useful vocabs for IELTS

  • General openers

    • Sharing opinion
      1.In my opinion...
      In my opinion, it's hugely important to stop using plastic.
      In my opinion, wearing fashionable clothes does not mean you are a good person.

      2.I believe...
      I believe that my family have influenced me very much.
      I believe that all people should have equal opportunities in life.

      3.I feel that...
      I feel that we should try to ride buses and trains to protect the environment.
      I feel that family is much more important than money.

    • Adding information
      1.In addition...
      In addition to my family's farm, we also have a small fishing lake.
      In addition, it seems we should try to exercise daily.

      Furthermore, Sri Lankan food is definitely very delicious.
      **Furthermore, ** I would like to study for my master's degree in Australia.

      3.Another reason is...
      Another reason is I really don't like windy and wet weather.
      Another reason is that I always enjoyed painting, so studying art makes great sense to me.

      4.On the other hand...
      On the other hand, many people also want to use planes even more than before.
      On the other hand, fast foods are also quick and cheap making them very popular.

      5.In contrast...
      In contrast, France can be a very expensive place to live.
      In contrast, an HD television gives you a crystal clear image to watch.

      However, I will try and expand my tastes and try some spicy foods.
      However, if I have chance to find a job at home, I will try that too.

  • Connectives
    1...but also...
    Driving cars can be great fun but also saves you a lot of time.

    I don't get much chance to travel because I have a very busy schedule. well as...
    It's certainly true Brazil is hot as well as very beautiful.

    In the last few years food prices have increased and consequently people are spending less.

    Art is considered a more creative subject whereas science is more academic.

    6...on top of that...
    First, the flight was canceled then on top of that I lost my wallet.
    Managers should treat employees well and on top of that treat them with respect.

  • Childhood
    As an infant, I was very cheeky. My parents said I was quite naughty!

    In my adolescence I was afraid of nothing! As I grew older I became more careful.
    Children develop rapidly during their adolescence.

    My friend's baby is still a toddler. She's just started to crawl.

    I didn't really become independent until I was around 14 years old.

    I have one sibling - a brother called Simon who is 2 years younger than me.
    I think it's great for children to have at least one sibling to play with and grow old together.

    James had a great upbringing. His family cared for him very much.

    There are many youths that hand around the town center. It's quite intimidating.

    When I was 2 years old, my parents adopted my sister who was still a tiny baby.

  • Family
    1...immediate family...
    My immediate family all live within an 800-meter walk from my house.
    In my immediate family I have 2 parents and 1 younger brother.

    2....extended family...
    Having a large extended family means some very exciting festive celebrations.
    An extended family can lend support to one another in difficult times.

    3...take after...(similar)
    My sister says I really take after my father and look very alike.

    Because I live so far away, I'm not very close with my relatives.
    I found a long-lost relative by searching on the internet.

    5...get together...
    Every Christmas we have a family get together and play games.
    At least once a year, my family and friends try to organize a get-together.

    My aunt said her father was a big inspiration in her moving to a foreign country.
    I'd like to think I can be an inspiration to my younger siblings.
    Your extended family offers a great support network to help and care for you.
    Often when people finish their studies, they move home to support their family.

    It's common for a family to have a squabble over something not too important.
    I would say my family rarely squabbles about anything.

  • Hometown
    In my neighborhood, people are usually very friendly.
    Many central neighborhoods in the city are growing in population.

    Compared to the countryside, cities often have more amenities and things to do.

    I much prefer living somewhere quiet and peaceful like my hometown.

    On my first trip to the city, I was surprised by how bustling and busy it all was!

    People living in suburbs increased over a 3 year period to 700,000 residents.
    It's true that many people like to live in the suburbs because it's easier to get to work.
    The local community were shocked by the recent events in the nearby town.
    There is a strong community feel when you walk around my hometown.

    In my opinion, people living in rural villages will find getting to school can be more difficult.
    A rural village has less amenities but a more natural and wild environment.

    London really is a sprawling city with many different areas to visit.
    My hometown in Brazil is a sprawling city that reaches all the way to the coast.

  • Work
    Many working parents find looking after their children and having a full-time job quite stressful.

My current contract means I have to work 35 hours from Mondy until Friday.

My former employer was quite unkind so I decided to quit the job.
It's important for an employer and employee to have a good relationship.

In the last few years, more married men have started to job-share to spend more time at home.
In education, it's common for some teachers to job-share.

My father's occupation was in computing and information technology.
Children should start to consider what occupation they would like in the future.

After many policemen reached 45, they decided to resign from their role.
If a job becomes unmanageable then you can always resign.

Many people commute from their local town into the city for work.
The evening commute is a nightmare because of the traffic.

Some people find their vocation early. Lucky them!
To me, nursing is more than a job, it's my vocation and I love it very much.

