
The Story of Helen Keller

Translated into English by Yueqing Huang


        Helen Keller was deprived of vision and listening by a serious illness when she was one and a half years old. Yet with the assistance of Anne Sullivan the teacher, the blind and deaf girl actually learnt to read and speak, graduated from Harvard University with honors and became a famous writer and educationist of great scholarship proficient in English, French, German, Latin and Greek. The distinguished writer Mark Twain once said, “There are two remarkable persons in the 19th century, one is Napoleon, another is Helen Keller.” “It is the most important day in my life when teacher Anne Sullivan came to my house. She liberated my spirit.” Recalled Helen.

        1880年6月27日,海伦 ·凯勒的出生让父母高兴万分。她是一个健康、聪明的小孩,6个月已经会说“茶”和“你好”,刚满周岁就会走路了。家里的庭院繁花盛开,鸟儿歌唱,充满好奇心的小海伦幸福地度过了她人生开端的19个月。但美好的时光总是短暂,一岁半的小海伦突发高烧,医生诊断为急性脑充血,宣布不治。过了几日海伦奇迹般退烧了,但当她睁开眼睛时,发现眼前一片黑暗,那种惊恐与悲伤的感觉她一生都没忘掉。从此,她开始生活在黑暗和无声的世界里。因为又聋又哑,海伦处在双重孤独中。随着年龄增长,她希望表达自己思想情感的愿望越来越强烈,几种单调的手势根本不够用。每次别人不了解她的意思,她都大发脾气,无法交流的绝望感让她疯狂地踢打哭闹,在地上翻滚、吼叫,直到精疲力竭。7岁之前的海伦是个被宠坏的脾气暴烈,任性妄为的小女孩。

        The birth of Helen Keller on June 27th, 1880 got her parents delirious with joy. She was a healthy, smart baby able to utter ‘tea’ and ‘hello’ when she was 6 months old and to walk at the age of 1. Against the background of flowers in full bloom and singing of the birds in the courtyard, the curious little girl passed her first 19 months in happiness. However, good time is always short-lived, a fever suddenly came to one-and-a-half-year-old little Helen, it is diagnosed as acute brain hyperemia and declared incurable. Although Helen’s fever was gone miraculously a few days later, when she opened her eyes, she couldn't see anything but darkness, that feeling of consternation and grief was an experience she would remember for the rest of her life. Since then, she began to stay in a world of darkness and silence. Because of both deafness and dumbness, Helen was in double solitude. As she grew older, her desire to express her thoughts and feelings was increasing strong while She has too few monotonous gestures to do it. She got mad at everyone misconstruing her meaning, the despair of being at cross-purposes with everyone else makes her crying and kicking wildly, shouting and rolling on the floor until she was exhausted. Before 7, Helen was a spoiled, willful girl of fierce temper.

Figure 1: Helen Keller was deprived of vision and listening at the age of 19 months

        1887年3月,安妮·莎莉文来到海伦家,这一天成为海伦一生最重要的一天,是她帮助海伦从一只小兽变成了人。见面之初,当海伦抓住了莎莉文送给她的洋娃娃时,莎莉文就开始在海伦掌心中拼写“DOLL(娃娃) ”,海伦跟着拼写,却并不懂这字有什么意义。一天早上,海伦照老习惯乱抓别人的饭,当她抓到莎莉文盘中的香肠时,莎莉文一把按住她的手。海伦开始发脾气,满地打滚,还和老师对打……横下心的莎莉文坚决不退让,她下决心首先要让海伦养成良好的生活习惯。三四天后,海伦的发作次数减少,她开始注意周围的事物,每天模仿老师在手上拼写一些莫名的字。两周后的一天,当海伦伸手浸在清凉的流水中时,莎莉文抓住她的手,在她湿淋淋的掌心中拼写“水”。海伦挣扎着要抽回手,莎莉文紧握不放,一次又一次写着“水”。突然,海伦触电般停住挣扎,屏住呼吸,全神贯注地体会着手掌中的拼字。“水”从她掌心输入脑海,烙印于心。刹那间,她脸上闪耀出顿悟的光辉。原来每种东西是有名字的!

        Anne Sullivan came to Helen’s house on March 3rd, 1887, the most important day in Helen’s life, because she turned her from a little beast into a human being. At their first meeting, Sullivan started to spell “Doll” on Helen’s palm when Helen caught hold of the doll she gave her as a gift, Helen followed her, in spite of the fact that she had no idea what the letters mean. One morning, Helen clawed at other people’s meals habitually, when it came on the sausage in Sullivan’s plate, she caught her hands. Then Helen began to get angry: rolling on the floor and fighting with teacher……the determined teacher stood fast and refused to make a concession to Helen, she made up her mind to foster Helen’s good habit. Three or four days later, the frequency of Helen’s fit decreased, she began to pay attention to things around her, and copy her teacher’s spelling of inexplicable letters on the palm everyday. Two weeks later, Sullivan seized Helen’s hand and spelled “water” in her wet palm when Helen soaked her hands in the cool water. Helen struggled to withdraw it while Sullivan refused to let it go, wrote time and again the word “water”. Suddenly, as if got an electric shock, Helen stopped to struggle, she held her breath and focused on the word on her palm. “Water” was input from her palm into the brain, and burned into her mind. For an instant her face sparkled with insight, it turns out that everything has a name!


