


Directions For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of team spirit and communication in the workplace. you should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


The Power of Team Spirit and Communication in Working

There is a famous saying going like this,“ People with one mind will remove Mount Tai.”, which informs us of the significance of team spirit in our work. In addition, the good communication among work colleagues has been an essential quality that has been promoted in the working environment over recent years. For one thing, we should always bear in mind that in such a competitive world, no individual or organization can achieve success without collaboration. If every individual in a group can work together actively, those once deemed unrealizable tasks for one single person can be efficiently accomplished through joint efforts. For another, I personally agree that an argument may be a shortcut between two hearts, which indicates that communication among people is of utmost importance. Communication, which has been recognized to improve the working effciency is the basis of our work. Some problems in our work can only be solved through active and effective communication

It is evident that without the mentioned elements above, working relationships can break down, so we can never neglect the role of team morale and communication played in the workplace.



The importance of mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships

Everyone has his own will and his own ideas about things. As a result, there are always differences between us, which may cause conflicts between people. How can we solve this problem? The answer is to have mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships. The reasons are as follows.

On the one hand, mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships helps to maintain good and healthy relationships between friends and colleagues. Only the two sides involved are willing to put themselves into other people's shoes can they understand each other fully, which builds a solid foundation for a deeper relationship and further cooperation. One the other hand, by mutual understanding and respect, people can easily avoid conflicts and solve problems. On may occasions, mutual understanding makes it easy for both parties to reach an agreement on the topic they are discussing. This may help to solve the toughest questions amonydifferent cultures and countries.

To sum up, it is of great importance for people to gain mutual understaning and respect in interpersonal relationships, for they are the basis for deep and lasting friendships and a harmonious world。


Directions For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of motivation and methods in learning. you should write at least 1 50 words but no more than 200 words


The Importance of Motivation and Method in Learning

As we all know, intelligence and diligence are important for learners, but motivation and method are the key factors to determine ones success or failure in learning. So the importance of motivation and method in learning should be clearly understood by everyone.

For one thing, motivation provides learners with driving force and direction. Learning is a long-term task full of problems and diffculties, and motivation can help us stick to it. When we have a strong motivation in learning, we can focus all our energy on it. For another, the importance of learning methods is self-evident. Good methods can make us earn twice the result with half the effort. and bad methods will make us twice the result with half the effort. So in the learning process we must find a learning method that is really suitable for us.

Judging from the evidence offered above, we may safely draw the conclusion that motivation and method are crucial to learners. Therefore each of us should have a strong motivation and find good learning methods in our study.


26. I、 pasta be kept to a minimum

27. L 、stop blood sugar shooting up

28. B、 has been championed by clean-eating experts

29. N、 But now a systematic review and analusis

30.G 、it had been lumped in with other

31. E 、pasta didn't contribute to weight gain

32. O、 In weighing the evidence

33.A、does not have an adverse effect on bodu

34. D、 So contrary to concerns

35. C、 Those involved in the clinical trials


26.A 、Most forms of steel abruptly become brittle

27. J、..that resists fractures at much lower temperatures

28. B、 without the need for expensive additives

29. E、 providing a lifeline for the besieged British

30. I、 the ships cracked in the icy north Atlantic

31. N、 So scientists have strived to find a solution

32.C、 more phusical approach

33.G 、that is comparable to that of

34.# the number of components needed in a construction iob

35. K by replacing solid supports with hollow tubes


26. I、 Others pouring money into jetpacks

27. O、...has always remained the ultimate sumbol of

28. J 、Have produced prototypes that can drive on roads

29.M、 That can be segmented from the road-going chassis

30. C、 Need dual controls

31. K 、In another random street

32.H、To back their sometimes outrageous schemes

33. D、For speed, romanticism and glamour

34. A 、Coupled with artificial intelligence and autonomous systems

35. F 、Thats completely at odds with how I feel today


The Best Retailer Combine Bricks and Clicks

36. M、althouah online retailing has existed

37. G、innovative retailers integrate integrate technologies

38. D、despite what the Census date

39. I、Internet-driven changes in the retail.

40.C、Statistics indicate that brick and-……

41. H、Companies that successfully combine online

4 2 F、Brick and mortar retailers faith

43. O、Despite the tremendous challenges from

44. A、With the rise of online

45 K、The wide use of smartphones has


Companies are Working with Consumers to Reduce Waste

36.F、Some companies believe that products……

37.C、A survey shows shoppers today

38.M、companies can build customer loyalty

39.G、when companies launch environment proarams

41.N、Recycling used products can help……

42.H、electronic products contain valuable metals

43.B、It seems commonly believed that

44.J、It is advisable for companies..

