

在极地地区  太阳已经半年没有出现了The sun is absent for up to half the year in the polar regions.

春天来临  阳光再次普照When it returns, at the beginning of spring,

它的温暖会改变这个冰冻的神奇世界its warmth will transform this magical ice world.

地球上最壮阔的季节转换正在上演The greatest seasonal change on our planet is now underway.

春  季

南极洲依旧是冰天雪地Antarctica is still locked in ice,

周围是冻结的海洋and surrounded by a frozen ocean.

然而  春天已经露出萌芽Nonetheless, there are signs of spring.

阿德利企鹅来了  当然只有雄性Adelie penguins are arriving-- just the males.

他们在海上生活了五个月They've spent five months at sea,

那里比地面温暖where it's warmer than it is on land

现在他们匆忙赶来  因为春天十分短暂and now they're in a hurry, for spring will be short.

自从去年离开后They have travelled , miles across the ocean

他们已跨洋旅行了英里since leaving their colony last year,

现在回到这里  繁衍生息and now they're returning to breed.

他们不能在冰上产蛋  因为那样会冻僵They cannot lay their eggs on ice, for they would freeze,

所以来到这里so they have to come here,

这里有光洁的石头where there is bare rock.

在接下来的几个月里Over the coming months,

南极洲为数不多的无冰区the few parts of Antarctica that are ice-free

将会成为五百万阿德利企鹅will be the stage on which five million Adelies

筑巢的营地will build their nests.

它们需要用卵石来筑巢To construct one, they need pebbles,

如果筑的巢不够美观and without a good-looking nest,

雄企鹅就无法在雌企鹅最终到来时a male will be unable to attract a female,

吸引她们的注意when they at last arrive.

别致的巢穴是可靠伴侣的象征An impressive property demonstrates your worth as a mate.

像样的巢需要各种形状和大小的石头It takes stones of all shapes and sizes to build a decent nest,

而合适的石头非常难找and finding ones that are just right is not easy.

所以一些企鹅走上不法之路So some penguins turn to a life of crime.

被偷的那只企鹅似乎并没察觉到The one who has been robbed seems unaware

小偷就在身旁  等待着大捞一笔that the thief is just over his shoulder, and looking for more.

小偷的筑巢行动进行得十分顺利The thief's nest is coming along nicely,

大概是因为他一直probably because he keeps

紧紧看护自己的巢穴以防窃贼光顾a particularly sharp lookout for robbers.

毕竟他自己就是个贼人after all, it takes one to know one.

天气依旧寒冷  但早春的太阳It's still cold, but the early season sun

让气温上升了几度does lift the temperature by a few degrees.

然而  这样却会招致That, however, can have unexpected,

意想不到的  甚至是危险的后果even dangerous consequences.

海洋升温的速度比陆地快The sea is heating faster than the land,

使得冷空气从大陆中央pulling cold air from the middle of the continent

向海岸移动towards the coast.

由此产生的下降风比任何飓风都要猛烈These katabatic winds are stronger than any hurricane.

是地球上最冷也最猛烈的风They are the coldest and the most ferocious on the planet.

暴风突袭这片土地的新访客The storms catch many new arrivals by surprise,

所以这里的春季and are the reason that spring here is,

是死亡率最高的季节in fact, the deadliest season.

在这里  先驱们要冒极大的危险Here, early birds take a great risk.

有时候  整个企鹅群都会迷路Some years, entire colonies are lost,

被埋在雪下buried beneath the snow.

在暴风中幸存下来的企鹅The survivors of this storm

希望当雌企鹅最终出现时must hope that the females prove to be worth the wait

他们的等待没有白费when they finally decide to turn up.

北极的春天来了Spring in the north of our planet.

销声匿迹了六个月的太阳The sun, after an absence of six months,

终于突破了地平线breaks the horizon for the first time.

这头母北极熊从雪下的窝中探出头来A female polar bear emerges from her den beneath the snow.

在黑暗中待久了The sun must be a welcome relief

她觉得阳光温暖而舒适after so long in the darkness.

她的窝建在一片高坡上Her den is on a high slope,

那些饥肠辘辘well away from hungry male bears

想打幼崽主意的公熊无法靠近who would kill her cubs,

同时也离海面够近  让她能找到食物but close enough to the sea ice where she can find food

喂养新家庭成员for her extraordinary new family...

三只小熊...three young cubs.

如果能将它们抚养到独立生活If she can raise them all to independence,

就已经十分难得了it'll be a rare achievement.

有一头小熊体重过轻One of the cubs is underweight,

能活过最冷的这几周就很幸运了and will be fortunate to survive these early weeks.

如果他们一家抵达海冰区域If the family reaches the sea ice,

母熊就能抓到海豹where the female can catch seals,

她的奶水也会得以富足her milk will be enriched,

小熊就能很快茁壮成长and the smaller cub will quickly gain size and strength.

然而  海冰区域非常危险The sea ice, though, is a dangerous place.

