《Netty in Action》读书笔记


  1. SimpleChannelInboundHandler vs ChannelInboundHandler:
    In the client, when channelRead0() completes, you have the incoming message and you're done with it. When the method returns, SimpleChannelInboundHandler takes care of releasing the memory reference to the ByteBuf that holds the message. But ChannelInboundHandler doesn't release the message at the point.


  1. Channel-sockets
    EventLoop - Control flow, multithreading, concurrency
    ChannelFuture - Asynchronous notification
  2. Channel's implementation:
  • EmbeddedChannel
  • LocalServerChannel
  • NioDatagramChannel
  • NioSctpChannel
  • NioSocketChannel
  1. EventLoop defines Netty's core abstraction for handling events that occur during the lifetime of a connection.
  2. The relationship between Channel, EventLoop, Thread, and EventLoopGroup are:
  • An EventLoopGroup contains one or more EventLoops
  • An EventLoop is bound to a single Thread for its lifetime
  • All I/O events processed by an EventLoop are handled on its dedicated Thread
  • A Channel is registered for its lifetime with a single EventLoop
  • A single EventLoop may be assigned to one or more Channels
  1. Because all I/O operations in Netty are asynchronous, so we need a way to determine its result at a later time. So Netty provides ChannelFuture, whose addListener() method registers a ChannelFutureListener to be notified when an operation has completed.
  2. ChannelHandler serves as the container for all application logic that applies to handling inbound and outbound data. This is possible because ChannelHandler methods are triggered by network events.
  3. ChannelPipeline provides a container for a chain of ChannelHandlers and defines an API for propagating the flow of inbound and outbound events along the chain. When a Channel is created, it is automatically assigned its own ChannelPipeline.
  4. ChannelHandlers are installed in the ChannelPipeline as follows:
  • A ChannelInitializer implementation is registered with a ServerBootstrap
  • When ChannelInitializer.initChannel() is called, the ChannelInitializer installs a custom set of ChannelHandlers in the pipeline.
  • The ChannelInitializer removes itself from the ChannelPipeline
  1. If a message or any other inbound event is read, it will start from the head of the pipeline and be passed to the first ChannelInboundHandler. But data flows from the tail through the chain of ChannelOutboundHandlers until it reaches the head.
  2. There are two ways of sending messages in Netty. You can write directly to the Channel or write to a ChannelHandlerContext object associated with a ChannelHandler. The former approach causes the message to start from the tail of the ChannelPipeline, the latter causes the message to start from the next handler in the ChannelPipeline.
  3. Adapters you'll call most often when creating your custom handlers:
  • ChannelHandlerAdapter
  • ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter
  • ChannelOutboundHandlerAdapter
  • ChannelDuplexHandlerAdapter
  1. Why bootstrapping a client requires only a single EventLoopGroup, but a ServerBootstrap requires two(which can be the same instance)?
    A server needs two distinct sets of Channels. The first set will contain a single ServerChannel representing the server's own listening socket, bound to a local port. The second set will contain all the Channels that have been created to handle incoming client connections - one for each connection the server has accepted.


  1. The implementation of compareTo() in AbstractChannel throws an Error if two distinct Channel instances return the same hash code.
  2. Typical uses for ChannelHandlers include:
  • Transforming data from one format to another
  • Providing notification of exceptions
  • Providing notification of a Channel becoming active or inactive
  • Providing notification when a Channel is registered with or deregistered from an EventLoop
  • Providing notification about user-defined events
  1. Netty's Channel implementations are thread-safe, so you can store a reference to a Channel and use it whenever you need to write something to the remote peer, even when many threads are in use.
  2. Netty-provided transports:
  • NIO: io.netty.channel.socket.nio Uses the java.nio.channels package as a foundation - a selector-based approach
  • Epoll: io.netty.channel.epoll Uses JNI for epoll() and non-blocking IO. This transport supports features available only on Linux, such as SO_REUSEPORT, and is faster than the NIO transport as well as fully non-blocking
  • OIO: io.netty.channel.socket.oio Uses the java.net package as a foundation - uses blocking streams.
  • Local: io.netty.channel.local A local transport that can be used to communicate in the VM via pipes
  • Embedded: io.netty.channel.embedded An embedded transport, which allows using ChannelHandlers without a true network-based transport. This can be quite useful for testing your ChannelHandler implementations.


