英语 & 读报小结* 科技 :170903

#Nowhere to hide#


Title :Facial recognition is not just another technology. It will change society

Q: what is Face recognition?why it will change society?and How?

Although faces bare peculiar to individuals, they are also public,so technology does not,at first sight, intrude on something that is private.
And yet the ability to record, store and analyse images of faces cheaply, quickly and on a vast scale promises one day to bring about fundamental changes to notions of privacy, fairness and trust.🤡

🤔 And yet the ability to record,store and analyse images of faces cheaply, quickly and to bring about fundamental changes to notions of privacy, fairness and trust on a vast scale promises one day


Start with privacy. One big difference between faces and other biometric data, such as fingerprints, is that they work at a distance.
①FindFace, an app in Russia, compares snaps of strangers with pictures on VKontakte, a social network, and can identify people with a 70% accuracy rate. Face-book's bank of facial images cannot be scraped by others, but the Silicon Valley giant could obtain pictures of visitors to a car showroom, say, and later use facial recognition to serve them ads for cars.
Even if private firms are unable to join the dots between images and identity, the state often can. China's government keeps a record of its citizens' faces; photographs of half of America's adult population are stored in databases that can be used by the FBI. 【✏️ 细节】Law-enforcement agencies now have a powerful weapon in their ability to track criminals, but at enormous potential cost to citizens' privacy.【影响】


The face is not just a name-tag. It displays a lot of other information—and machinescan read that, too.
Again, that promises benefits. Some firms are analysing faces to provide automated diagnoses of rare genetic conditions,such as Hajdu-Cheney syndrome, far earlier than would otherwise be possible. Systems that measure emotion may give autistic people a grasp of social signals they find elusive. 【✏️细节】
But the technology also threatens. Researchers at Stanford University have demonstrated...... In countries where homosexuality is a crime, software which promises to infer sexuality from a face is an alarming prospect.


Less violent forms of discrimination could also become common. 非暴力的歧视形式也是很常见的
Employers can already act on their prejudices to deny people a job. But facial recognition could make such bias routine, enabling firms to filter all job applications for ethnicity and signs of intelligence and sexuality.
Nightclubs and sports grounds may face pressure to protect people by scanning entrants' faces for the threat of violence—even though, owing to the nature of machine-learning, all facial-recognition systems inevitably deal in probabilities.
③Moreover, such systems may be biased against those who do not have white skin, since algorithms trained on data sets of mostly white faces do not work well with different ethnicities. Such biases have cropped up in automated assessments used to inform courts' decisions about bail and sentencing


三 .信任 

Eventually, continuous facial recording and gadgets that paint computerised data onto the real world might change the texture of social interactions.
① Dissembling helps grease the wheels of daily life. If your partner can spot every suppressed yawn, and your boss every grimace of irritation, marriages and workingrelationships will be more truthful, but less harmonious. 【✏️ example 1】
The basis of social interactions might change, too, from a set of commitments founded on trust to calculations of risk and reward derived from the information a computer attaches to someone's  face. Relationships might become more rational, but also more transactional.【✏️ example2】


In democracies, at least, legislation can help alter the balance of good and bad outcomes. European regulators have embedded a set of principles in forthcoming data-protection regulation, decreeing that biometric information
Such rules cannot alter the direction of travel, however.

🤑 #应用 人脸识别系统的细节#

In America facial recognition isused by churches to trackworshippers' attendance;
in Britain, by retailers to spot past shoplifters.
This year Welsh police used it to arrest a suspect outside a football game.
In China it verifies the identities of ride-hailing drivers, permits tourists to enter attractions and lets people pay forthings with a smile.
Set against human skills, such applications might seem incremental. Some breakthroughs, such as flight or the internet, obviously transform human abilities; facial recognition seems merely to encode them

#The effect of the AI# 【纽约时报】

According to a recent survey, half of the world's AI experts believe human level machine intelligence will be achieved by 2040.
This opens up huge  possibilities or the enrichment of mankind,from tackling climate change and treating disease to labour-saving devices.
It also raises ethical questions every bit as profound as those posed by genetics.
AI experts talk about the  possibility of the human brain being reverse-engineered

✏️ open up possibility:提供可能,替代 give ,afford


Granted,there may yet be no evidence that computers will ever shrug off their human master but we should still treat these developments with the humility and caution they deserve


Google,Facebook and other companies rushing into AI point out that they are establishing ehtics panels to consider appropriate uses for these technologies.There are unlikely to be immune from commercial interests or indeed from the gung-ho enthusiasm of the researchers.

Its victory,however,is a reminder of how fast the world is overcoming the obstacles in the way of AI,and its deployment in the world about us.

然而Alpha Go de 的胜利提醒着在克服人工智能障碍和世界发展的速度之快。

✏️ a poignant reminder of  深刻提醒。

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