公北极熊整个冬天都待在冰封的海面上The male polar bear has been out on the frozen ocean all winter.

这个季节食物非常匮乏Times have been lean,

几头小熊仔绝对是上好的零食and a bear cub would certainly make a welcome snack.

但是  他主要还得靠海豹充饥However, the mainstay of his diet is seals,

而现在正是海豹生育的季节and now is the time when they have their pups.

冻结的洋面上  遍布着因潮汐而形成的The surface of the frozen sea is marked with pressure ridges,

冰脊和裂纹and cracks created by the fluctuating tides.

这些都是猎食海豹的好去处Both are good places to look for seals.

他发现了一处藏在冰下的海豹窝He has detected a seal den beneath the ice.

现在  他必须借助异常灵敏的嗅觉Now he must pin-point it,

来进行精确定位using only his extraordinary sense of smell.

他小心翼翼  以免打草惊蛇By treading lightly, he can avoid scaring his prey.

他得打穿一米厚的雪才够得到海豹窝He will need to punch through a metre of snow to reach the den,

如果他定位不够精准and if his aim is not exactly on target,

海豹就会逃走the seal will certainly escape.

事实上  被围剿的海豹早在几个钟头前In fact, the ringed seal abandoned her den

就弃窝而逃just a few hours ago

她的幼崽也已经爬到冰面上and her pup has climbed up onto the surface.

虽然在上面更容易暴露目标It's more exposed up here,

但也更容易发现熊的影踪but it's easier to see an approaching bear.

当母亲离开去捕鱼时The pup is well camouflaged,

她把幼崽隐蔽得很好  很难被发现difficult to see when its mother has left it to go fishing.

但北极熊还是能闻到海豹的气味But he can still smell it.

北极熊的捕食行动十有八九都以失败告终Nine out of ten polar bear hunts end in failure.

在北极  阳光的增温效应不断加速The sun's warming effect on the Arctic is increasing

海冰首度出现了融化的迹象and the sea ice is showing the first signs of weakening.

在内陆地区  北部的河流仍处于冰封期Inland, the northern rivers are still locked in ice.

冻结的瀑布如同大坝一般The frozen waterfalls are like dams

储备着数十亿吨holding back billions of tonnes of fresh water

冻结已近半年的淡水资源that has not moved for almost six months.

如此巨大的分水岭一直静卧在那里The vast water shed lies motionless,

但随着春天的临近  它开始骚动起来but as spring advances, it beings to stir.

冻结的瀑布逐渐消融The frozen waterfalls start to weaken.

上游处的压力与日俱增Above them, the pressure is mounting.

现在  从高空俯视Now, from high above,

可以看见大片的浮冰开始漂流whole sections can be seen to be on the move.

瀑布一直在顽强地抵抗The waterfalls are straining to hold back the force

这股来自上游的压力that is building up above them.

大坝瞬间崩塌...The dam bursts...

大河滔滔如万马奔腾and the river is unleashed.

在融冰产生的势不可挡力量推动下Millions of tonnes of ice grind their way downstream,

数百万吨浮冰以摧枯拉朽之势倾泻而下driven by the unstoppable force of the meltwater.

岸边的山石被冲走Boulders and trees

林木被连根拔起are plucked from the bank side.

短短几天  北极的江河便又恢复了奔流Within just a few days, the rivers of the north are all running.

北极的淡水再次涌流而出The Arctic's fresh water is flowing again.

这些洪流包含了地球%的淡水资源These vast floods contain % of the world's fresh water

汇流入海时  便会加速浮冰解体and as they enter the ocean, they accelerate the break-up.


相当于澳洲这么大区域的海冰an area of sea ice the size of Australia

便从北冰洋消失不见will vanish from the Arctic Ocean.

随着大冰原的解体  野生动物开始回归As the huge ice-sheet breaks up, wildlife returns to the North.

北极熊妈妈成功回归海冰的边缘地带The polar bear mother has made it to the edge of the sea-ice,

但最瘦弱的那头小北极熊则无处可寻but the smallest cub is nowhere to be seen.

这是个悲伤的结局It's a sad outcome,

可对于剩下来的两头小熊而言but the disappearance improves

则能提高其存活率the chances of the remaining two,

因为他们能够分享到更多的母乳who now have more milk to share.

熊妈妈带着小熊来到海冰边缘地带Having led her cubs to the edge of the ice,

接下来的挑战便是捕食海豹the mother's next challenge is to catch a seal.

带着这么两个孩子可不容易Not easy with these two in tow!

藏在冰下的海豹Her prey beneath the ice

能察觉到哪怕是最轻微的震动can detect the slightest vibration,

对熊发出的声音更是敏感especially from bears.

带着小熊  想隐秘猎食也是不可能的And this is not the stealthiest of hunting parties.

然而  留下小熊又是万万不行的Leaving her cubs behind, however, is not an option--

小熊可能被公熊吞食a male bear would eat one in a moment.

带着孩子捕食并不容易This is not going to be easy.