  • Health and Fitness
    Sports people work hard to have a strong physique and perform at the top of their game.

Having a balanced diet and getting the right nutrition are very important for our health.

I try to workout at least 4 times a week.
My brother has tried numerous diets although non really worked for him.

In many western countries, obesity has become a grave concern.

Sometimes getting the correct diagnosis can take a lot of time and frustration.

The rise in infections from water supplies dropped in the last 3 years.
On my last vacation, I caught a pretty nasty infection from a small cut.

My doctor suggested therapy to help build strength in my knee.
After suffering form depression, I have been going to theraphy for the last 2 months.

  • The natural world
    We must learn to protect our environment and not harm other living things.

The fauna in the South American rainforest is quite amazing.
Tourism is damaging the fauna which leads to animals dying, too.

Climate change is a huge issue facing our generation today.
The Climate in South East Asia is mostly tropical and humid with monsoon seasons.

A predator will often stalk its prey for many hours before catching its food.
Sharks are skilled apex predators that hunt for many ocean animals. warming...
Due to the use of gas and oil, global warming has become a major global issue.
If we act now, we can stop global warming by treating our planet

The diversity of the animals living in Northern American is truly huge.
Diversity is a good thing in a species, as they will be stronger to changes in their environment.

7...carnivore...(herbivore, omnivore)
A lion, which is a carnivore, often eats zebras or other grassland animals, aka herbivore.
The opposite to a carnivore is a herbivore, which does not eat meat at all.

If an ecosystem is damaged, animals will not be able to find food.

The ocean ecosystem is extremely diverse, with many animals and fauna such as seaweed.

  • Modern society
    Due to globalisation, many countries now have closer relations.
    Cheaper international travel helped to give rise to globalisation.

The level of communication seen online has increased since the early 1990s.
Nowadays, most people have smartphones which help them to communicate.

In some countries, tourism is considered a major part of their economy.
The economy saw a huge downturn due to the financial crisis last year.
International trade is rich and diverse, with many different products and commidities being sold.
Some people are beginning to trade online but many believe this to be dangerous.
In our growing global community, we should all try to act responsibly to one another.
On a global level, we need to try and build better relations with new countries.

In the 1980s, punk was considered a major subculture of music in the United Kingdom.
There many different kinds of subculture in art.

Wars and famine have given rise to migration across Europe in the last 10 years.
Migration from the UK to America fell by 5% in 1996.

8.rat race...

a way of life in which people are caught up in a fiercely competitive struggle for wealth or power.

They quit the rat race in order to live a simple life

I'd love to try and escape the rat race and really find my true vocation.

Everyone is so busy in the city. The ract race is clear to see.

  • Fashion
    I don't really follow trends too much. I prefer to wear my own style of clothes.
    A very popular new trend is wearing denim clothes.

I bought a new bag that my friend said is a must-have item.
There are many fashion magazines that review the newest must-have clothes.

Many older people perfer to wear classic and timeless clothes.

A suit is a real classic piece of clothing that can be worn for formal events.

I believe that vintage clothes are some of the most interesting and stylish.
At my local market there is a great shop with vintage second hand clothes.

People hsould feel confident to wear accessories that they feel look nice.
Men wear a lot less accessories than many women.
I don't often think too much about what style of clothes I wear.
My mother wears a lot of very timeless clothes and I really like her style.

In my opinion, the most important thing about clothes are there comfort.
Over 45% of employed males in the city felt that comfort was the most important factor in buying clothes. icon...
I don't really have a fashion icon that I look up to for new fashion ideas.
Kate Moss is considered a major fashion icon who has influenced clothing worldwide.

  • Studnet life
    1...higher education...
    Sally studied in higher education for 3 years, gaining a degree in human psychology.
    Enrollment into higher education doubled over a 4 four year period.

Once I graduate from university, I will return home to start work and live with my family.
Nowadays, students are finding it difficult to find work after they graduate from university.

I must admit, my schedule at university is really jam-packed(full of programme).

The university lecturer had warned students that they needed to manage their own schedules.
The biggest reason students enrolled to university was to study for a degree.
Right now, I am an under-graudate student, but next year I will study for my degree.

I feel it's very important for students to look over the curriculum and understand their course.

Many students felt that the curriculum wasn't busy enough to deliver on their expectations.

I attended college and earned my qualification in history and art.
Employers these days want employees to have up to date qualifications.

Self assessment is very important in understanding how you can improve further.
When I was younger, I was always worried about tests and assessments.

I can't wait to challenge myself and begin my studies.
During high school, I found studies a challenge but managed to pass all my exams.

  • Computer and technology
    There are many innovative technologies that make our life easier.

The most useful device I have at home is my running watch which tracks my exercise.

Technology has led to many breakthroughs in healthcare and hospitals.

4...cutting edge..
The train system in Seoul really is cutting edge compared to my hometown.

