SpringBoot 参考指南——004

Part IV. SpringBoot特性(Spring Boot features)

本节深入介绍SpringBoot的细节。在这里,您可以了解您可能想要使用和定制的关键特性。如果您还没有这样做,您可能希望阅读“Part II Getting Started”和“Part III Using Spring Boot”,以便对基本知识有一个良好的基础。

23. Spring应用程序(SpringApplication)

SpringApplication类提供了一种方便的方法从main()方法启动Spring应用程序。在许多情况下,您可以委托给 SpringApplication.run静态方法,如下面的例子所示:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(MySpringConfiguration.class, args);


.   ____          _            __ _ _
/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
\\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
'  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
:: Spring Boot ::   v2.1.1.RELEASE

2013-07-31 00:08:16.117  INFO 56603 --- [           main] o.s.b.s.app.SampleApplication            : Starting SampleApplication v0.1.0 on mycomputer with PID 56603 (/apps/myapp.jar started by pwebb)
2013-07-31 00:08:16.166  INFO 56603 --- [           main] ationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext@6e5a8246: startup date [Wed Jul 31 00:08:16 PDT 2013]; root of context hierarchy
2014-03-04 13:09:54.912  INFO 41370 --- [           main] .t.TomcatServletWebServerFactory : Server initialized with port: 8080
2014-03-04 13:09:56.501  INFO 41370 --- [           main] o.s.b.s.app.SampleApplication            : Started SampleApplication in 2.992 seconds (JVM running for 3.658)


23.1. 启动失败(Startup Failure)




Embedded servlet container failed to start. Port 8080 was already in use.


Identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8080 or configure this application to listen on another port.

Spring Boot提供了许多FailureAnalyzer实现,您可以添加自己的

如果没有故障分析器能够处理异常,您仍然可以显示完整的条件报告,以便更好地理解出错的原因。为此,需要启用debug属性或启用DEBUG loggingorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.logging.ConditionEvaluationReportLoggingListener

例如,如果您使用java -jar运行您的应用程序,那么您可以按如下启用debug属性:

$ java -jar myproject-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --debug

23.2. 自定义 Banner(Customizing the Banner)

可以通过向类路径添加banner.txt文件或将spring.banner.location属性设置为此类文件的位置来更改在start up上打印的Banner。如果文件的编码不是UTF-8,可以设置spring.banner.charset。除了文本文件之外,还可以将banner.gifbanner.jpgbanner.png图像文件添加到类路径或设置spring.banner.image.location属性。


** Table 23.1. Banner variables **

变量 描述
${application.version} MANIFEST.MF中声明的应用程序的版本号。例如,Implementation-Version: 1.0打印为1.0
${application.formatted-version} 应用程序的版本号,如在MANIFEST.MF中声明的版本号和用于显示的格式化版本号(用括号括起来,以v为前缀)。
${spring-boot.version} 您正在使用的SpringBoot版本。例如2.1.1.RELEASE。
${spring-boot.formatted-version} 您正在使用的SpringBoot版本,格式化后用于显示(用括号括起来,前缀为v),例如(v2.1.1.RELEASE)。
${Ansi.NAME} (or ${AnsiColor.NAME}, ${AnsiBackground.NAME}, ${AnsiStyle.NAME}) 其中NAME是ANSI转义码的名称。有关详细信息,请参见AnsiPropertySource
${application.title} MANIFEST.MF中声明的应用程序标题。例如,Implementation-Title: MyApp打印为MyApp







        banner-mode: "off"

23.3. 定制SpringApplication(Customizing SpringApplication)


public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(MySpringConfiguration.class);

传递给SpringApplication的构造函数参数是Spring Bean的配置源。在大多数情况下,这些是对@Configuration类的引用,但是它们也可以是对XML配置或应该扫描的包的引用。


有关配置选项的完整列表,请参见SpringApplication Javadoc

23.4. 使用构造器API(Fluent Builder API)



new SpringApplicationBuilder()

在创建ApplicationContext层次结构时存在一些限制。例如,Web组件必须包含在子上下文中,并且父上下文和子上下文都使用相同的环境。有关详细信息,请参见SpringApplicationBuilder Javadoc

23.5. Application Events and Listeners

除了常见的 Spring Framework 事件(如ContextRefreshedEvent)之外,SpringApplication还发送一些其他的应用程序事件。