看起来小熊It seems that the cubs

已经把自己视作是神武的捕手already see themselves as fearsome hunters,

但他们还很小but they're still young enough

仍然听得进母亲的管教to accept their mother's discipline.

你在这好好反省一下It's the naughty corner for you!

今天上午他们的运气不太好This is not going to be their lucky morning.

没见到任何海豹的踪迹They saw no sign of a seal

熊崽们又饿了and the cubs are hungry again.

熊妈妈已经哺育四个月了The mother has been nursing for four months

而自己却没有吃过任何东西without once eating herself,

现在她的乳汁正逐渐耗尽and now her milk is drying up.

她必须尽快抓到海豹She must catch a seal soon,

不然全家都得挨饿or the whole family will starve.

寻觅食物如今愈发艰难The challenge of finding food is getting harder.

她需要海冰作为捕猎的平台She needs the sea-ice as a platform from which to hunt

而海冰破裂的速度却与日俱增and it's breaking up faster with each passing day.

甚至连沿海地区的冰也开始破裂了Even the ice around the coast is starting to break.

而有一些动物正迫切地期待第一道裂缝The first cracks here are eagerly awaited by some...


这些北极的独角兽正在执行一项任务The unicorns of the North are on a mission--

即到达处于海湾的新渔场to reach the new fishing grounds

这些海湾已经被封冻了一整个冬天in the bays that have been frozen-up all winter,

而现在刚开始解冻but are now opening up.

独角鲸必须沿着冰上通道To get to them, the narwhals must travel down leads--

即冰上暂时性的裂缝前行temporary cracks in the ice.

但这些新的通道随时可能关闭But these new roads could close at any time,

并隔绝他们所需的空气cutting off the air that they need to breathe.

这些通道不断变窄The road narrows until

最后连单向通行都很勉强there's barely room for one-way traffic.

接着  出乎意料的是Then, a surprise...

他们遇到了从另一个方向过来的独角鲸narwhals coming from the other direction.

狭路相逢It's a stand-off.

双方都以尖锐的长角相向Each team faces an armoury of sharp tusks.

终于  一方退让了Finally, one side concedes

于是大家继续向同一个方向继续前进and everyone continues in the same direction.

在一周之内  余下的海湾也都解冻了Within a week, the remaining bays break wide open,

于是独角鲸们把注意力转向了社交活动and the narwhals turn their attention to social matters.

没有人知道独角鲸长角具体的用途No-one knows exactly what the narwhal's tusk is for.

有些人说是用来以角对峙的Some say it's used for fencing,

但这些温和的交流并非真正的打斗yet these exchanges are too gentle to be real fights.

也许这些活动是为了确认Perhaps these encounters are to remind each animal

它们在独角鲸社群中的地位of where it stands in narwhal society.

我们也许永远都不得而知We may never know.

奇异的生物突然就凭空出现了Bizarre creatures appear as if from nowhere.

他们所吃的微小浮游生物The tiny plankton they eat

从不断阳光带来的热量中摄取能量have been fuelled by the increasing warmth of the sun

并从宽阔的河流and fertilised by the nutrients

或融化的海冰中brought down by the great rivers

摄取养分and released from the melting sea-ice.

侧腕水母通过刺丝从水中汲取能量Sea gooseberries strain the water with their stinging filaments,

它们不断震动的纤毛将阳光their beating cilia scatter the sun's rays

折射成各种炫目的颜色into dazzling bursts of colour.

正在解冻的海冰之下  一只食肉海蛞蝓Beneath the breaking sea ice, a predatory sea slug

扇着半透明的翅膀从水中游过flies through the water on translucent wings.

它正在追踪一只奇特的游泳蜗牛It's on the trail of a peculiar swimming snail.

现在  最为贪吃的浮游生物捕食者And now the most voracious of the plankton-eaters

从深海游了上来swim up from the depths...

那就是北极鳕鱼...Arctic cod.

鱼群十分庞大  有些由五亿条鱼组成The shoals can be enormous, some containing  million fish,

而捕食者们远涉几百英里and predators travel hundreds of miles

赶来享受鳕鱼的美味to feast on them.

鳕鱼盛宴是北极鸟类The cod harvest is the annual event

和海豹的年度盛事for the birds and seals of the far North.

在很短的时间内For just a short period,

更加强烈的阳光the combination of the strengthening sun,

重新开始流动的河流the newly-flowing rivers

和破裂的海冰使得北冰洋生机盎然and the breaking sea ice make the Arctic Ocean teem with life.

陆地也随着太阳的热度而改观The land is also transformed by the sun's heat.

逐渐显现的小块裸露地表The small patches of bare ground

比雪的颜色要深that appear are darker than the snow

所以它们会吸收更多太阳能so they absorb more of the sun's energy.

从而加速了冰雪融化This accelerates the melt.

北极苔原显露了出来The Arctic tundra is unveiled.

通过追随太阳的移动By tracking the sun,

北极罂粟得以不间断地受到阳光照射Arctic poppies catch its rays around the clock,

所以它们的花朵通常比周围温暖so their flowers are always warmer than their surroundings.

