



We estimate the wage effects of shared governance, or codetermination, in the form of a mandate of one-third of corporate board seats going to worker representatives. We study a reform in Germany that abruptly abolished this mandate for stock corporations incorporated after August 1994, while it locked the mandate for the slightly older cohorts. Our research design compares firm cohorts incorporated before the reform and after; in a robustness check we draw on the analogous difference in unaffected firm types (LLCs). We find no effects of board-level codetermination on wages and the wage structure, even in firms with particularly flexible wages. The degree of rent sharing and the labor share are also unaffected. We reject that disinvestment could have offset wage effects through the canonical hold-up channel, as shared governance, if anything, increases capital formation.

参考文献:Simon Jäger, Benjamin Schoefer, Jörg Heining, Labor in the Boardroom, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 669–725



We develop a theory of sweat equity—the value of business owners’ time and expenses to build customer bases, client lists, and other intangible assets. We discipline the theory using data from U.S. national accounts, business censuses, and brokered sales to estimate a value for sweat equity in the private business sector equal to 1.2 times U.S. GDP, which is about the same magnitude as the value of fixed assets in use in these businesses. For a typical owner, 26% of the sweat equity is transferable through inheritance or sale. The equity values are positively correlated with business incomes and standard measures of markups based on accounting data, but not with owners’ financial assets or standard measures of business total factor productivity. We use our theory to show that abstracting from sweat activity leads to a significant understatement of the effects of lowering business income tax rates on private business activity for both the extensive and intensive margins. Despite finding larger responses, our model’s implied tax elasticities of establishments and owner hours are in line with empirical estimates in the public finance literature. Allowing for financial constraints and superstar firms does not overturn our main findings.

参考文献:Anmol Bhandari, Ellen R McGrattan, Sweat Equity in U.S. Private Business, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 727–781,


我们探讨了以不同货币计价的贸易结算模式和安全资产定价之间的相互作用。我们的理论强调了以下几点:(i)货币作为计价单位的作用与其作为安全的价值储存的作用是互补的;(ii) 这种互补性可能导致在贸易结算和全球银行业务中出现一种占主导地位的货币,即使是在多个候选大国具有类似的经济基础的情况下; (iii) 新兴市场国家的企业通过借入主导货币,从内生角度承担货币错配问题;(iv)以主导货币计价的安全资产的预期回报低于以其他货币计价的类似安全资产的预期回报,从而赋予主导货币过高的特权。因此,该理论为为什么一种主要货币在贸易结算和全球金融中被如此广泛地使用提供了一个统一的解释。

We explore the interplay between trade-invoicing patterns and the pricing of safe assets in different currencies. Our theory highlights the following points: (i) a currency’s role as a unit of account for invoicing decisions is complementary to its role as a safe store of value; (ii) this complementarity can lead to the emergence of a single dominant currency in trade invoicing and global banking, even when multiple large candidate countries share similar economic fundamentals; (iii) firms in emerging-market countries endogenously take on currency mismatches by borrowing in the dominant currency; and (iv) the expected return on dominant-currency safe assets is lower than that on similarly safe assets denominated in other currencies, thereby bestowing an “exorbitant privilege” on the dominant currency. The theory thus provides a unified explanation for why a dominant currency is so heavily used in both trade invoicing and in global finance.

参考文献:Gita Gopinath, Jeremy C Stein, Banking, Trade, and the Making of a Dominant Currency, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 783–830,



This article describes a new fact, then analyzes its causes and consequences: in most countries, import tariffs and nontariff barriers are substantially lower on dirty than on clean industries, where an industry’s “dirtiness” is defined as its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per dollar of output. This difference in trade policy creates a global implicit subsidy to CO2 emissions in internationally traded goods and contributes to climate change. This global implicit subsidy to CO2 emissions totals several hundred billion dollars annually. The greater protection of downstream industries, which are relatively clean, substantially accounts for this pattern. The downstream pattern can be explained by theories where industries lobby for low tariffs on their inputs but final consumers are poorly organized. A quantitative general equilibrium model suggests that if countries applied similar trade policies to clean and dirty goods, global CO2 emissions would decrease and global real income would change little.

参考文献:Joseph S Shapiro, The Environmental Bias of Trade Policy, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 831–886,


失业保险如何影响失业工人的搜索行为?搜索模型预测,在福利耗尽之前,失业保险会抑制求职努力,并增加保留工资。在失业期间,寻找工作的努力应该会增加,以使福利耗尽,并在失业后保持高位。与此同时,保留工资应减少到受益耗尽,并在此后保持较低水平。为了验证这些预测,我们将管理登记册与法国一家主要在线求职平台上的求职行为数据匹配起来。我们跟踪了超过40万的工人,只要他们仍然失业。我们分析了搜寻行为在福利耗尽前后的变化,并采取了两个步骤来分离个体对失业福利的反应。首先,我们的纵向数据允许我们纠正休息期中样本组成的变化。其次,我们利用符合12 - 24个月失业保险条件的工人以及不符合失业保险条件的工人数据,来控制在失业期间独立于失业保险的行为变化。我们的结果证实了搜索模型的预测。我们发现,在福利耗尽的前一年,寻找工作的努力(工作申请的数量)至少增加了50%,此后仍保持高水平。在福利耗尽的前一年,每月目标工资至少下降2.4%,此后仍保持较低水平。此外,我们还提供了持续时间依赖性的证据:无论失业状况如何,工人每年都会降低他们的目标工资1.5%。