  1. ApplicationStartingEvent,在程序运行开始时触发,但在其他处理动作之前(除侦听器和初始化程序的注册外);
  2. ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent,当上下文中使用的环境已知,但在创建上下文之前触发;
  3. ApplicationPreparedEvent,在刷新启动之前,bean定义加载之后触发;
  4. ApplicationStartedEvent,在上下文刷新之后,在调用任何应用程序和命令行运行程序之前触发;
  5. ApplicationReadyEvent,在调用任何应用程序和命令行运行程序之后,都会触发,它表示应用程序已经准备好为请求提供服务;
  6. ApplicationFailedEvent,启动时出现异常时触发。

您通常不需要使用应用程序事件,但是知道它们的存在是很方便的。在内部,Spring Boot使用事件处理各种任务。

应用程序事件是通过使用Spring Framework的事件发布机制发送的。此机制的一部分确保在子上下文中发布到侦听器的事件也会在任何祖先上下文中发布到侦听器。因此,如果您的应用程序使用SpringApplication实例的层次结构,侦听器可能会接收到相同类型的应用程序事件的多个实例。


23.6. WEB环境(Web Environment)


  • 如果使用Spring MVC,则使用AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext
  • 如果Spring MVC不存在,而Spring WebFlux存在,则使用AnnotationConfigReactiveWebServerApplicationContext
  • 否则,将使用AnnotationConfigApplicationContext

这意味着,如果您在同一个应用程序中使用Spring MVC,并且使用了Spring WebFlux中的WebClient创建了一个实例,默认情况下将使用Spring MVC。您可以通过调用setWebApplicationType(WebApplicationType)轻松地覆盖它。



23.7. 访问应用程序参数(Accessing Application Arguments)

如果需要访问传递给SpringApplication.run(…)的应用程序参数,可以注入org.springframework.boot.ApplicationArguments bean。ApplicationArguments接口提供了对原始String[]参数以及解析optionnon-option参数的访问,如下面的示例所示:

import org.springframework.boot.*;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.*;
import org.springframework.stereotype.*;

public class MyBean {

    public MyBean(ApplicationArguments args) {
        boolean debug = args.containsOption("debug");
        List<String> files = args.getNonOptionArgs();
        // if run with "--debug logfile.txt" debug=true, files=["logfile.txt"]


Spring Boot还在SpringEnvironment中注册了CommandLinePropertySource。这样还可以使用@Value注释注入单个应用程序参数。

23.8. Using the ApplicationRunner or CommandLineRunner



import org.springframework.boot.*;
import org.springframework.stereotype.*;

public class MyBean implements CommandLineRunner {

    public void run(String... args) {
        // Do something...



23.9. 应用退出(Application Exit)

每个SpringApplication向JVM注册一个shutdown hook,以确保ApplicationContext在退出时优雅地关闭。可以使用所有标准的Spring生命周期回调(例如DisposableBean接口或@PreDestroy注释)。


public class ExitCodeApplication {

    public ExitCodeGenerator exitCodeGenerator() {
        return () -> 42;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.exit(SpringApplication.exit(SpringApplication.run(ExitCodeApplication.class, args)));


另外,ExitCodeGenerator接口也可以由异常实现。当遇到这种异常时,Spring Boot返回由实现的getExitCode()方法提供的退出代码。

23.10. 管理特性(Admin Features)



** 注意 ** :在启用此功能时要小心,因为MBean公开了一个关闭应用程序的方法。

24. 外部化配置(Externalized Configuration)

24.1. Configuring Random Values

24.2. Accessing Command Line Properties

24.3. Application Property Files

24.4. Profile-specific Properties

24.5. Placeholders in Properties

24.6. Encrypting Properties

24.7. Using YAML Instead of Properties

24.7.1. Loading YAML
24.7.2. Exposing YAML as Properties in the Spring Environment
24.7.3. Multi-profile YAML Documents
24.7.4. YAML Shortcomings

24.8. Type-safe Configuration Properties

24.8.1. Third-party Configuration
24.8.2. Relaxed Binding
24.8.3. Merging Complex Types
24.8.4. Properties Conversion
Converting durations
Converting Data Sizes
24.8.5. @ConfigurationProperties Validation
24.8.6. @ConfigurationProperties vs. @Value