对于初春的昆虫来说For early season insects,

如果想在严寒中生存下来this warmth is even more valuable

花朵提供的温度比花蜜更重要than nectar if they're to stay active in the cold.

灯蛾毛虫却不需要花朵的温暖The woolly bear caterpillar does not need the warmth from flowers

就能迅速迎来它们的春天to kick-start its spring.

它向来是积雪融化后第一个出现的昆虫It's always the first insect to appear after the snow retreats

它为做到这一点所付出的努力令人惊异and the story of how it does so is truly astonishing.

春季伊始At the start of spring,

毛虫就拼了命地吃the caterpillar eats as fast as it can,

它必须这么做  因为北极的春季转瞬即逝as indeed it must, for this far north, the season will be brief.

白昼很快就会变短The days shorten only too soon,

毛虫却还没有but the caterpillar has not yet

足够的储备来转化成蛾got enough reserves to transform itself into a moth.

它还不能离开北极  因为它无法飞行It can't leave the Arctic, for it can't fly,

所以只好在一块岩石下面躲了起来so it settles down beneath a rock.

太阳的热度迅速褪去The sun's warmth rapidly dwindles.

岩石虽能为毛虫挡风遮雪Beneath the rock, the caterpillar is out of the wind,

但严寒仍蔓延至地下but the cold penetrates deep into the ground.

很快  它的心跳停止了Soon, its heart stops beating.

也停止了呼吸  身体开始结冰It ceases to breathe, and its body starts to freeze--

先是内脏  接着是血液first its gut, then its blood.


经过了四个月的黑夜After four months of darkness,

北极的冰雪开始融化the Arctic begins to thaw.

毛虫也重获新生And the caterpillar rises from the dead.

初春时节  当柳树发第一批芽时By the time the first shoots of willow appear

灯蛾毛虫已经在不停地吃了in the early spring, the woolly bear is already eating.

但是不管它吃得多快But no matter how fast the woolly bear eats,

在今年  它还是没有时间it will not have time

去获得足够的食物to gather enough food this year, either,

而寒冷又一次袭来and the cold closes in once again.

每逢秋天  毛虫的行动变得迟缓Year after year, the caterpillar slows down in the autumn

直至冻僵and then freezes solid.

终于  不同寻常的春天来临了But eventually, a very special spring arrives.

这将是它最后一个春天This one will be its last.

它现在已经岁了It's now  years old

是世界上最长寿的毛虫the world's oldest caterpillar.

接下来的日子里  它异常繁忙Its remaining days now become frantic.

它开始织茧It starts to weave a silk cocoon.

在茧里  它会转变成会飞行能觅食的蛾Inside, its body is changing into one that can fly and search,

这些能力在日后非常重要abilities that will be crucial in the days ahead.

这个春天  它已经等了十几年了It's waited over a decade for this spring

破茧成蝶的时间越来越接近了and now, its time is near.

蛾开始在整个北极大量涌现All across the Arctic, moths are emerging.

经过了年的准备After completing their -year preparation,

它们现在只有几天时间找配偶交配they now have just a few days to find a partner and mate.

没其他生物能更生动地展现出No life illustrates more vividly

北极春天的短暂the shortness of the Arctic spring

和在这季节最多变地方生存的艰辛or the struggle to survive in this most seasonal of places.

随着春天的推进As spring advances,

苔原不断地变化the transformation of the tundra continues.

从南方来的候鸟陆续抵达Migrants begin arriving from the south

霎时间  苔原因这些鸟类变得生机勃勃and suddenly the tundra is alive with birds and chicks.

北极已经焕然一新The Arctic's transformation is complete.

对某些永久居民来说This influx of life is good news

大量动物的涌入是件好事for some permanent residents.

苔原上很少会有充足的食物Food is rarely plentiful out on the tundra.

北极狼必须充分利用这个机会The Arctic wolves must make the most of this boom while it lasts.

他们必须收获尽可能多的食物The wolves must gather as much food as they can.

几英里之外Many miles from here,

家人们还在盼着它们捕食归来呢other members of the pack are relying on them.

在如此贫瘠的土地上很难生存This barren landscape is a hard place to make a living,

因此狼群的规模比在南极要小forcing wolf packs to be smaller here than further south.

六个小家伙嗷嗷待哺Six hungry mouths to feed.

这些小家伙才一个月大The cubs are just over a month old.

鸭子很快就被吃光了The ducks are devoured instantly,

但在回家的漫漫旅途中but on the long journey home,

它们又抓住了一只北极野兔they also caught an Arctic hare,

这是苔原上主要的食物a mainstay of the tundra diet,

小家伙们貌似对这一食物情有独钟and one the cubs seem to be particularly keen on.

吃剩的食物会储藏起来以备不时之需Uneaten food is usually hidden for leaner times,

但今天的食物却被吃了个精光but there will be no leftovers today.