How does unemployment insurance (UI) affect unemployed workers’ search behavior? Search models predict that until benefit exhaustion, UI depresses job search effort and increases reservation wages. Over an unemployment spell, search effort should increase up to benefit exhaustion and stay high thereafter. Meanwhile, reservation wages should decrease up to benefit exhaustion and stay low thereafter. To test these predictions, we link administrative registers to data on job search behavior from a major online job search platform in France. We follow over 400,000 workers, as long as they remain unemployed. We analyze the changes in search behavior around benefits exhaustion and take two steps to isolate the individual response to unemployment benefits. First, our longitudinal data allows us to correct for changes in sample composition over the spell. Second, we exploit data on workers eligible for 12–24 months of UI as well as workers ineligible for UI, to control for behavior changes over the unemployment spell that are independent of UI. Our results confirm the predictions of search models. We find that search effort (the number of job applications) increases by at least 50% during the year preceding benefits exhaustion and remains high thereafter. The target monthly wage decreases by at least 2.4% during the year preceding benefits exhaustion and remains low thereafter. In addition, we provide evidence for duration dependence: workers decrease the wage they target by 1.5% over each year of unemployment, irrespective of their UI status.

参考文献:Ioana Marinescu, Daphné Skandalis, Unemployment Insurance and Job Search Behavior, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 887–931,



When a Bayesian learns new information and changes her beliefs, she must on average become concomitantly more certain about the state of the world. Consequently, it is rare for a Bayesian to frequently shift beliefs substantially while remaining relatively uncertain, or, conversely, become very confident with relatively little belief movement. We formalize this intuition by developing specific measures of movement and uncertainty reduction given a Bayesian’s changing beliefs over time, showing that these measures are equal in expectation and creating consequent statistical tests for Bayesianess. We then show connections between these two core concepts and four common psychological biases, suggesting that the test might be particularly good at detecting these biases. We provide support for this conclusion by simulating the performance of our test and other martingale tests. Finally, we apply our test to data sets of individual, algorithmic, and market beliefs.

参考文献:Ned Augenblick, Matthew Rabin, Belief Movement, Uncertainty Reduction, and Rational Updating, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 933–985



We examine whether integrating men and women in a traditionally male-dominated environment can change men's attitudes about mixed-gender productivity, gender roles, and gender identity. Our context is the military in Norway, where we randomly assigned female recruits to some squads but not others during boot camp. We find that living and working with women for eight weeks causes men to have more egalitarian attitudes. There is a 14 percentage point higher fraction of men who think mixed-gender teams perform as well or better than same-gender teams, an 8 percentage point increase in men who think household work should be shared equally, and a 14 percentage point increase in men who do not completely disavow feminine traits. Moreover, men in mixed-gender teams are more likely to choose military occupations immediately after boot camp that have a higher fraction of women in them. But these effects do not persist once treatment stops. Treated men’s attitudes converge to those of the controls in a six-month follow-up survey, and there is no long-term effect on choosing fields of study, occupations, or workplaces with a higher fraction of women after military service ends. Contrary to the predictions of many policy makers, we do not find that integrating women into squads hurt male recruits’ performance or satisfaction with service, either during boot camp or their subsequent military assignment. These findings provide evidence that even in a highly gender-skewed environment, gender stereotypes are malleable and can be altered by integrating members of the opposite sex. But they also suggest that without continuing intensive exposure, effects are unlikely to persist.

参考文献:Gordon B Dahl, Andreas Kotsadam, Dan-Olof Rooth, Does Integration Change Gender Attitudes? The Effect of Randomly Assigning Women to Traditionally Male Teams, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 987–1030



The labor share in U.S. manufacturing declined from 61% in 1967 to 41% in 2012. The labor share of the typical U.S. manufacturing establishment, in contrast, rose by over 3 percentage points during the same period. Using micro-level data, we document five salient facts: (i) since the 1980s, there has been a dramatic reallocation of value added toward the lower end of the labor share distribution; (ii) this aggregate reallocation is not due to entry/exit, to “superstars” growing faster, or to large establishments lowering their labor shares, but is instead due to units whose labor share fell as they grew in size; (iii) low labor share (LL) establishments benefit from high revenue labor productivity, not low wages; (iv) they also enjoy a product price premium relative to their peers; and (v) they have only temporarily lower labor shares that rebound after five to eight years. This transient pattern has become more pronounced over time, and the dynamics of value added and employment are increasingly disconnected. Taken together, we interpret these facts as pointing to a significant role for demand-side forces.