  1. Netty's API for data handling is exposed through two components - abstract class ByteBuf and interface ByteBufHolder.
    These are some of the advantages of the ByteBuf API:
  • It's extensible for user-defined buffer types
  • Transparent zero-copy is achieved by a built-in composite buffer type
  • Capacity is expanded on demand
  • Switching between reader and writer modes doesn't require calling ByteBuffer's flip() method
  • Reading and writing employ distinct indices
  • Method chaining is supported
  • Reference counting is supported
  • Pooling is supported
  1. How ByteBuf works?
    ByteBuf maintains two distinct indices: one for reading and one for writing. When you read from ByteBuf, its readerIndex is incremented by the number of bytes read. Similarly, when you write to ByteBuf, its writerIndex is incremented.
  2. ByteBuf methods whose name begins with read or write advance the corresponding index, whereas operations that begins with set or get do not. The latter methods operate on a relative index that's passed as an argument to the method.
  3. ByteBuf usage pattern:
  • Heap buffers: Store the data in the JVM heap as an array.
  • DIRECT BUFFER: The performance is better because it avoids copy data from JVM to DIRECT BUFFER. But it is difficult to allocate or release direct buffer.
  • COMPOSITE BUFFER: Netty implements this pattern with a subclass of ByteBuf, CompositeByteBuf, which provides a virtual representation of multiple buffers as a single, merged buffer. CompsiteByteBuf may not allow access to a backing array, so accessing the data in a CompositeByteBuf resembles the direct buffer pattern.
  1. The JDK's InputStream defines the methods mark(int readlimit) and reset(). These are used to mark the current position in the stream to a specified value and to reset the stream to that position, respectively.
    Similarly, you can set and reposition the ByteBuf readerIndex and ByteBuf writerIndex by calling markReaderIndex(), markWriterBuffer(), resetReaderIndex(), and resetWriterIndex(). These are similar to the InputStream calls, expect that there's no readLimit to specify when the mark becomes invalid.
  2. A derived buffer provides a view of a ByteBuffer that represents its contents in a specified way. Such views are cerated by the following methods:
  • duplicate()
  • slice()
  • slice(int, int)
  • Unpooled.unmodifiableBuffer(...)
  • order(ByteOrder)
  • readSlice(int)
    Each returns a new ByteBuf instance with its own reader, writer, and marker indices. The internal storage is shared, so be carefully if you modify its content you are modifying the source instance as well.
  1. ByteBufHolder is a good choice if you want to implement a message object that stores its payload in a ByteBuf.
  2. You can obtain a reference to a ByteBufAllocator either from a Channel or through the ChannelHandlerContext that is bound to a ChannelHandler. The following listing illustrates both of these methods.
  3. Netty provides two implementations of ByteBufAllocator: PooledByteBufAllocator and UnpooledByteBufAllocator. The former pools ByteBuf instances to improve performance and minimum memory fragmentation. This implementation uses an efficient approach to memory allocation known as jemalloc that has been adopted by a number of modern OSes. The latter implementation doesn't pool ByteBuf instances and returns a new instance everytime it is called.


  1. Channel lifecycle states:
  • ChannelUnregistered: The Channel was created, but isn't registered to an EventLoop
  • ChannelRegistered: The channel is registered to an EventLoop
  • ChannelActive: The Channel is active(connected to its remote peer). It's now possible to receive and send data.
  • ChannelInactive: The Channel is not connected to the remote peer
  1. ChannelHandler lifecycle methods:
  • handlerAdded: Called when a ChannelHandler is added to a ChannelPipeline
  • handlerRemoved: Called when a ChannelHandler is removed from a ChannelPipeline
  • exceptionCaught: Called if an error occurs in the ChannelPipeline during processing
  1. ChannelHandler's subinterface:
  • ChannelInboundHandler
  • ChannelOutboundHandler
  1. ChannelInboundHandler methods:
  • channelRegistered
  • channelUnregistered
  • channelActive
  • channelInactive
  • channelReadComplete
  • channelRead
  • channelWritabilityChanged: Invoked when the writablity state of the Channel changes. The user can ensure writes are not done too quickly or can resume writes when the Channel becomes writable again. The Channel method isWritable() can be called to detect the writability of the channel. The threshold for writability can be set via Channel.config().setWriteHighWaterMark() and Channel.config().setWriteLowWaterMark()
  • userEventTriggered: Invoked when ChannelInboundHandler.fireUserEventTriggered() is called because a POJO was passed through the ChannelPipeline.
  1. ChannelOutboundHandler:
  • bind(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)
  • connect(ChannelHandlerContext, SocketAddress, SocketAddress, ChannelPromise)
  • disconnect(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)
  • close(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)
  • deregister(ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelPromise)
  • read(ChannelHandlerContext)
  • write(ChannelHandlerContext, Object, ChannelPromise)
  • flush(ChannelHandlerContext)
  1. To assist you in diagnosing potential problems, Netty provides ResourceLeakDetector, which will sample about 1% of your application's buffer allocations to check for memory leaks. The overhead involved is very small.
  2. Leak-detection levels:
  • DISABLED: Disables leak detection. Use this only after extensive testing
  • SIMPLE: Reports any leaks found using the default sampling rate of 1%. This is the default level and is a good fit for most cases.
  • ADVANCED: Reports leaks found and where the message was accessed. Uses the default sampling rate.
  • PARANOID: Like ADVANCED except that every access is sampled. This has a heavy impact on performance and should be used only in the debugging phase.
    The leak-detection level is defined by this one:
    java -Dio.netty.leakDetectionLevel=ADVANCED
  1. Every new Channel that's created is assigned a new ChannelPipeline. This association is permanent; the Channel can neither attach another ChannelPipeline nor detach the current one. This is a fixed operation in Netty's component lifecycle and requires no action on the part of the developer.
  2. The ChannelHandlerContext associated with a ChannelHandler never changes, so it's safe to cache a reference to it.
    ChannelHandlerContext methods, involve a shorter event flow than do the identically named methods available on other classes. This should be exploited where possible to provide maximum performance.
  3. Use @Sharable only if you're certain that your ChannelHandler is thread-safe.
  4. Because the exception will continue to flow in the inbound direction, the ChannelInboundHandler that implements the preceding logic is usually placed last in the ChannelPipeline. This ensures that all inbound exceptions are always handled, wherever in the ChannelPipeline they may occur.


