在一次课上,小胡同学问我,how about和what about在用法上有什么区别。我说,让我查一下再回答你。我查阅了赵振才先生的《英语语法常见问题详解》,上面说可以混用。但这不足以解答学生的疑问,所以我又咨询了合肥师范学院的曹军教授,曹教授十分热心,给了我以下的回复,在思路上给了我很大的启发,在此表示感谢。
How about:to suggest an action and to open possibilities:
A:I've got the day off from work tomorrow.What should we do?
B:How about spending the day in the city?
A:Nah.I don't really feel like traveling?
B:How about we clean the house?
A:No way. I want to do something fun.
B:OK.How about doing some shopping and then seeing a movie?
A:Hmm...that sounds good.
我觉得,在建议的这个范畴内,what about和how about是可以混用的。但是,凡事总存在边际,以下是不同之处:
Use 'what about' to mention an objection or a potential problem
A:Let's spend the weekend in the city!
B:But what about my guitar lesson on Saturday?
A:That's no problem,just talk with the teacher and reschedule it.
B:And what about the English test on Monday?I haven't studied yet.
A:You can study on Sunday night when we get back.
大概在这里,what about就类似汉语中的“如之奈何”。