1.1 创建数据库:
create database student;
1.2 删除数据库:
drop database student;
2.1 创建数据库表
create table 表名;
create table class2 (name char(4),sex char(2),age int(3));
create table class3(id char(10) primary key,name char(3) not null,sex char(2),age int(4) default '20');
primary key 主键
not null 不能为空
Default 默认值
create table test(adress char(20),id int(3),name char(10),primary key(id,name));
create table users ( id int(5) not null auto_increment, name varchar(20)not null, primary key (`id`) );
mysql> insert into users values('','liming'),('','zhangsan');
Query OK, 2 rows affectedRecords: 2 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
2.2 查看表结构:
desc 表名;
desc student;
2.3 查看有哪些表
show tables;
2.4 删除表:
drop table 表名;
2.5 修改表:
2.5.1 rename
语法结构:alter table 旧表名 rename 新表名;
alter table test rename class;
增加一列 add
alter table class add 地址 char(20);
2.5.3 删除一列 drop
alter table class drop 表结构;
2.5.4 修改列 change
alter table 表名 change 姓名 name char(3);
3.1.1 插入一条数据:
insert into 表名(id,name,sex,age) values(001,赵四,男,20); insert into 表名 values(值1,值2...);-----values中的值必须和表的默认结构对应/
insert into class values('wuhuishan','女',20,'006');
3.1.2 一次性写入多条数据
insert into 表名(属性1,属性2..) values(值1.1,值2.1...),(值1.2,值2.2,....);
insert into class(id,name,sex,age) values('001','zhangsan','男',20),('002','lisi','男',21);
3.2 删除数据:
3.2.1 delete 语句delete from 表名;--一次性删除所有数据了
delete from 表名 where语句:
delete from class where name='lisi';
3.2.2 truncate语句
truncate 表名;---清空数据库表
truncate class;
delete truncate 区别 清空数据库表时truncate 效率更高,delete可以跟条件语句而truncate不能
3.3 修改表中数据:
update set
update 表名 set 需要更新的数据 where:
update class set id='002' where id='004';
3.4 查询语句:
3.4.1 简单查询语句
select * from 表名;---*代表查询所有列
select 需要查询的属性 from 表名 (where);
select address,name,birth from student;---查询指定的列address,name,birth
3.4.2 where语句查询:
select * from student where birth=1990 or birth=1991; ---查看生日是1990和1991的所有学生信息
select * from student where birth!=1990; ------查看生日不是1990的所有学生信息
select * from student where not birth=1990; ------查看生日不是1990的所有学生信息
select goods_name from ecs_goods where is_delete=0 and is_new=1; ----查询goods表中没有被is_delete=0删除并且为is_new=1新品
查询 goods表中的shop_price价格 大于4000,小于8000的产品信息 select goods_name,shop_price from ecs_goods where 40004000 and shop_price<8000; ----正确写法
查询没有删除的产品中,要么是新品,要么是热销,要么精品 select goods_name from ecs_goods where is_delete=0 and (is_new=1 or is_hot=1 or is_best=1);
查询出点击量click_count超过10次,并且没有库存的产品信息 select click_count,goods_name,goods_number from ecs_goods where click_count>10 and goods_number=0;
select goods_number,goods_name from ecs_goods where is_hot=1 and goods_number<5;
select goods_name from ecs_goods where is_delete=0 and (is_new=1 and is_hot=1 and is_best=1);
3.4.3 模糊查询:like
% 全匹配
_ 单个字符匹配
商品名称包含18k 的产品有哪些?
