Miss Honey读书笔记


bleak:cold and without any pleasant or comfortable features

supreme:/sʊ'priːm,sjuː-,suˋprim/ adj.having the highest position of power, importance, or influence

formidable: ['fɔrmɪdəbl] 1.very powerful or impressive, and often frightening令人敬畏的;可怕的;2.difficult to deal with and needing a lot of effort or skill难对付的

oval:/'əʊvəl,ˋovḷ/ n. [C ]a shape like a circle, but wider in one direction than the other卵形,椭圆形

Madonna:/mə'dɒnə,məˋdɑnə/ 麦当娜,圣母玛利亚

porcelain: /'pɔːslɪn,'pɔːslən,ˋpɔrsḷɪn/ 瓷,瓷器

bewilderment:a feeling of being very confused

herd:[T always + adv/prep] to bring people together in a large group, especially roughly〔尤指粗暴地〕使集合在一起 herd sb into sth The visitors were herded into two large halls.

holy:connected with God and religion

terror:[C] an event or situation that makes people feel extremely frightened, especially because they think they may die

tyrannical: /tɪ'rænɪkəl,tə'rænɪkəl,tɪˋrænɪkḷ/ adj.behaving in a cruel and unfair way towards someone you have power over 暴虐的,专横的

fierce:a fierce person or animal is angry or ready to attack, and looks very frightening

aura: /ˈɔːrə,ˋɔrə/ n. [C ]a quality or feeling that seems to surround or come from a person or a place气氛,气息,韵味

menace: ['mɛnəs][U] a threatening quality, feeling, or way of behaving威胁,恐吓

rod:a long thin pole or bar 杆;竿;棒

trooper:[C] a soldier of the lowest rank in the part of the army that uses tanks or horses〔军阶最低的〕装甲兵,骑兵 storm-trooper:a member of a special group of German soldiers in the Second World War〔第二次世界大战中德国的〕冲锋队员,突击队员

snort:/snɔːt,snɔrt/ v.[I,T] to breathe air in a noisy way out through your nose, especially to show that you are annoyed or amused发哼声;哼着鼻子〔尤表示被惹恼或逗乐〕

plough:/plaʊ,plau/ n. [C ] also 又作 plow;犁(地),耕(地);奋力前进

enrage:to make someone very angry

rhinoceros: [raɪ'nɑsərəs] 犀牛

eccentricity: [,ɛksɛn'trɪsəti] 1.[U] strange or unusual behaviour;2.[C] an opinion or action that is strange or unusual

chant:/tʃɑːnt,tʃænt/ v. [I,T ] 吟诵;有节奏地反复喊

liquidise:/'likwidaiz/ 使液化;用搅拌机粉碎


chirrup:  /'tʃɪrəp,ˋtʃɪrəp/ v. [I,T ] 〔鸟或昆虫〕吱喳叫

spellbound: /'spelbaʊnd,ˋspɛl͵baund/ adj. extremely interested in something you are listening to

exchange:[C] a short conversation, usually between two people who are angry with each other

facility:If you have a facility for something, for example learning a language, you find it easy to do. 天赋

solemn:/'sɒləm,ˋsɑləm/ adj. very serious and not happy, for example because something bad has happened or because you are at an important occasion严肃的,庄重的


prodigy:/'prɒdɪdʒi,ˋprɑdədʒɪ/ n.[C] a young person who has a great natural ability in a subject or skill年轻的天才,神童

flit:to move lightly or quickly and not stay in one place for very long 轻快地行进,掠过

understatement:[C] a statement that is not strong enough to express how good, bad, impressive etc something really is

epicure: /'epɪkjʊə,ˋɛpɪ͵kjur/ n. [C ] someone who enjoys good food and drink

stew:n. 炖汤

rhyme: /raɪm,raɪm/ n.[C] a short poem or song, especially for children, using words that rhyme押韵短诗;〔押韵的〕儿歌,童谣[I] if two words or lines of poetry rhyme, they end with the same sound, including a vowel 〔词或诗行〕押韵,成韵


limerick:/'lɪmərɪk,ˋlɪmərɪk/ n. [C ]五行打油诗(一种通俗幽默短诗,有五行组成,韵式为aabba)

witty:using words in a clever and amusing way说话风趣的;妙趣横生的

startle: /'stɑːtl,ˋstɑrtḷ/ v. [T ] to make someone suddenly surprised or slightly shocked

scarlet:/'skɑːlɪt,'skɑːlət,ˋskɑrlɪt/ adj.bright red;if you go scarlet, your face becomes red, usually because you are embarrassed or angry

wardrobe /'wɔːdrəʊb,ˋwɔrd͵rob/ n. [C] a piece of furniture like a large cupboard that you hang clothes in衣柜,衣橱

murmur: /'mɜːmə,ˋmɝmɚ/ v.[I,T] to say something in a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear clearly 小声说,低语,咕哝


one way or the other:设法, 以这样或那样的方式

frighten the life out of(infml): to make someone feel extremely afraid or nervous. 把某人吓得没命,使某人紧张得要死

bounce off:从…弹跳出来 The ball bounced off the wall and he caught it.

for your own good:为你自己好

get on the wrong side of sb:和某人对着干

Take that grin off your face. 不要笑,这不好笑

get out of line 违规,踩过界

learn sth by heart 记住,背下来

sink in:When a statement or fact sinks in, you finally understand or realize it fully.

lie through one's teeth:明显在撒谎

let the matter rest:善罢甘休,让这事过去

be strung together:串在一起

wave about:来回挥动(某物);来回晃动;摇动(某物)

get to one’s feet: 站起来

warm towards sb:对某人产生好感


乘法的表述:1)twice twelve is twenty-four;2)two times twenty-eight is fifty-six;3)multiply one number by another;4)fourteen multiplied by nineteen

夸小孩:1)That is really splendid. 2)That really is very good indeed

表示吓到了的词语:with absolute amazement, shaken,startled, astounded


儿童读物 The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe

纳尼亚传奇:《狮子、女巫和魔衣柜》 “二战”期间,四位兄弟姐妹彼得、苏珊、埃德蒙、露西被疏散到乡间避难,在一位老教授的家里玩躲迷藏游戏,发现了一个奇特的魔衣橱,这里居然可以通往神奇的国度纳尼亚。




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