45.D、Some businesses have beaun to


The future of personal satellite technology is here

36.M、Given the easier accessibility to space

37.C、A group of mini-satellites can work

38.B、The greater accessibility of mini-satellites

39.E、Even school pupils can have

40.K、AMSAT is careful about sharing information

41.F、NASA offers to launch Cubesats free

42.l、Even with Constraints, it is possible.

43.G、While making significant contributions

44.D、mini-satellites enable operators to

45.J、AMSAT operates on the principle of



Passage one(霍金对AI的警告)

46.B、It might be a blessing or a disaster in the making

47.C、It was extremely important to the destiny of humankind

48.A、The shift of research focus from the past to the future.

49. D、super-intelligence may eventually ruin mankind

50.C、They share the same concerns about AI as academics. Passage Two(卖货给老年人)

51.B、They want to have a share of the seniors goods market

52.C、Collect residents'feedback on their products

53.D、It is communication system via TV instead of a computer

54.A 、Winning trust from prospective customers

55.B、They are quite at ease with high-tech products


Passage one(一个人重新工作后的感受)

46D、building close relationships with his colleagues was not as important as he had expected.

47.A、Inharmonious relationships have an adverse effect on productivity.

48.B、 They are virtually irrelevant.

49.C、They are unwilling to make efforts to maintain workplace relationships.

50.D、 They improve work efficiency. Passage Two(AI的发展)

51.B、 Many abilities will cease to be unique to human beings.

52.C、Google has made huge progress in autonomous driving in a short time.

53.D、It is yet to be emulated by Al.

54.A、Cultivate original thinking.

55.D、By providing value with our creativity.


Passage one(游戏界声优所遇麻烦)

46D、The negotiations between them had broken down

47.A、 It has reaped huge profits in recent years

48C、Extra pay based on sales revenues.

49.A、They are kept in the dark about many details of their job

50.B、changing the pay system would cause the industry more problems Passage Two(太空垃圾)

51.D 、To improve traffic conditions in space.

52.C、regulate the launching of new satellites.

53A、set international standards for the space flight industry

54.D、 Make a thorough analysis of any possible addition to space debris

55.B、Develop technology to address the space debris problem.


汉语是世界上用作本族语人数最多的语言。汉语与西方语言的一个重要区别在于它是以方块字( character)而不是以字母构成的。目前仍在使用的书写系统中,汉语是最古老的。在中国,来自不同地区的人可能听不懂对方的方言,但由于汉字有统一的书写形式,他们交流起来几乎灭有任何困准。汉语历史上对团结中华民族发挥了重要作用。今天,随着中国经济的快速增长和全球影响力的增强,越来越多其他国家的人也开始学习汉语。


The Chinese language is used as the mother tongue by the greatest number of people in the world. One of the significant differences between Chinese and Western languages lies in its composition of characters instea of letters. Although people from different parts of China may not understand each others dialect, they have no difficulty in communicating simply because there exists a unified writing form for Chinese characters. Chinese played a very important role in the unification of the Chinese nation. Today, with Chinas rapid economic growth and increasing global influence, more and more foreign people begin to study Chinese.


成语( Chinese idioms)是汉语中的一种独特的表込方式,大多由四个汉字组成。它们高度简练且形式固定,但通常能形象地表迩深刻的含义。成语大多来源于中国古代的文学作品,通常与某些神话、传说或者历史事件有关。如果不知道某个成语的出处,就很准理解其确切含义。因此,学习成语有助于人们更好地理解中国传统文化。成语在日常会话和文学创作中广液使用。恰当使用成语可以使一个人的语言更具表现力,交流更有效。


Chinese idioms are unique expressions in Chinese which are mostly composed of four characters. In spite of their extreme conciseness and fixed format, they are capable of delivering profound ideas vividly. These idioms, which largely originated from the literary works in ancient China, are usually related with myths, legends or historical events. If one fails to know the origin of a certain idiom, he will find it very hard to grasp its actual meaning. Consequently, learning idioms will help people understand traditional Chinese cultures better. Widely used in daily conversations and literary works, idioms, if used properly, can make one s language more expressive and his communication mor efective.




As China boasts a vast land and a huge population, many people speak their own dialects, which vary greatly in pronunciation but slightly in vocabulary and grammar. Some dialects, esp. those of the north and the south, are so different that their speakers have great difficulty in understanding each other. Although the dialect is considered as a component of the local culture, the number of people who can speak the dialect is dropping continuously. In order to encourage people to use the dialect more often, some local governments have taken measures such as dialect lessons and dialect programmes on TV or radio in the hope of preserving the local cultural legacy.

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