25. Profiles

25.1. Adding Active Profiles

25.2. Programmatically Setting Profiles

25.3. Profile-specific Configuration Files

26. Logging

26.1. Log Format

26.2. Console Output

26.2.1. Color-coded Output

26.3. File Output

26.4. Log Levels

26.5. Log Groups

26.6. Custom Log Configuration

26.7. Logback Extensions

26.7.1. Profile-specific Configuration
26.7.2. Environment Properties

27. JSON

27.1. Jackson

27.2. Gson

27.3. JSON-B

28. Developing Web Applications

28.1. The “Spring Web MVC Framework”

28.1.1. Spring MVC Auto-configuration
28.1.2. HttpMessageConverters
28.1.3. Custom JSON Serializers and Deserializers
28.1.4. MessageCodesResolver
28.1.5. Static Content
28.1.6. Welcome Page
28.1.7. Custom Favicon
28.1.8. Path Matching and Content Negotiation
28.1.9. ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer
28.1.10. Template Engines
28.1.11. Error Handling
Custom Error Pages
Mapping Error Pages outside of Spring MVC
28.1.12. Spring HATEOAS
28.1.13. CORS Support

28.2. The “Spring WebFlux Framework”

28.2.1. Spring WebFlux Auto-configuration
28.2.2. HTTP Codecs with HttpMessageReaders and HttpMessageWriters
28.2.3. Static Content
28.2.4. Template Engines
28.2.5. Error Handling
Custom Error Pages
28.2.6. Web Filters

28.3. JAX-RS and Jersey

28.4. Embedded Servlet Container Support

28.4.1. Servlets, Filters, and listeners
Registering Servlets, Filters, and Listeners as Spring Beans
28.4.2. Servlet Context Initialization
Scanning for Servlets, Filters, and listeners
28.4.3. The ServletWebServerApplicationContext
28.4.4. Customizing Embedded Servlet Containers
Programmatic Customization
Customizing ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory Directly
28.4.5. JSP Limitations

28.5. Embedded Reactive Server Support

28.6. Reactive Server Resources Configuration

29. Security

29.1. MVC Security

29.2. WebFlux Security

29.3. OAuth2

29.3.1. Client
OAuth2 client registration for common providers
29.3.2. Resource Server
29.3.3. Authorization Server

29.4. Actuator Security

29.4.1. Cross Site Request Forgery Protection

30. Working with SQL Databases

30.1. Configure a DataSource

30.1.1. Embedded Database Support
30.1.2. Connection to a Production Database
30.1.3. Connection to a JNDI DataSource

30.2. Using JdbcTemplate

30.3. JPA and Spring Data JPA

30.3.1. Entity Classes
30.3.2. Spring Data JPA Repositories
30.3.3. Creating and Dropping JPA Databases
30.3.4. Open EntityManager in View

30.4. Spring Data JDBC

30.5. Using H2’s Web Console

30.5.1. Changing the H2 Console’s Path

30.6. Using jOOQ

30.6.1. Code Generation
30.6.2. Using DSLContext
30.6.3. jOOQ SQL Dialect
30.6.4. Customizing jOOQ

31. Working with NoSQL Technologies

31.1. Redis

31.1.1. Connecting to Redis

31.2. MongoDB

31.2.1. Connecting to a MongoDB Database
31.2.2. MongoTemplate
31.2.3. Spring Data MongoDB Repositories
31.2.4. Embedded Mongo

31.3. Neo4j

31.3.1. Connecting to a Neo4j Database
31.3.2. Using the Embedded Mode
31.3.3. Neo4jSession
31.3.4. Spring Data Neo4j Repositories

31.4. Gemfire

31.5. Solr

31.5.1. Connecting to Solr
31.5.2. Spring Data Solr Repositories

31.6. Elasticsearch

31.6.1. Connecting to Elasticsearch by REST clients
31.6.2. Connecting to Elasticsearch by Using Jest
31.6.3. Connecting to Elasticsearch by Using Spring Data
31.6.4. Spring Data Elasticsearch Repositories