小家伙们长得很快  似乎永远吃不饱The cubs are growing fast and are always hungry.

美好的时光已经来临The good times are certainly back,

但这些雪白的狼提醒着我们but these white wolves remind us

北极也有不友好的一面of the Arctic's less welcoming side.

他们淡色的皮毛Their coats are pale

使他们能在漫长多雪的冬季潜伏起来to conceal them during the long, snowy winter.

大家似乎都忘记了  一个月前It's easy to forget that one month ago,

这片土地还是贫瘠的白色荒原this land was a barren, white desert.

在我们星球的最南端At the southern end of our planet,

南极正是海冰面积最大的时候the Antarctic sea ice is still at its greatest extent.

但是大陆外缘有一些岛屿But there are a few islands on its outer edge

周围没有海冰覆盖that the sea ice never quite reaches.

南大西洋丰富的South Georgia is washed

相对温暖的海水by the rich waters of the Southern Atlantic

冲刷着南乔治亚岛and the comparative warmth of the sea

减弱了南极冬季的恶劣气候takes the edge off the vicious southern winter.

对于一些耐寒的动物It's even possible for a few hardy animals,

如漂泊信天翁来说like the wandering albatross,

在这里度过一整年也是有可能的to live here throughout the whole year.

体形庞大的雏鸟需要十三个月才长出羽毛The enormous albatross chicks take  months to fledge,

所以它们不得不在这里过冬so they have no choice but to sit here throughout the winter.

这不容易  但是厚厚的绒毛It can't be easy, but the thick layer of fluffy down

能抵挡极度的寒冷keeps out the worst of the cold.

他们的父母飞行几千英里去抓鱼和鱿鱼Their parents travel thousands of miles to collect the fish and squid

他们需要这些来维持体温  促进发育they need to stay warm and to grow.

季节在转换The season is turning

暴风雪毫无预兆地袭来and storms blow in with little warning.

帝企鹅也在这里熬了一冬天King penguins have also been here all winter.

他们的幼崽Their chicks survive by

挤在一起保暖  存活了下来huddling in creches to conserve their heat.

不合群的鸟A solitary bird here

在这里很快就会被冻死standing alone would quickly die of exposure.

对少数不怕冷的鸟类来说It seems for a hardy few,

为了全年都能在富饶的南极洋捕鱼violent storms are a price worth paying

忍受几场猛烈的暴风雪似乎很值得for year-round fishing in the rich waters of the Southern Ocean.

企鹅整个冬天都呆在海滩上The penguins have had the beach to themselves all winter,

但那只是短暂的奢侈but that is a luxury that will not last.

冬天的风雪逐渐减弱  生物开始回归As the winter storms subside, life begins to return.

一年中  有半年的时间For half of the year,

南乔治亚岛上的海鸟群South Georgia has the greatest concentration

密度为全世界最大of sea birds in the world

绝大部分海鸟早春时节就来到了这里and most of them arrive in the early spring.

长冠企鹅到来的声势最为浩大Macaroni penguins make the most impressive entrance--

数量超过五百万对over five million pairs of them.

他们是世界上数量最多的企鹅They are the world's most numerous penguin

现在  他们中有一半到了这里and half of them are now here.

他们全部到齐了The arrival is complete.

求偶  是南乔治亚岛下一繁忙日程Courtship is next on South Georgia's busy spring schedule.

其中尤以漂泊信天翁的经历最为曲折The wandering albatross has the most elaborate display.

这两只信天翁在分开几个月之后复合了These two are renewing their bonds after being months apart.

流浪者们少年时就结成的伴侣Wanderers pair up in their teens

可以携手度过五十年and can spend a further  years together -

是动物世界最长久的伙伴关系之一one of the longest partnerships in the animal world.

仲春时节By the middle of spring,

小峡谷和低洼处的积雪消融了the snows have cleared from the coves and the low ground.

海滩上几乎也没有冰了The beaches are almost free of ice, too,

但那不是帝企鹅面临的最大转变but that isn't the biggest change facing the king penguins.

原本属于他们的平静海滨Their peaceful waterfront

变成了一群肥头大耳生物的地盘has turned into an obstacle course of blubber.

海象到来了The elephant seals have arrived.

现在这个海滩上的动物This beach now contains a greater mass of animals

比世界上任何其他海滩的都要多than any other in the world.

这些小海豹是一年前怀上的The young seals were conceived here a year ago,

既然现在他们已经出生了and now that they've been born,

他们的妈妈正准备再次交配their mothers are ready to mate again.

这片海滩上的交配权The mating rights on this patch of the beach

属于海滩的管理者belong to a beach master.

他的"后宫"包括五十个雌性His harem contains  females--

其他雄性对此垂涎三尺females that are coveted by others.

他的权威受到了挑战His authority is being challenged.

这种竞争不是开玩笑This rival means business.

这也许是海滩管理者春季竞选中的This could be the beach master's first serious test

第一次重大考验of his spring campaign.

