
今天四条: 德国前总理科尔过世,享年87; 美海军驱逐舰在日本水域与菲律宾商船相撞,美日展开7名船员搜救;卡塔尔遭遇海湾国家断交后续: 特朗普表态模糊,阿联酋表态要求西方国家监督制止卡继续资助极端组织;巴台闪电断交,巴拿马要求台当局30天内撤馆。

Helmut Kohl, leader who united Europe as well as Germany, died today

Helmut Kohl, who died on Friday aged 87, was one of a trio of dominant western conservative politicians – along with Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher – whose determined ideological and practical opposition to the Soviet Union helped lead in the closing months of 1989 to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent end of the cold war that had gripped Europe since 1945.

But despite his reputation as a hardliner and his achievement as Germany’s longest-serving chancellor since Bismarck, Kohl in person was a shambling bear of a man (he was 193cm or 6’4” tall) who often did not take himself too seriously. Rather than claim a perspicacity he did not possess, Kohl freely admitted later that he did not foresee the sudden Soviet implosion and was as surprised as anyone when it happened.


Seven U.S. Sailors Missing After Navy Destroyer Collides With Ship

Seven U.S. Navy sailors are missing off the coast of Japan after an Aegis guided missile destroyer, the USS Fitzgerald, collided with a container ship early Saturday, causing significant damage and flooding.

Three sailors, including the destroyer’s commanding officer, Cmdr. Bryce Benson, were evacuated from the damaged vessel and are being treated at the U.S. naval hospital at Yokosuka, the home of the U.S. Navy’s Seventh Fleet.

Benson was reported to be in stable condition in the hospital, while the other two were still having their injuries assessed. The Seventh Fleet had set up an information center for families of sailors serving on the ship.

The cause of the collision was not yet clear.


'We do not trust them': UAE calls for western monitoring of Qatar

UEA foreign minister Anwar Gargash calls on ‘our western friends’ to establish monitoring system over Qatar’s alleged support of terrorism.

The United Arab Emirates has said a western monitoring mechanism will be needed to force Qatar to abide by any agreement to end its alleged support for terrorism, in the first suggestion from any of the countries blockading the tiny Gulf state that outside intervention may be needed to end the crisis.

Anwar Gargash, the UAE foreign minister, said its allies in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain did not trust Qatar as he spoke in London on a visit intended to rally diplomatic support for the embargo.

He said the monitoring would aim to ensure Qatar was no longer funding extremism, harbouring extremists in Doha, or providing support to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and al-Qaida. Qatar denies supporting the groups.


Photo of Day

A Muslim boy looks on as he attends the third Friday prayers of the fasting month of Ramadan inside a mosque in India.

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