         As if a chaotic world had been opened, Helen’s life seemed to be waken up from a dream. She sat there laughing, crying and thump the floor with her fist. She was thirsty for more words to be taught by Sullivan, she wanted to take a new acquaintance of the world. Today she learnt 30 words, and within a month learnt nearly 400 words. After that, she began to learn to read……


        “One must scale perilous peak to learn true skills. I slid down a few times, fell and could hardly get up, but was encouraged by every progress I made. I became more and more fervent, did all I can to reach higher, and gradually saw a wider world.”

Figure 2: Helen was touching Sullivan’s face to make sense of the organs on it


        Teacher Sullivan, who can be rated as a great educationist, was patient and full of fun in her education to Helen, she always explained whatever she taught vividly with a pretty story or a poem. Moreover, she brought Helen to nature to learn, guided her to touch and experience animals and plants. Helen kept asking about everything while Sullivan spared no effort to answer.


        This kind of learning style benefited Helen enormously, the greatest gain was that Helen found herself, and began to enjoy a free-flying mind. The girl locked in vacant darkness was no long alone, she learnt to communicate and participate. It took Helen only half a year to learn to correspond with children in Perkins School for the Blind in Braille.


        Helen is a lively and enthusiastic girl and has a good few hobbies. She likes to roam around the fields and outdoor sports, and learnt to row and swim in her childhood. She not only likes to struggle with rough weather in the boat, to go sailing on moonlight nights, to weave, play chess and blind cards, but also take delight in the museum, in appreciating operas and playgoing. She was in high spirits in doing everything, and gave vivid descriptions, the feeling to which is liver than a healthy man, to everyone else.


        Reading is the greatest pleasure to Helen, she was eager to learn, to experience the world, and read every book in Braille at hand over and over again. Sullivan translated for Helen a good deal of books in non-Braille into sign language, when teacher’s hands were too tired to continue, Helen, in anxiety, went so far as to touch the print on the book……

Figure 3: Helen was using her smell to understand a flower


        Physical defects can’t stop a relentless mind. Little Helen announced that she was planning to enter Harvard University in years to come, and compete with normal girls.


        To make it true, she left the school for the deaf where she studied for 2 years, and entered Cambridge Middle School for Girls. Sullivan, who attended classes with Helen everyday, wrote every word teacher said onto Helen’s palm with infinite patience, help her learn new words and read textbooks and notes for her over and over again after class.


        Helen was admitted to Radcliffe College of Harvard University when she was 19. At college she was obliged to have the contents of most teaching materials spelt on her hands by other people as many of them didn’t have versions written in Braille, therefore she spent much more time preparing lessons than anyone else. When they were playing and singing outside, she had no other choice but to apply herself to the preparation of lesson. Long-term painstaking efforts on study mastered substantial knowledge for her and gave her an excellent memory, she now had the power to change her fate.


        “The world is beautiful, even in darkness and dreariness. One should always strive to achieve more and be happy with what he has, no matter what environment he is in.”


        “Despite my body is fettered, my heart is free.”


        Helen was deaf and blind at a very early age, although her vocal cords has no problem, she was unable to learn to speak at all as she never heard other people’s words or watched them uttering words. For this purpose Sullivan found an expert to give Helen lessons on pronunciation by feeling the change of the mouth and differences of inhalation and exhalation of the nasal cavity with her hands. When she first uttered the words “it is warm” coherently, she was on to a new strength frees her from the fetters of the soul, and gets her out of a world of deathly hush.


        In Sullivan’s company, Helen did strenuous exercise and finally stood on the podium.

Figure 4: Helen was with Bell, the founder of the first practical telephone in the world


        The first time Helen gave a speech, she shivered on the stage, although she felt a cannonball had been fired as she shouted out the words with all her might, her voice, as someone else let her know subsequently, was as low as a mosquito. Nevertheless, Helen was in a position to speak and make speeches then!


        At college Helen took part in petitions to establish the Special Committee for The Blind, and became ever more busier after graduation. As one of the leaders of American Foundation for the Blind, Helen, with her teacher Sullivan, ran across 123 cities nationwide and gave speeches to 200,000 people within 3 years to collect funds. To this end, she went so far as to visit President Coolidge and dignitaries in the White House, her endeavor received strong support and achieved brilliant results.


        When she was 21 years old, Helen, collaborated with her teacher, published her maiden work My Life, in the ensuing 6 decades, she was still active in writing no matter how busy she was and had finished 14 works altogether. A big fire devastated the notes, letters and most of manuscripts she collected within 20 year for the book The Teacher, it would be a huge blow to a healthy man, yet Helen never gave up. She spent 10 years finishing this book, took it as a gift to her teacher Sullivan, who was immensely proud of it.


        In 1936, 66-year-old Sullivan passed away and left Helen forever. Helen had to face the reality alone, every time when she felt depressed and was to slack off, there always had a voice came out, “Helen, I don’t like you the way you are.” This motherly whisper allowed her to endure suffering, rebuild her life. She worked diligently and laughed heartily. “Although my body is fettered, my soul is free.”

Figure 5: A portrait of senile Helen in the armchair


        On the afternoon of June 1st, 1968, Helen Keller passed away in her sleep at the age of 87.


        Helen travelled around America and the world, devoted all her life to the cause of welfare and education for the blind. She won praises from the people all over the world, and was commended by a number of national governments. The well-known writer Mark Twain rated her like this: there has two remarkable persons in the 19th century, one is Napoleon, another is Helen Keller.

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