海滩管理者自身重达四吨The beach master himself weighs four tonnes,

但是这位对手跟他势均力敌but this rival is his equal.

两头巨兽相互争斗When these Titans clash,

势必是一场血战bones crunch.

他获得了第一战的胜利He has won the first battle,

但随后一个月他都得时刻保持警惕but he may have to defend his harem

以保护自己的妻妾every hour for the next month.

如果他在这期间一直能称霸海滩If he can stay master of his beach for this period,

到了明年  这里的新生儿中many of the young born here

有很多都会是他的后代next year will be his.

漂泊信天翁所在的悬崖已入晚春It's the end of spring on the wandering abatross's cliffs,

他们此时也该丰满羽翼了their season for fledging.

去年的雏鸟已经褪去了绒毛Last year's chicks have lost their fluffy down

准备接受飞翔的挑战and step up to the challenge of getting into the air.

信天翁并不擅长在陆地上生存An albatross is not very competent on the ground,

不能遨游天际的日子  并不美好  so until it can fly, it isn't good for much.

于是  信天翁生命中最重要的时刻And this makes the maiden flight

便是这第一次的飞翔the crucial event in an albatross's life.

驾驭世界上最宽大的翅膀需要磨练Managing the largest wing span in the world takes practice...

很多次的磨练Lots of it.

也许要这样练习好几个星期Weeks can go by like this.

这肯定不是风的问题Certainly the winds must be right,

但有时候but it does appear that for some,

有些笨鸟会遇到些麻烦the problem is something of a mental one.

终于飞起来了At last.

南极洋发出了召唤The Southern Ocean beckons.

之后的五年  这只鸟儿都不会再着陆This bird's feet will not touch land again for five years.

再往南一千英里, miles further south,

在南极洲的边缘on the edge of the Antarctic continent,

海洋冰面才刚开始消融the sea ice is only just starting to break.

而阿德利企鹅已然活跃了起来But the Adelie penguin's activities are certainly warming up.

雄企鹅已经用正当或不正当的手段The males have now finished their nests

筑好了爱巢by fair means or foul

雌性也终于随着天气的改善and the females are finally returning,

而重新回到这里just as the weather is improving.

现在甜蜜的爱情终于能开花结果了Now their courtship can begin.

有了爱情的结晶The eggs are laid

妈妈们就把孵蛋的职责交给爸爸and the females leave the job of incubating them to the males,

而自己去碎裂的冰面上觅食了while they go fishing out on the fragmenting sea ice.

杀手鲸来了Killer whales.

群队合作使得杀手鲸凶猛无比It's teamwork that makes killer whales so dangerous.

而这次来的可是一大群And this is a big team.

企鹅们倒不必惊慌There is no real need for the penguins to be alarmed.

这些杀手鲸只以鱼类为食These killer whales are a kind that only eats fish.

鲸鱼们最佳的捕猎方式便是探出海面Rising out is simply the best way for the whales to work out

找出通往海岸的裂缝  以更好地捕食which cracks lead towards the coast and better fishing.

南极短暂的春天A new generation of Adelies steps forth

迎来了新一代阿德利企鹅into the short Antarctic spring

他们勤劳的父母  冒着极大的危险to be nurtured by industrious parents who've taken great risks

养育着他们  让他们度过美好的童年to give their young a head start.

他们需要迅速地成长  才能长出羽毛They will need to grow fast if they are to fledge

在寒冷再次侵袭之前  离开这里and leave before the freeze sets in again.

他们要为即将到来的夏日奋力拼搏It's a battle they will win or lose over the approaching summer.


为了拍下阿德利企鹅的整个繁殖周期To film the entire breeding cycle of the Adelie penguin,

《冰冻星球》节目组派出了一支团队  Frozen Planet sent a team

来到南极洲的克罗泽角to one of the world's largest colonies,

拍摄世界上最大的生物聚居地之一at Cape Crozier, Antarctica.

我听说了太多  在书中看到了太多I've heard so much about it and read so much about it.

终于可以前去一探究竟  太棒了Finally we're going to get there. It's good.

摄影师马克·史密斯和导演杰夫·威尔逊Cameraman Mark Smith and director Jeff Wilson

在之后的四个月里将和企鹅们呆在一起plan to spend the next four months living amongst the penguins

一个世纪前  探险家才第一次来到这里in a location first visited by the early explorers a century ago.

斯科特在克罗泽角的冬日远征十分艰险So arduous was Scott's winter expedition to Cape Crozier

因此被称为是"世上最糟糕的旅行"that it became known as "The worst journey in the world".

太壮观了Wow, it's fantastic!

现代交通让马克和杰夫的旅途舒适很多Modern means make Mark and Jeff's journey a more comfortable affair,

但一到达目的地but once there, they will be tested

他们将挑战生存的极限to the very limits of their endurance.


他们在早春时抵达The pair arrive in early spring

带来了足够用四个月的生存必需品with enough supplies to survive the next four months

在南极野外  独自工作working alone in the Antarctic wilderness.

