豹豹和你一起试读The BFG(吹梦巨人) 2


3.The Snatch

snatch v. take sth. quickly 也常做名词叫做(谈话/音乐)片段,snatches较常见

After a minute or so, she lifted a corner of the blanket and peeped out.索菲偷偷掀开一角瞅瞅

For the second time that night her blood froze to ice and she wanted to scream, but no sound came out.

This time Sophie really did scream, but only for a second because very quickly the huge hand clamped down over her blanket and the scream was smothered by the bedclothes.

再两次写到了害怕,很有画面感。smother 是一个比较不好的词,是覆盖使窒息或呼吸不过来,与suffocate 近义词,与muffle不大一样


She knew that a Monster (or Giant) with an enormous long pale wrinkly face and dangerous eyes had plucked her from her bed in the middle of the witching hour and was now carrying her out through the window smothered in a blanket.


wrinkly adj.有皱纹的,和wrinkled(纳尼亚中描写海里太太)没太大区别,后者可以用于被动。

“So you’ve come at last!” she said, holding out both her wrinkled old paws.

pluck很鲜活,有拔(毛发)采摘(水果)之意,但是很有名的故事拔萝卜用的是pull the turnip

Sophie, by squirming around inside the blanket, managed to push the top of her head out through a little gap just below the Giant’s hand.


She saw the village houses rushing by on both sides. The Giant was sprinting down the High Street. He was running so fast his black cloak was streaming out behind him like the wings of a bird.


sprint 这个词还是在哈利波特中学到的。

v. If you sprint, you run or ride as fast as you can over a short distance. 全速奔跑;

n.就表示短跑(比赛)  (释义来自柯林斯)

4. The Cave

The Giant ran on and on. But now a curious change took place in his way of running. He seemed suddenly to go into a higher gear. Faster and faster he went and soon he was travelling at such a speed that the landscape became blurred.

巨人不停地跨过山河大海(literally indeed),但是跑着跑着就不一样了,像是汽车突然上了一档(哈哈)。越跑越快,周围的景色都模糊了,像是泼墨画一般。

Sophie, still peering out from the blanket, saw suddenly ahead of her a great craggy mountain. The mountain was dark blue and all around it the sky was gushing and glistening with light.


craggy :stiff and rocky 属于高频词汇

gush: v. flow out 生词

Right beneath the mountain, the Giant stopped. He was puffing mightily. His great chest was heaving in and out. He paused to catch his breath.


catch one's breath/ take breath都有歇口气的意思

The hole was so large the Giant didn’t even have to duck his head as he went in.


She longed to duck underneath them and lean out of the window to see ...

The wind rushing against Sophie’s face became so strong that she had to duck down again into the blanket to prevent her head from being blown away.

Now that the entrance had been sealed up, there was not a glint of light inside the cave. All was black.

又见now that既然 seal up 封住

Or he will have me fried. He will drop me like a rasher of bacon into some gigantic frying-pan sizzling with fat.


Brit A rasher of bacon is a slice of bacon. 咸肉片; 火腿片 (美式英语用 slice)


There were jars everywhere. They were piled up in the corners. They filled every nook and cranny of the cave.


If you talk about every nook and cranny of a place or situation, you mean every part or every aspect of it. 各个角落; 到处

Sophie saw that under the cloak he was wearing a sort of collarless shirt and a dirty old leather waistcoat that didn’t seem to have any buttons....On his bare feet he was wearing a pair of ridiculous sandals that for some reason had holes cut along each side, with a large hole at the end where his toes stuck out.

这一段描写了巨人特别奇特的穿着打扮(突然想起前两天看到的the deess code着装要求 )


但是索菲一点都不觉得好玩,She was trembling like a leaf in the wind, and a finger of ice was running up and down the length of her spine.好吧,可怜的索菲。


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