31.7. Cassandra

31.7.1. Connecting to Cassandra
31.7.2. Spring Data Cassandra Repositories

31.8. Couchbase

31.8.1. Connecting to Couchbase
31.8.2. Spring Data Couchbase Repositories

31.9. LDAP

31.9.1. Connecting to an LDAP Server
31.9.2. Spring Data LDAP Repositories
31.9.3. Embedded In-memory LDAP Server

31.10. InfluxDB

31.10.1. Connecting to InfluxDB

32. Caching

32.1. Supported Cache Providers

32.1.1. Generic
32.1.2. JCache (JSR-107)
32.1.3. EhCache 2.x
32.1.4. Hazelcast
32.1.5. Infinispan
32.1.6. Couchbase
32.1.7. Redis
32.1.8. Caffeine
32.1.9. Simple
32.1.10. None

33. Messaging

33.1. JMS

33.1.1. ActiveMQ Support
33.1.2. Artemis Support
33.1.3. Using a JNDI ConnectionFactory
33.1.4. Sending a Message
33.1.5. Receiving a Message

33.2. AMQP

33.2.1. RabbitMQ support
33.2.2. Sending a Message
33.2.3. Receiving a Message

33.3. Apache Kafka Support

33.3.1. Sending a Message
33.3.2. Receiving a Message
33.3.3. Kafka Streams
33.3.4. Additional Kafka Properties

34. Calling REST Services with RestTemplate

34.1. RestTemplate Customization

35. Calling REST Services with WebClient

35.1. WebClient Runtime

35.2. WebClient Customization

36. Validation

37. Sending Email

38. Distributed Transactions with JTA

38.1. Using an Atomikos Transaction Manager

38.2. Using a Bitronix Transaction Manager

38.3. Using a Java EE Managed Transaction Manager

38.4. Mixing XA and Non-XA JMS Connections

38.5. Supporting an Alternative Embedded Transaction Manager

39. Hazelcast

40. Quartz Scheduler

41. Task Execution and Scheduling

42. Spring Integration

43. Spring Session

44. Monitoring and Management over JMX

45. Testing

45.1. Test Scope Dependencies

45.2. Testing Spring Applications

45.3. Testing Spring Boot Applications

45.3.1. Detecting Web Application Type
45.3.2. Detecting Test Configuration
45.3.3. Excluding Test Configuration
45.3.4. Testing with a mock environment
45.3.5. Testing with a running server
45.3.6. Using JMX
45.3.7. Mocking and Spying Beans
45.3.8. Auto-configured Tests
45.3.9. Auto-configured JSON Tests
45.3.10. Auto-configured Spring MVC Tests
45.3.11. Auto-configured Spring WebFlux Tests
45.3.12. Auto-configured Data JPA Tests
45.3.13. Auto-configured JDBC Tests
45.3.14. Auto-configured Data JDBC Tests
45.3.15. Auto-configured jOOQ Tests
45.3.16. Auto-configured Data MongoDB Tests
45.3.17. Auto-configured Data Neo4j Tests
45.3.18. Auto-configured Data Redis Tests
45.3.19. Auto-configured Data LDAP Tests
45.3.20. Auto-configured REST Clients
45.3.21. Auto-configured Spring REST Docs Tests
Auto-configured Spring REST Docs Tests with Mock MVC
Auto-configured Spring REST Docs Tests with REST Assured
45.3.22. Additional Auto-configuration and Slicing
45.3.23. User Configuration and Slicing
45.3.24. Using Spock to Test Spring Boot Applications

45.4. Test Utilities

45.4.1. ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer
45.4.2. TestPropertyValues
45.4.3. OutputCapture
45.4.4. TestRestTemplate

46. WebSockets

47. Web Services

48. Calling Web Services with WebServiceTemplate

49. Creating Your Own Auto-configuration

49.1. Understanding Auto-configured Beans

49.2. Locating Auto-configuration Candidates

49.3. Condition Annotations

49.3.1. Class Conditions
49.3.2. Bean Conditions
49.3.3. Property Conditions
49.3.4. Resource Conditions
49.3.5. Web Application Conditions
49.3.6. SpEL Expression Conditions

49.4. Testing your Auto-configuration

49.4.1. Simulating a Web Context
49.4.2. Overriding the Classpath

49.5. Creating Your Own Starter

49.5.1. Naming
49.5.2. autoconfigure Module
49.5.3. Starter Module

50. Kotlin support

50.1. Requirements

50.2. Null-safety

50.3. Kotlin API

50.3.1. runApplication
50.3.2. Extensions

50.4. Dependency management

50.5. @ConfigurationProperties

50.6. Testing

50.7. Resources

50.7.1. Further reading
50.7.2. Examples

51. What to Read Next

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