

Happy New Year—I hope you and your family had a great holiday and enjoyed some well-deserved time off. Thank you again for a terrific effort and a strong result last year!


Hello Steven, It was my pleasure to talk with you earlier today – thank you for contacting XXXX. I am writing to share more information with you about XXXX and our digital signage systems. The attached corporate brochure will provide you with an overview of our most popular system features – you can also learn more by visiting our website at XXXX.com. As you will see, XXX has been providing industry-leading digital signage systems for the past 25 years and we are honored to have our systems in place with over 2,500 hotels, resorts and casinos around the world. We would be very interested in exploring a relationship with XXXX in order to explore digital signage opportunities in China. As I’ve mentioned, our primary customer focus is with hotels, resorts and casinos. Our digital display systems are designed to meet the needs of the hospitality market. We are fortunate to have earned preferred-vendor status with many of the leading hotel brands including: Hyatt, Hilton, Sheraton, Westin, Marriott, Four Seasons, Ritz Carlton, Renaissance and many more. Please let me know if you have relationships with any hotels and we can develop a plan to pursue the opportunity together. Please review our information at your earliest convenience and let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to our next communication. Regards, xxxx

一、基本邮件礼仪(Email etiquette)



中文邮件不喜欢太多客套话,废话少说,直入正题,但是美国人写邮件,哪怕是和熟悉的人,回邮件第一句话,都要感谢,所以他们的邮件都是 thank来thank去的,中文邮件没这种习惯。

开头,感谢别人回复自己的邮件(也可以用thank you,用在稍微正式场合,比如和陌生人发邮件)

Thanks for the quick reply.

Thanks for getting back to me.

Thanks for the update on the situation.

Thanks for the updated information.

Thanks for gathering the information this week on this issue.


Thank you.

Well noted.

Noted/Received with thanks.

Good information.



Sorry for the late reply.(中国人普遍这这一种,也有老外用,不过下面两种更多)

Sorry I haven’t got back to you sooner .

Sorry for the delay getting back to you.


Apologies for the late/short notice.


I apologize if this was not made clear


I apologize if this may make you feel uncomfortable/bad.

I apologize if this may sound a little harsh.


最后收尾的套路,一般都是问别人意下如何。(不要用please tell me ...这种句式,从来没见过老外用的)

Please let me know what you think.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. (最常见)

Please let me know if there are questions.

Looking forward to your input/insight(用insight/input代替opinion)

That’s my idea, what's your idea?(也有直接这样说的)

Please review the lengthy e-mail and provide feedback on how we can proceed.(如果邮件太长了)


I'll let you know more tomorrow(表示今天没说完,明天再说更多)

Please call me if you like.(有什么事打我电话)


普通工作邮件,直接称呼名字字就好了,比如Hi Steven,不需要用Mr., 甚至写给总裁的邮件,也是直接说Hi Bill,不需要Hi President Johnson。否则真的真的太令人不自在了。

只有德国人是个例外,喜欢加Mr./Ms. 我以前在德资企业工作,发给女性的邮件居然要称呼Ms. Zhang。

学术场合才需要加抬头,比如Prof. Johnson. 政客的Congressman Johnson.

记住,一般不加Dear,只有公司HR群发邮件才说Dear all, 发给个人的,一般就Hi Steven或者直接说Steven,



英语 | 到底什么是正式场合和非正式场合



Thank you







cc是 carbon copy(复写纸)的简称,以前还没有电子邮件时候,用复写纸抄送,所以本质上还是copy.

I have put John on copy. (记住put on copy的固定搭配)

You can copy Steven going forward.

如果是分别抄送给某些人,但是又不想让他们互相知道对方的联系方式,可以用暗送(BCC也就是blind cc),比如同时发给几个供应商,邮件开头直接写

BCC vendors


我看到台湾香港人大陆人都是用add xxx in the loop.从来没见过美国人这样说的。


Looping in Steven.

Adding/Added Steven.

甚至直接用 “+”都可以

+ Steven


Removed Mike from this email


forward the email to someone(大部分中国人只会用这种)

pass me the email(老外也经常用这种)


get back比 reply常用

I will get back to you tomorrow.


附件的英文是attachment.但是如果你说please find the attachment实在是恶俗至极。

一般直接用动词attached, enclosed. 我比较喜欢用attached.

Attached/Enclosed please find the report.

I attached the report and let me know what you think.


excel, pdf, word 如果你说file也是恶俗至极,正确的说法是document.(excel可以说spreadsheet, ppt可以说presentation)

Attached please find the document.


不要说 This is xxx和I am这种句式,开头也不要太多客套话,老外开头都是直接说My name is xxx

Hi Mike,

My name is Steven Gates. I work in the R&D department and am in charge of ...


书上百分之一万告诉你用Dear all, Hi all这种,实际,只有群发给整个公司的邮件,比如公司新闻之类的才用这种称呼,其他时候用下面的,

Team, (最常用)

Gents, (如果全部是男的)



本来你只是在cc列表里作为旁观者,但是你也想进来插一句话怎么说?用chime in

Just to chime in, xxxx

I'd like to chime in with my idea, xxxx

如果邀请别人发表意见怎么说,用 please chime in here with your thoughts/comments/idea.

Steven, please chime in here with correct information.



在日常英语对话中有哪些细节中国人不会注意,但是外国人却觉得很重要,并可能认为中国人很无礼? - 史蒂芬的回答 - 知乎


1) 问别人一个问题时,前面加个wondering表示想知道,比直接问一个问题更加委婉。

I was wondering what your thoughts are changing this design.

I am wondering if you are using the same material.