select goods_name from ecs_goods where goods_name like '%18K%' ;
select goods_name from ecs_goods where goods_name like '____18K_____' ;
select goods_name from ecs_goods where goods_name like '%18K%' and goods_number=0;
select goods_name,goods_brief from ecs_goods where goods_name like '%18K%' and goods_brief like '%国庆大促%';
3.4.4 in 在..里面
select goods_sn from ecs_goods where goods_sn='ECS000136' or goods_sn='ECS000137' or goods_sn='ECS000138' ;---查询内容为字符串时必须用引号引起来
select goods_sn from ecs_goods where goods_sn in ('ECS000136','ECS000137','ECS000138');
查询出有订单的产品的所有信息(ecs_order_goods 订单表) 1、产品信息 在产品表中
select goods_name,goods_sn,goods_id from ecs_goods; 2、产品存在在订单表中
select goods_id from ecs_order_goods;
3、 综合查询:
select goods_name,goods_sn,goods_id from ecs_goods where goods_id in (select goods_id from ecs_order_goods) ;
select * from student where grade in (select grade from student where grade>80);
3.4.5 between and ----介于什么和什么之间
between 较小的数值 and 较大的数值;
select goods_name,shop_price from ecs_goods where shop_price between 4000 and 8000;
3.4.6 算数运算符使用 + - * / mod
select market_price,shop_price,market_price+shop_price,goods_name from ecs_goods where market_price+shop_price>15000;
select market_price,shop_price,market_price-shop_price,goods_name from ecs_goods where market_price-shop_price>1000;
select goods_number,shop_price,goods_number*shop_price from ecs_goods where goods_number*shop_price>100000;
select shop_price/market_price from ecs_goods where shop_price/market_price<0.8;
mod 求余
select goods_number,goods_number mod 3 from ecs_goods where (goods_number mod 3)=0;
select goods_number,goods_number mod 3 from ecs_goods where (goods_number mod 3) =0;
select goods_number,goods_number mod 3 from ecs_goods;
3.4.7 排序 order by 排序 升序排序
select shop_price from ecs_goods order by shop_price;
order by decs 降序排序
select shop_price from ecs_goods order by shop_price desc; 3.4.8 查询空值
is null 查询出 is_check为null的数据
select * from ecs_goods where is_check is null;
3.4.9 函数
count 统计函数 统计ecs_goods总数
select count(goods_number) from ecs_goods;
sum 求和函数
select sum(goods_number) from ecs_goods;
avg 求平均值
select avg(shop_price) from ecs_goods;
max 最大值
select max(shop_price) from ecs_goods;
min 最小
select min(shop_price) from ecs_goods;
distinct 去重复
select distinct(goods_number) from ecs_goods;
3.4.10 group by 分组
select goods_number,count(goods_number) from ecs_goods group by goods_number;
3.4.11 limit 用法 查询行数
limit 1,3 ---第一个数指的是当前所在的行,第二数是让你显示的行数 limit 1,3 从当前第一行开始的下一行显示3行数据 如果要求显示前三行 limit0,3
select shop_price from ecs_goods order by shop_price desc limit0,3;
3.4.12 having 条件语句
select shop_price from ecs_goods where shop_price>10000; select shop_price from ecs_goods having shop_price>10000; having 进行分组以后只能用having
对产品的数量进行分组,显示同一数量的商品统计后大于两个的 select goods_number,count(goods_number) from ecs_goods group by goods_number having count(goods_number)>2;
select is_hot,count(*) from ecs_goods where is_delete=0 group by is_hot having count(*)>2 ;
3.4.13 子查询 in any some
要求查询student表中比任意一个class表中年龄大的人信息; select 2017-birth from student where (2017-birth)(select avg(2017-birth) from student);
SELECT * FROM article WHERE uid IN(SELECT uid FROM user WHERE status=1)
SELECT s1 FROM table1 WHERE s1 > ANY (SELECT s2 FROM table2)
SELECT s1 FROM table1 WHERE s1 > ALL (SELECT s2 FROM table2)
SELECT * FROM article WHERE (title,content,uid) = (SELECT title,content,uid FROM blog WHERE bid=2)
SELECT * FROM article WHERE (title,content,uid) IN (SELECT title,content,uid FROM blog);
3.4.14 合并 union 合并
select * from student union select * from student2;
select id from student union select id from class;
