,挺有感触的,因为生活这样的例子比比皆是。大家都有了自己计划,然后发现大家在背道而驰,最后总是有一个人在妥协,委屈自己,变成了win/lose。但这样已经破坏了美好的氛围,得到成全的人心里背负负罪感,委屈自己的人也不舒心,变成两败俱伤了。然后作者提出the third alternative第三选择,彼此之间put themselves in other's shoes , think win/win, seek first to understand, 不要妥协,这样的效果则是一百八十度大转变,彼此能明白对方的热切需求,彼此都能理解对方的处境,最后能够更加友好易于接受的解决问题,切合"the middle way"中庸之道。
Valuing the differences, 很赞成这个观点,与"我有一个苹果,你有一个苹果,我们俩交换,还是彼此只有一个苹果;但如果我有一种思想,你有一种思想,我们交换,我们就有了两种思想"有所契合。拥抱不同的观点,才会有思想的碰撞,才会看得开阔高远。