2) 请求别人做一件事,用If you could xxx, that would be great. 更加礼貌

3) 请别人帮忙做一件事时,在前面加(by) any chance,意思是如果有时间/有机会,很委婉。

By any chance, could you help check the data? 有时间可不可以帮忙看看数据?


我就不说However, Nevertheless, on one hand, on the other hand, firstly这种老师教的恶俗至极的老八股了。


很少看到邮件用说firstly的,一般有话就直说, 但是lastly很常见,在说完前面一大堆之后,说最后一件事的时候,说lastly,finally表示最后你想说什么

Lastly, could you confirm that there is no additional change? 最后一件事,你可不可以确认一下不会再改了?

Finally, the most important thing is ...(不知道怎么翻译这个finally)

2)as/on a side note


Also, on a side note, can you xxxx?

As a side note, I'm beginning to think our current measurement method doesn't seem to be accurate enough .

类似的还有 on a related point(相关说明)

3) specifically


Specifically , we are interested in xxxx.

Specifically , we'd like to xxxx.

4) all said/ with all that said


All said, I think we are in an enviable position going into the 2017 sales season with xxxx. 说了那么多,我想我们处在一个令人羡慕的市场地位。

5) that being said


That being said, we still need to ...(话虽如此,我们还是需要...)

6) on another front

代替on another side



1) highlight


以下都叫highlight,前者是真正的highlight,后者虽然是画圈,但是也是框起来引起人注意,也叫highlight. 下面区域就叫highlighted area.


I have to highlight the issue that the deadline is close whereas up to date we haven't come up with a solution

One of my concerns is that the factory is not highlighting the challenges in production.

Can you provide some pictures and videos highlighting the xxx area of the product?(就是要你特写拍一下某个区域)

I would like you to put a report together highlighting what caused the issue and how you expect to correct the issue.

2) issue


比如品质问题是quality issue.


3) bullet points

现在左边这个黑色的点就是bullet point,这是它的本意,中文叫做项目符号,引申为重点内容。

Let's discuss all the bullet points tomorrow.

4) callout

记住下面这这种有箭头或者线条的标注文字叫做callout,不叫remark, comment, note.

把call out分开变成动词,就是标注,学工科的都知道工程图很多尺寸公差是需要标注的。

The tolerance/spec wasn't called out.

5) with regard to/ regarding


I'll have a business trip regarding the quality issue.

6) echo


To echo John's direction, our plan is xxxx(John的邮件在前面,如果在John的邮件上再回复就可以这样说。

Just to confirm and echo John, please xxxx.

I can only echo David's email. I also think xxx.

7) address

不要只知道是" 地址“的意思,邮件和日常工作中经常用这个词表达”考虑、讨论(以尝试解决)“,意思介于think/talk about和solve之间,并不承诺一定能解决,只是表示"需要引起注意并解决”,固定搭配address the issue/ problem/question/ concern

This issue needs to be addressed. (这个问题需要引起注意并解决)

The products address the needs of beginners. (这个产品考虑到了新用户的需求)

A question we‘ll need to address is whether we can afford XXXX

addressed the quality issue in the meeting(我在会议中讨论了质量问题)

All other questions/issues will be addressed by Kevin.(其他问题将由Kevin来讨论)

Items to be addressed Wednesday(星期三要讨论的事项)

8) bring up


I also brought up a

few concerns with John about XXXX.

One thing I'd like to bring up is XXXX

We are looking to save some cost on XXX project and one of the ideas brought up by the team was to look at XXXX.

9 )involve


We would involve members from purchasing team as well.

When there is delivery issue, please involve the sales team.

I would like for the root causes and

corrective actions to involve some engineering controls in the process instead

of just increased inspections.

10) direction


I will follow David's direction.

Thanks for your direction.

11) concern


quality concern

delivery concern

cost concern

12) input


比如你给别人提供建议/信息,他会说Thanks for your input.

比如《纸牌屋》里,幕僚长对副总统说 We

value your input, Mr. Vice President.

比如你想问别人对这件事的看法,你可以说 I'd like your input on it.

13) insight



比如 provide some insight for it,

Look forward to your insight.

That's valuable insight.

14) dig into


We need to dig into the root cause.

15) expedite

加快,邮件中多用这个词代替accelerate和speed up

expedite the order (加快订单)

expedite the process (加快流程)

We appreciate whatever

you are able to do in order to help expedite these samples.


很多人知道due to,但是不知道 due原来还有“预期”的意思,代替expect,due date是“预计日期”,而不是通常理解的"截止日期“,比如预产期也是due date.

The parts are due in Shanghai on Friday = The parts are expected to arrive in Shanghai on Friday.

Our annual report is due to be shared early next year.(财报明年年初公布)

The samples are due to ship(或者be shipped) on Monday.(样品预计星期一寄出)



The parts were made in January.

18) timing


Timing is used to refer to the time at which something happens or is planned to happen, or to the length of time that something takes.

Because the manufacturing timing is too long, we would come up with a better idea(这里和time是一样的意思)

My July visit timing has not yet been decided(我七月份来访的时间还没确定)

That's perfect timing.(真是个好时候)

19) check in


老外有时候发邮件主题就是check in两个字,邮件的内容就是问一个问题。


to talk with (someone) in order to report or find out new information

I wanted to check in to ensure xxx. 我发邮件过来只是想了解一下状况,确保xxxx

David checked in with me on what we can do. 大卫找我问我我们能够做什么。

I'll check in with our team to confirm expected ship date and let you know. 我要去问一下我们团队。

I'll check in with you tomorrow. 我明天再告诉你。

口语里也常说I'll check in with you later(我稍后再和你联系)I'm

just calling to check in(我打电话来也没什么事,了解你的近况而已)。你问别人在吗,别人说what's up?你说没什么事就是I'm

just checking in.







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