select id,name from test1 union select id,name from test2;
3.4.15 左右连接:
select ..from 表1 连接类型 join 表2 on 连接关系;
select * from student left join sc on student.id=sc.stu_id;
select * from test1 right join test2 on test1.id=test2.id;
3.4.16 多表连接:
select 查询的列属性 from 表1 a1,表2 a2.. where 条件 表1.属性=表2.属性 and 表3.属性=表2.属性;
1、如果多张表中有同一个属性名时必须标注是哪个表中的属性,student.id ,s1.id;
mysql> select * from student;
| id | name | sex | birth | department | address |
| 901 | 张老大 | 男 | 1985 | 计算机系 | 北京市海淀区 |
| 902 | 张老二 | 男 | 1986 | 中文系 | 北京市昌平区 |
| 903 | 张三 | 女 | 1990 | 中文系 | 湖南省永州市 |
| 904 | 李四 | 男 | 1990 | 英语系 | 辽宁省阜新市 |
| 905 | 王五 | 女 | 1991 | 英语系 | 福建省厦门市 |
| 906 | 王六 | 男 | 1988 | 计算机系 | 湖南省衡阳市 |
mysql> select * from score;
| id | stu_id | c_name | grade |
| 1 | 901 | 计算机 | 98 |
| 2 | 901 | 英语 | 80 |
| 3 | 902 | 计算机 | 65 |
| 4 | 902 | 中文 | 88 |
| 5 | 903 | 中文 | 95 |
| 6 | 904 | 计算机 | 70 |
| 7 | 904 | 英语 | 92 |
| 8 | 905 | 英语 | 94 |
| 9 | 906 | 计算机 | 90 |
| 10 | 906 | 英语 | 85 |
a、select stu_id from score where stu_id in(select stu_id from score where c_name='计算机' ) and c_name='英语';
mysql> select id,name,sex,birth,department,address from student where id in (select stu_id from score where stu_id in(select stu_id from score where c_name='计算机' ) and c_name='英语');
| id | name | sex | birth | department | address |
| 901 | 张老大 | 男 | 1985 | 计算机系 | 北京市海淀区 |
| 904 | 李四 | 男 | 1990 | 英语系 | 辽宁省阜新市 |
| 906 | 王六 | 男 | 1988 | 计算机系 | 湖南省衡阳市 |
mysql> select s1.id,name,sex,birth,department,address from student s1,score s2,score s3 where s1.id=s2.stu_id and s2.stu_id=s3.stu_id and s2.c_name='计算机' and s3.c_name='英语' ;
| id | name | sex | birth | department | address |
| 901 | 张老大 | 男 | 1985 | 计算机系 | 北京市海淀区 |
| 904 | 李四 | 男 | 1990 | 英语系 | 辽宁省阜新市 |
| 906 | 王六 | 男 | 1988 | 计算机系 | 湖南省衡阳市 |
3 rows in set
mysql> select s1.id,name,sex,birth,department,address from student s1,score s2,score s3 where s1.id=s2.stu_id and s2.stu_id=s3.stu_id and s2.c_name='计算机' and s2.c_name='英语' ;--------表s2和表s3中同时存在计算机和英语时不存在;
Empty set
mysql> alter table student add index cxy(name);
Query OK, 6 rows affected
Records: 6 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql> show index from student;
| Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| student | 0 | PRIMARY | 1 | id | A | 6 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | |
| student | 1 | cxy | 1 | name | A | NULL | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | |
2 rows in set
复制表:as 复制表并且复制内容 like只复制表结构
mysql> create table test3 like test2;
Query OK, 0 rows affected
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_cxy23-2 |
| class |
| score |
| student |
| student2 |
| test1 |
| test2 |
| test3 |
7 rows in set
mysql> select * from test3;
Empty set
mysql> desc test3;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| name | char(255) | YES | | NULL | |
2 rows in set
mysql> create table test4 as select * from test2;
Query OK, 4 rows affected
Records: 4 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_cxy23-2 |
| class |
| score |
| student |
| student2 |
| test1 |
| test2 |
| test3 |
| test4 |
8 rows in set
mysql> select * from test4;
| id | name |
| 1 | user1 |
| 2 | user2 |
| 6 | user6 |
| 7 | user7 |
4 rows in set
mysql> select timeday,result,count(*) from aaaa group by timeday,result;
| timeday | result | count(*) |
| 2005-05-09 | 胜 | 2 |
| 2005-05-09 | 负 | 2 |
| 2005-05-10 | 胜 | 1 |
| 2005-05-10 | 负 | 2 |
4 rows in set
mysql> select * from aaaa;
| timeday | result |
| 2005-05-09 | 胜 |
| 2005-05-09 | 负 |
| 2005-05-09 | 负 |
| 2005-05-09 | 胜 |
| 2005-05-10 | 胜 |
| 2005-05-10 | 负 |
| 2005-05-10 | 负 |
7 rows in set