机缘巧合下,朋友推荐了 Evan Kimbrell的《25 days of ideas》,一下解开了我心中的困惑,忽然有种顿悟的感觉。
这个视频系列角度蛮独特的。每个视频的流程,都是先提供理论和技巧,然后结合生活中的例子,再跟你说how to do。看完,你会对如何去挖掘现实生活中的需求,继而把它产品化、business化有了自己的一套做法了。
另外,作者 Evan Kimbrell 本人也是个非常传奇的人物,他的左手是机械臂。
Got Problems
- how to target problems
- bussiness is about solving problem, and two factors to consider if it is worth solving
- frequency
- depth
Wouldn’t It Be Great If...
- ask the right questions
- Wouldn’t it be great if _________?
- imagine the future
- what great business in the future is not being built today?(offer by Peter Thiel)
Imagine the Future
- Reverse Imagination
- 反向思考,事后诸葛亮
- 除了思考未来我们的生活会变得如何更加好之外,反过来想,我们现在做的什么事情,在未来看起来会很无效、无趣、傻逼
- 或者当我们回看过去的几十年的时候,我们会怎么想这样一个问题,就是当时什么事情其实可以变得更好
- 这个应该叫做逆向思考
- 作者举了两个例子
- 一个是apple pay取代了过去带各种银行卡去买单的情形
- 另外就是paypal的小伙子们吐槽网络间不能方便的付款、转账,然后创造自己的paypal帝国
Cater to Power Users
Platforms can’t grow if they only focus on the top power user
It’s better to have a deep and narrow well than a wide and shallow well
what to do
- pic a flatform and trying to play with it(do some research)
- find the power user( or a group with specific interest)
- ask the question:
- what has frustrated them a lot?
- what they wish they have in the platform
- pick up a new platform and be there from the very begining
- pic a flatform and trying to play with it(do some research)
Disintermediation is really just a fancy word for "remove the middle man."
ask yourself : whether i can remove one or two of these steps in the chain?
possible outcomes
- lower price, same quality
- same price, higher quality
Reposition Good / Fast / Cheap
- Good / Fast / Cheap 这3个特点,只能择其二
- 在做business的时候,要学会给自己定位,确定偏向
Adding Technology to Offline Industries or SAAS it!
- looking for common human behaviors
- can it benefit from online?
- Tailor your solution to a specific area
- “The future is here,it’s just unevenly distributed."
- Find the people, laggards
Make It Eco-Friendly
- skip
The Fit Generator
- 利用一个在线的工具生成可能的bussiness组合
- 四个维度:
- 生意的组合维度:
- procurement
- product
- delivery
- promotion
- angle
- Price
- Quality
- Convenience
- Speed
- Self-expression
Bloated Margins
- skip
Trends in Outsourcing
- 如果一个事情能够被外包出来,那么就有机会从外包过度到完全自动化
- 作者列举了一些外包社区,建议可以从上面找到一些可能被自动化,或者半自动化的东西
- 还有,作者提及了一些专门设计外包的小工种(比如专门设计logo、facebook的cover之类的),联想起一些专门生成logo的网站,确实有这种自动化的可能
Robin Hood-ing
- Do all of the current solutions for this space charge money?
- What percentage of the market is owned by the companies that do charge?
- Is the marginal cost of the product or service low?
Good Idea / Bad Timing
Information Asymmetry
- Pick an industry
- If i wanted to acquire ____ product or _____ service, would I know how to do it?
Hobby Lobbyist
- Think of the hobbies you have
- What parts of this hobby, if made simpler,would attract more people to use them/do them?
- Look at other hobbies
- ask your friends: what do you do on weekend/ after work?
The Enabler
- Look at an alternative industry
- What you have to do for selling in that industry.And if you don’t what it will take, just do some research.
- 作者列举了一个案例
Industries that we think of today as great spaces to try your luck were not always this way. E-commerce, for example, used to be a massive pain to get up and running in. Creating an online shop was expensive and complicated. We take this for granted now because we have access to "enablers" like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento.
Molding a User
- Give yourself a top 3 problems of the day
Economies of Service
- Ask question:
- What service do you wish you had but is’s way too expensive?
- Different angle: What services do rich people have that poor folk do not?
- If we didn’t charge the cost of this service, but instead spread it out amongst more users,could this be a realistic service
- 参考产品
- 团购
- 拼多多
- 其他各种团购优惠
Sloppy Duct Tape
- 生活中充满了各种非常“粗糙”的解决方案,比如把平板挂到厨房的墙壁上,一些下雪国家的人挖雪摆各种物品占停车位坑的做法等
- 有没可能在这种那么多”workaround”的需求里面找到自己的机会呢
Privacy and the Blind Eye
- What are the obvious things that need to have privacy protection?
- 相关产品
- abine、burner提供虚拟电话号码
- Ask yourself two question:
- Can I make this more private?
- Would this actually improve privacy in any meaningful way?
Spotting Market Inefficiencies
- The profit motive
- 盈利模型不一定都能很好的工作
- 作者拿private education举例,指出这种以盈利为目的的学校,虽然收费高昂,但它所提供给学生的价值和学生本身能得到的回报之间的差距是非常大的
- Goverment regulations
- 作者拿智利这个国家的税收做例子,有点像我们过去hk和内地的商品差价一样,大量的智利人坐飞机到其他国家购买macbook pro,为了躲避高昂的国内税
- Not enough pontential profit
- orphan drugs and orphan populations
- 针对患有罕见病的人群,生产对应的药物所能获得的收益是非常低的,这样就导致药物厂商不愿生产,或者会卖非常高昂的价格
Vertical Integration
他列举了Microsoft和Apple两个企业,其中,Microsoft只是制造windows系统,它并不生产自己的硬件设备(平板除外)。而Apple,除了研发自己的mac osx系统,还把之前代工给三星的iPhone也拿回来自己制造,从系统级的研发,到硬件的制造,苹果在自己能够控制的范围内,尽可能把产业链条的大部分环节整合了起来。
作者最后列举了”card shop”例子做为提示。市面上消费者购买的卡片,简化来说是由制作卡片的公司,和售卖卡片的公司共同完成的,他说,如果人们能够直接在售卖卡片的店铺里面,购买自己自定义的款式,那会不会是一个整合机会?
One Step Solutions
- 市面上有很多满足需求的产品,但可能体验并不好,比如使用流程复杂
- 人们总是希望能够方便快捷的完成任务
- 有没可能,找到这样一个机会,你能够把步骤简化,最好能变成一步就完成
- 参考产品
- rev.com
- push-for pizza
- amazon的一键购买