我们到了We're here!

起码可以说Scott's legend of Cape Crozier

斯科特的克罗泽角传奇之旅使我们了解到tells of some extreme weather,

那里的一些极端天气  to say the least,

因此  知道阿德利企鹅即将到来的so Mark and Jeff take advantage of the clear conditions,

马克和杰夫充分利用了这些已知因素in the knowledge that the Adelies' arrival is imminent.

但第二天清晨  形势急转直下But the next morning, things take a turn for the worse.

我们刚爬上这个山脊We've just come up to this ridge

来查看种群的情形to go and check what it looks like down in the colony.

可即便在这里都能听到But even here you can hear...

山坡上方有巨大的呼啸声a huge kind of roaring noise up on the hill.

以前从没听到过这种声响Never really heard anything like that before.

那边一定刮着超强的暴风Up there, it must be blowing the most almighty gale,

距离这儿也就一英里左右and that is, pff, you know, just a mile away or something.

也就是说那狂风片刻间就可袭来So that means that that could get here very, very quickly.

所以说  令人有点害怕So yeah, it makes you slightly scared.

真是诡异It's weird, isn't it?

这里的风是出了名的狂暴The winds here are famously ferocious,

马克和杰夫对这片地区还十分陌生and with so little experience of this location,

因此他们决定先撤回到营地小屋Mark and Jeff retreat to the relative shelter of their hut.

我刚才站在那还在想  "不是很糟  I was just stood here thinking, "Well, it can't be too bad,

因为还没看到石头被刮得乱跑""because we haven't seen rocks starting to blow around yet."

说话间  一块石头便被风吹到了那里And just at that moment a rock took off and rolled down there.

天呐  风越刮越大了Oh, dear, it's getting stronger.

风暴的第二天By the second day of the storm,

风速已达每小时英里the winds reach  miles an hour,

显然  就连去外面的食品间取回午餐and it's apparent that even getting lunch from the outside larder

都过于危险is too risky.

风暴还在增强  他们越来越担心To their increasing alarm, the storm continues to build.

整个下午都是狂风怒吼All afternoon, it's been blowing about...

风速肯定达到了每小时英里must have been  miles an hour,

从半小时之前开始  风异乎寻常的猛烈and in the last half-hour it's just got a lot stronger.

除了内心的极度恐惧外Aside from being utterly terrified,

越来越让人担心的是there's the added worry

我们的设备还放在外边一个地方that our gear is stashed outside somewhere.

营房内放不下We didn't have room for it in the hut,

不知道到了早晨设备还在不在and we don't know whether it's going to be there in the morning,

可能我们的拍摄之旅就要结束了which could spell the end of our trip.

风暴第三天  风速更达每小时英里On the third day of the storm, the winds hit  miles an hour.

营房从地基处开始摇晃The hut starts to shake from its very foundations,

马克和杰夫的处境危在旦夕and Mark and Jeff's situation becomes critical.

风异常猛烈The wind's so strong,

不断地吹灭it's constantly blowing

我们煤油炉的火the pilot light out on the paraffin stove,

温度越来越低so the temperature's dropping.

风还在变强The wind's rising.

听着似乎要把破屋顶掀翻Sounds like the bloody roof's coming off.

令人后怕的是  倘若今天去了The really scary thing is that had we gone out down to the colony

企鹅聚居地拍摄的话and tried to film today,

现在恐怕早已一命呜呼了there's a very high likelihood that we'd be dead by now.

我可没有轻描淡写And I don't say that lightly.

在那里根本撑不到现在There's no way we would have seen this through down there.

那样的话可就惨了And that is quite sobering.

在营房内熬过了漫长的四天After four terrifying days inside the hut,

风力终于减缓  马克和杰夫急着去看the winds finally drop, and Mark and Jeff are keen to see

有哪些设备幸免于难  如果还有的话what, if any, equipment has survived.

所有这些重要的器材All the real important stuff,

摄影器材  全部在这the camera stuff, is all still here,

仍旧栓在这块石头上and it's still strapped to this rock.

你可不知道我们看到这些是多么欣喜You have no idea how much joy that gives us.

现在我们可以开工了We can get on with our jobs now!

首先出来迎接我们的是这些贼鸥The first things to welcome us to the colony are these skuas,

它们从空中攻击我们which come in and batter us from above.

在这个海拔高度At its height, the colony

企鹅数量可多达多万只will swell to over half a million penguins,

在南极极昼的夏季and in the -hour daylight of the Antarctic summer,

马克和杰夫睡眠之外的时间都用来拍摄Mark and Jeff spend all of their waking hours filming.

由于天气多变  摄制组不得不Unpredictable weather continues to force the team

屡次跋涉回到两英里外的营房to climb the two miles back to the relative shelter of their hut,

马克发明了一种检测风速的新奇方法and Mark devises a novel way of testing the wind speed.


六周之后  二人似乎开始表现出After six weeks, the first sign that the pair

对这些企鹅邻居的厌倦了might be tiring of their penguin neighbours.