My father was very into his gadgets and spent many hours travelling to local gadget shows.

I remember when I was a child, the internet wasn't wireless and needed a cable. media..
Some people believe that social media causes a lot mroe problems than it solves.

Many viral images ae designed to make people laugh.

  • transport
    1...long haul...
    Due to my parents work, I often spent a lot of time on long haul flights.

2...the underground...
The underground system in London is the oldest subway network in the world.

Over half of adults spent more than 50% of their commute driving on the motorway.

Due to congestion, many people in Manchester now bke to work.


Carpooling (also car-sharing, ride-sharing and lift-sharing) is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car, and prevents the need for others to have to drive to a location themselves. ... Authorities often encourage carpooling, especially during periods of high pollution or high fuel prices.

I once travelled to Spain in a carpool where we shared fuel costs and driving...
In the last decade, many people are choosing to commute by carpool to save money

6..traffic jam..
Roads in Australia are very organised and generally have less traffic jams.

I must admit I absolutely hate being stuck in a traffic jam.

Graham is currently in transit and should arrive here sometime tomorrow morning.
Due to damages to raods, there was delays in transit systems over the weekend.

The rise in emissions over recent years has led to some health problems
The government is trying to cut emissions by promoting riding bikes.

  • Arts
    It's important to be creative and feel confident to express yourself.
    The painting was so orginal and creative.

Many people consider The Mona Lisa to be a masterpiece.
The numerous sculptures at the museum are all real masterpieces of ancient art.

A friend messaged me and let me know about an awesome exhibition coming this weekend.
After finishing this project, I will try and find an exhibition for my work.

In the UK, summer is when all hte festival begin and people are very excited about it.

Many modern artists have been inspired by artists such as Van Gogh and Mucha.
The painting was inspired and was quite groundbreaking at hte time it was made.

I don't very much like abstract art, I find it difficult to understand if I'm honest.

My friend from university is creating an abstract visual performance for his project.

Contemporary music has many different styles and genres to listen to.
Many younger people prefere contemporary art to more older styles.

The opera was quite elegant and breathtaking.
The water paintings at the gallery were very elegant and carefully created.

  • space
    Due to burning fossil fuels, humans have damaged our Earth's atmosphere.
    Once a spaceship leaves our atmosphere, it is then in space.

In the 1960s, America and Russia were pushing the limits of space exploration.
if we continue harming our planet, exploration of a new habitable planet will be important.

The galaxy where Earth is located is an unimaginable huge place.

Some people think that there is other life in our galaxy. system...
In our solar system there are 8 known planets including Earth.
Governments are currently planning to travel to other planets in our solar system..

Due to advancements in satellite technology, we now hav excellent device signals.
A satellite will often stay in space for many years.

  1. extraterrestrial(alien)
    Some scientists feel that extraterrestrial life could exist on planets as close as Mars.
    For thousands of years, humans have told stories of extraterrestrial life.

I believe that there is some chance we need to look to other planets to colonise in the future.

8... astronaut...
On the other hand, astronauts face very dangerous and frightful journeys.
As a child, I dreamt of becoming an astronaut.


  • law and order
    The level of punishment in many countries is very different for types of crimes.
    To stop future criminals, stronger punishments should be handed out.
  1. crime...
    In city centers, crime is a major concern for most families and pensioners.

Online fraud has become a huge problem for internet users in the last decade...
When using ATM machines, it's important to be careful about fraud.

If a criminal gives an honest confession, their sentence could be reduced..

  1. captial punishment
    In my opinion , captial punishment(death penalty) is too much for any crime.

  2. justic...
    For citizens to feel safe, justice must be quick and transparent.

  3. discrimination(look down)...
    Over a third of women felt discrimination at their workplace.

  4. rehabilitation...
    Criminals often find rehabilitation difficult whilst in prison.
    It's highly important to offer rehabilitation to prisoners in order to help them develop and grow.

  • Food
    I prefer savory foods as they are sometimes not spicy or too adventurous.
    In most parts of the United Kingdom, savory foods are very popular.

My friend says that ready-meals are usually full of dangerous preservatives.
A ready-meal is a kind of convenient fast food.

My baby daughter is such a fussy eater and eating times can be pretty stressful.

One great thing about regular exercise is that it builds a healthy appetite.

I must admit, I was absolutely starving and would have eaten anything.

Most Canadian people enjoy eating French cuisine as much as American food.
Thai cuisine can be challenging for some western people but is definitely delicious.

7.dine out
As I work until late in the evening, I don't get too many chances to dine out.

Furthermore, families who can afford to dine out often will be able to try more types of foods.

8.sweet tooth
Having a sweet tooth definitely can mean a few extra trips to the dentist.

I've always had a big sweet tooth since I was a child.

Word list for conclusion and opener

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