参考文献:Matthias Kehrig, Nicolas Vincent, The Micro-Level Anatomy of the Labor Share Decline, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 1031–1087



How does competition affect market outcomes when formal contracts are not enforceable and parties resort to relational contracts? Difficulties with measuring relational contracts and dealing with the endogeneity of competition have frustrated attempts to answer this question. We make progress by studying relational contracts between upstream farmers and downstream mills in Rwanda’s coffee industry. First, we identify salient dimensions of their relational contracts and measure them through an original survey of mills and farmers. Second, we take advantage of an engineering model for the optimal placement of mills to construct an instrument that isolates geographically determined variation in competition. Conditional on the suitability for mills’ placement in the catchment area, we find that mills surrounded by more suitable areas (i) face more competition from other mills, (ii) use fewer relational contracts with farmers, and (iii) exhibit worse performance. An additional competing mill also (iv) reduces the aggregate quantity of coffee supplied to mills by farmers and (v) makes farmers worse off. Competition hampers relational contracts directly by increasing farmers’ temptation to default on the relational contract and indirectly by reducing mills’ profits.

参考文献:Rocco Macchiavello, Ameet Morjaria, Competition and Relational Contracts in the Rwanda Coffee Chain, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 1089–1143

10、 建设有恢复力的卫生系统:来自塞拉利昂和2014年埃博拉疫情的实验证据


Skepticism about the quality of health systems and their consequent underuse are thought to contribute to high rates of mortality in the developing world. The perceived quality of health services may be especially critical during epidemics, when people choose whether to cooperate with response efforts and frontline health workers. Can improving the perceived quality of health care promote community health and ultimately help to contain epidemics? We leverage a field experiment in Sierra Leone to answer this question in the context of the 2014 West African Ebola crisis. Two years before the outbreak, we randomly assigned two interventions to government-run health clinics—one focused on community monitoring, and the other conferred nonfinancial awards to clinic staff. Prior to the Ebola crisis, both interventions increased clinic utilization and patient satisfaction. Community monitoring additionally improved child health, leading to 38% fewer deaths of children under age five. Later, during the crisis, the interventions also increased reporting of Ebola cases by 62%, and community monitoring significantly reduced Ebola-related deaths. Evidence on mechanisms suggests that both interventions improved the perceived quality of health care, encouraging patients to report Ebola symptoms and receive medical care. Improvements in health outcomes under community monitoring suggest that these changes partly reflect a rise in the underlying quality of administered care. Overall, our results indicate that promoting accountability not only has the power to improve health systems during normal times, but can also make them more resilient to emergent crises.

参考文献:Darin Christensen, Oeindrila Dube, Johannes Haushofer, Bilal Siddiqi, Maarten Voors, Building Resilient Health Systems: Experimental Evidence from Sierra Leone and The 2014 Ebola Outbreak, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 1145–1198



Most convicted offenders serve their sentences under “community supervision” at home instead of in prison. Under supervision, however, a technical rule violation, such as not paying fees, can result in incarceration. Rule violations account for 25% of prison admissions nationally and are significantly more common among black offenders. I test whether technical rules are effective tools for identifying likely reoffenders and deterring crime and examine their disparate racial impacts using administrative data from North Carolina. Analysis of a 2011 reform reducing prison punishments for technical violations on probation reveals that 40% of rule breakers would go on to commit crimes if spared harsh punishment. The same reform also closed a 33% black-white gap in incarceration rates without substantially increasing the black-white reoffending gap. These effects combined imply that technical rules target riskier probationers overall but disproportionately affect low-risk black offenders. To justify black probationers’ higher violation rate on efficiency grounds, their crimes must be roughly twice as socially costly as that of white probationers. Exploiting the repeat spell nature of the North Carolina data, I estimate a semiparametric competing risks model that allows me to distinguish the effects of particular types of technical rules from unobserved probationer heterogeneity. Rules related to the payment of fees and fines, which are common in many states, are ineffective in tagging likely reoffenders and drive differential effects by race. These findings illustrate the potentially large influence of ostensibly race-neutral policies on racial disparities in the justice system.
参考文献:Evan K Rose, Who Gets a Second Chance? Effectiveness and Equity in Supervision of Criminal Offenders, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 1199–1253



Exploiting the exogenous and regional nature of the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, this article provides a quantification of the role of input-output linkages as a mechanism for the propagation and amplification of shocks. We document that the disruption caused by the disaster propagated upstream and downstream along supply chains, affecting the direct and indirect suppliers and customers of disaster-stricken firms. Using a general equilibrium model of production networks, we then obtain an estimate for the overall macroeconomic impact of the disaster by taking these propagation effects into account. We find that the earthquake and its aftermaths resulted in a 0.47 percentage point decline in Japan’s real GDP growth in the year following the disaster.

参考文献:Vasco M Carvalho, Makoto Nirei, Yukiko U Saito, Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi, Supply Chain Disruptions: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 136, Issue 2, May 2021, Pages 1255–1321


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