那有一头豹形海豹Over there's a leopard seal.

这是俩月来第一次见到不是企鹅的生物It's the first non-penguin-looking animal in two months!

看到没  是豹形海豹唉Will you look at that? It's a leopard seal!

我刚才下去拍摄企鹅走过来的画面I was down here filming the penguins coming in,

我跟拍了一只企鹅从浪花中走到岸上followed this penguin that came out of the waves up the beach,

真是美妙的镜头very nice shot.

我停下拍摄  发现在众多企鹅中间I stopped the shot and there in the middle of the frame

有一只纯白的企鹅was this completely white penguin...

想要进入镜头trying to get into the shot.

我们怀疑他可能在跟着我们We kinda suspect that he might be following us around now.

在成千上万只叽叽喳喳的企鹅群中Working around the clock for this length of time

花如此长时间进行拍摄in the presence of half a million screaming penguins

对耐心是一个极大的考验would test anyone's resolve.

我讨厌背着这些器具  听见没I hate carrying gear. Hear that?

我讨厌背着它们  我再也不想干这个了I hate carrying gear. I don't want to do it any more.

旅途过半Midway through their trip,

在与企鹅共处了上千小时后after more than , hours amongst the penguins,

他们似乎渐渐开始神游于现实之外their grip on reality is beginning to loosen.

我们正处在企鹅超级高速公路上Here we are on the penguin superhighway,

企鹅们从这里返回大海where the penguins go down to the sea.

他们好像遵守着美国交通规则It seems that they follow the American system...

靠右行驶  从右边跳入海里driving on the right, going down to the sea on the right,

而从你面对大海的左边登陆coming back from the sea on the left as you're facing the sea.

我相当确定I'm fairly sure that

他们昨天遵守的是英国规则[靠左行驶]yesterday they were doing the British system.

传奇般变幻的克罗泽角气候The legendary Cape Crozier weather

很快将他们拉回了现实soon snaps them back into reality.

我正在拍摄那些I'm just filming the penguins

处于巨大风暴里的冰原上with this huge kind of wind storm

缓缓走来的企鹅coming over the ice cap,

之前有个这冰原上呆过几年的人the kind of thing we were warned about by the guy who was here before,

警告我们说who has been here several years,

当天色如此时  你们要即刻折回saying "With skies like this, you should run for home".

但我们打算继续留下来拍摄But we're just going to stay and film it.

因为我们是BBCBecause we're the BBC!

但是  在南极的世界中But in this part of the world,

为BBC工作显得并不是那么重要working for the BBC doesn't count for much.

几分钟内  风力便达到了飓风的强度Within minutes, the winds reach hurricane strength,

两人陷入了困境and the crew are in serious trouble.

因此  我们现在必须设法走出去So, we've got to now venture

往山谷上走大概一英里out and go about a mile up this valley,

那里风速大概有每小时八十英里which looks like it's got about mph winds blowing down it.

所以这可是一次极大的冒险So it's going to be quite an adventure.

有点吓人  真的Bit frightening, though, really.

在经历了三个月后  他们俩现在After three months, the pair are now fully aware

已完全清楚风力会达到什么强度of the strength the winds can reach.

风越来越大了Getting a little stronger now!

他们随时都可能会被分开There is a very real danger that they could be separated

在白茫茫的世界里迷失方向and lost in these white-out conditions.

骇人的两小时过后Two terrifying hours later,

他们终于到达营地  感觉如释重负and their relief at finally reaching the hut is tangible.

在克罗泽角的日子还有一个月With a month still to go at Cape Crozier,

马克  杰夫和企鹅们还将Mark, Jeff and the penguins

面临很多像这样的风暴will face many more storms like this.

但是  时刻保持清醒But it seems their greatest challenge

似乎才是他们最大的挑战will be to maintain their sanity.

我们在这  乘着雪橇  穿越南极Here we are, travelling through the Antarctic by sled.

一群爱斯基摩犬拉着雪橇带我们前进We're being pulled by a herd of huskies.

十二只爱斯基摩犬在前方喘息着 of them panting out front, breath steaming from their mouths.

一路上都有人们愉快地跟我们打招呼And as we go along, we see the happy people waving at us.

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  • 正文 为了忘掉前任,我火速办了婚礼,结果婚礼上,老公的妹妹穿的比我还像新娘。我一直安慰自己,他们只是感情好,可当我...
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  • 文/花漫 我一把揭开白布。 她就那样静静地躺着,像睡着了一般。 火红的嫁衣衬着肌肤如雪。 梳的纹丝不乱的头发上,一...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 48,027评论 1 275
  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
    沈念sama阅读 37,513评论 3 390
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 36,169评论 0 254
  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 40,324评论 1 294
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 35,268评论 2 317
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 37,299评论 1 329
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 32,996评论 3 315
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 38,591评论 3 303
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 29,667评论 0 19
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 30,911评论 1 255
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 42,288评论 2 345
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 41,871评论 2 341
