Material design - Layout - Responsive UI

Responsive UI - 响应UI

Responsive layouts in material design adapt to any possible screen size. This UI guidance includes a flexible grid that ensures consistency across layouts, breakpoint details about how content reflows on different screens, and a description of how an app can scale from small to extra-large screens.

材料设计中的响应布局适应任何可能的屏幕尺寸。 这个UI指南包括一个灵活的网格,确保跨布局的一致性,断点细节关于内容如何在不同的屏幕上回流,以及一个应用程序如何从小到大的屏幕扩展的描述。

Breakpoints - 断点

For optimal user experience, material design user interfaces should adapt layouts for the following breakpoint widths: 480, 600, 840, 960, 1280, 1440, and 1600dp.


**1. Summary and detail view content in layouts - **
Layouts under 600dp wide may fill the screen with a single level of content hierarchy (either summary or detail content, but not both).
Layouts over 600dp wide may place two levels of content hierarchy on the screen (both summary and detail content).
2. Max screen widths
Layouts over 1600dp wide may let the layout grow until it hits a max width. At this point, the grid may do one of the following:
Become center aligned with increased margins
Remain left aligned while the right margin grows
Continue to grow while revealing additional content

布局超过1600dp宽可以让布局增长,直到它达到最大宽度。 此时,网格可以执行以下操作之一:

Breakpoint system - 断点系统
These breakpoints describe column and width specifications for different screens, devices, and orientations.
For some measurements, the values remain the same even if a device is rotated. For that reason the smallest width in either orientation is the defining value.

  • 16dp when the smallest width of the device is <600
  • Desktop breakpoints are 16dp below the listed values to accommodate variations in browser chrome.

对于某些测量,即使设备旋转,值也保持不变。 因此,任一方向上的最小宽度是定义值。

Grid - 网格

Material design’s responsive UI is based on a 12-column grid layout. This grid creates visual consistency between layouts, while allowing flexibility across a wide variety of designs. The number of grid columns varies based on the breakpoint system.


This animation shows how surfaces and panels can align to influence the 12-column grid.


Margins and Gutters - 边距与间隔
The responsive grid focuses on consistent margin and gutter widths, rather than column width. Material design margins and columns follow an 8dp square baseline grid. Margins and gutters can be 8, 16, 24, or 40dp wide.
Margins and gutters don’t need to be equal. For example, it’s acceptable to use 40dp margins and 24dp gutters in the same layout.

适应性栏栅指的是具有恒定的外边距和间隔宽度,而不是列宽度。 Material design 中的外边距和列符合某一 8 dp 的方形基线栏栅。外边距和间隔可以是 8,16,24 或 40 dp 宽。
外边距与间隔没必要相等。例如,在同一个布局中使用 40 dp 的外边距和 24 dp 的间隔是完全可取的。

This animation shows interactions of the following margin and gutter width variations:

8dp margins and gutters
16dp margins and gutters
24dp margins and gutters
40dp margins and gutters
40dp margins and 24dp gutters

8 dp 外边距和间隔
16 dp 外边距和间隔
24 dp 外边距和间隔
40 dp 外边距和间隔
40 dp 外边距和 24 dp 间隔

Full-width vs Centered - 完全宽度栏栅与居中栏栅对比
Full-width grids use fluid columns and breakpoints to determine when a layout needs to change.
Centered grids use fixed columns and reflow the layout when all columns (plus a defined margin) no longer fit on screen.


Full-width grids
Centered grids


Panel Influence on the Grid - 面板对栏栅的影响
As defined in Navigation patterns, the side nav may be permanent, persistent, or temporary. These behaviors apply to any panel, not just a side nav.


Permanent - 永久性
A permanent panel exists outside of the responsive grid. The panel appears at a defined breakpoint (when the screen can accommodate the panel) and squeezes content. There are no controls to show/hide the panel.


The effects of a permanent panel on the responsive grid


Side panel effects on the grid - 侧边面板对栏栅的影响
This animation happens in two phases:
A persistent side panel appears, squeezing both content and the grid. Content is accessible while the panel remains visible. The panel hides upon toggling.
A temporary side panel appears, pushing grid content off-screen. Touching either outside the panel, or an item inside the panel, hides the panel.


The effects of a persistent panel on the responsive grid


Temporary overlay - 临时覆盖
A temporary panel does not affect the grid or content when off-screen. When toggled to be visible, it can be hidden again by touching anywhere outside the panel or an item inside the panel.


The effects of a temporary panel on the responsive grid


Surface behaviors - 表现行为

When a screen size changes, the UI adapts using the following surface-specific behaviors.

当屏幕尺寸变化时,UI 采用下面指定的表面行为来适应。







Patterns - 模式

As screen space increases, the following responsive patterns may be applied:


Reveal - 展现
UI hidden by smaller screens may be revealed with increased available space.


Elements, such as a side nav, may become visible.


A simple UI may reveal more powerful or complex options.


Content on a small screen that only appears after tapping an element may be revealed by default when more space is available.


Transform - 转换
A UI element may transform from one format to another.

UI 可以从一种形式转换为另一种。

Side navigation may transform into tabs.


A list may transform into a grid list.


Menu items may transform into icons in a toolbar.


Divide - 分隔
A layered UI may be divided into newly available space.

分隔之前被放置于新建空间的 UI。

Side navigation, list content, and detailed content divide to fill a single view.


A left panel, list content, and a right panel divide within a single view as space increases.


Tabbed sibling content is divided within the same view.


Reflow - 重绘
A UI may reflow into available space.

在允许的空间中重绘 UI。

Elements from a single-column format may reflow to fill the content area in various combinations.


Horizontal tabs may reflow into a vertical list.


Elements may reflow within a component based on a new screen ratio or device orientation.


Expand - 扩展
The UI may expand across more space.

增长 UI 以占据更多的空间。

Content cards may expand to fill the new space.


Dialogs may expand proportionally with content or in specific increments.


Position - 位置
The position of UI components may change to more appropriate locations.


A bottom sheet on a small screen may reposition itself as a menu.


A floating action button (FAB) may move to a more visible location relative to other UI elements.


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