  1. I/O operations in Netty3:
    The threading model used in previous releases guaranteed only that inbound events would be executed in the so-called I/O thread. All outbound events were handled by the calling thread, which might be the I/O thread or any other. This seemed a good idea at first but was found to be problematical because of the need for careful synchronization of outbound events in ChannelHandlers. In shorter, it wasn't possible to guarantee that multiple thread wouldn't try to access an outbound event at the same time. This could happen, for example, if you fired simultaneous downstream events for the same Channel by calling Channel.write() in different threads.
    The threading model adopted in Netty4 resolves these problems by handling everything that occurs in a given EventLoop in the same thread. This provides a simpler execution architecture and eliminates the need for synchronization in the ChannelHandlers.
  2. The EventLoops that service I/O and events for Channels are contained in an EventLoopGroup. The manner in which EventLoops are created and assigned varies according to the transport implementation.
  • Asynchronous transports: Asynchronous implementations use only a few EventLoops (and their associated Threads), and in the current model these may be shared among Channels. This allows many Channels to be served by the smallest possible number of Threads, rather than assigning a Thread per Channel. Be aware of the implications of EventLoop allocation for ThreadLocal use. Because an EventLoop usually powers more than one Channel, ThreadLocal will be the same for all associated Channels. This makes it a poor choice for implementing a function such as state tracking. However, in a stateless context it can still be useful for sharing heavy or expensive objects, or even events, among Channels.
  • Blocking transports: One EventLoop (and its Thread) is assigned to each Channel. You may have encountered this pattern if you've developed applications that use the blocking I/O implementation in the java.io package.


  1. The differences between handler() and childHandler() is that the former adds a handler that's processed by the accepting ServerChannel, whereas childHandler() adds a handler that's processed by an accepted Channel, which represents a socket bound to a remote peer.
  2. Reuse EventLoops wherever possible to reduce the cost of thread creation.


  1. Provided ChannelHandlers and codec:
  • SslHandler
  • HTTP decoders and encoders:
    • HttpRequestEncoder: Encodes HttpRequest, HttpContent, and LastHttpContent messages to bytes
    • HttpResponseEncoder: Encodes HttpResponse, HttpContent, and LastHttpContent messages to bytes
    • HttpRequestDecoder: Decodes bytes into HttpRequest, HttpContent, and LastHttpContent message.
    • HttpResponseDecoder: Decodes bytes into HttpResponse, HttpContent, and LastHttpContent message
    • HttpClientCodec: Package HttpRequestEncoder and HttpResponseDecoder
    • HttpServerCodec: Package HttpRequestDecoder and HttpResponseEncoder
  • HttpObjectAggregator: Aggregate multiple HTTPObject into FullHttpRequest and FullHttpResponse
  • HttpContentCompressor: Compress HTTP content, support gzip and deflate now
  • HttpContentDecompressor: Decompress HTTP content
  • IdleStateHandler: Fires an IdleStateEvent if the connection idle too long. You can then handle the IdleStateEvent by overriding userEventTriggered() in your ChannelInboundHandler.
  • ReadTimeoutHandler: Throws a ReadTimeoutException and closes the Channel when no inbound data is received for a specified interval. The ReadTimeoutException can be detected by overriding exceptionCaught() in your ChannelHandler
  • WriteTimeoutHandler: Throws a WriteTimeoutException and closes the Channel when no inbound data is received for a specified interval. The WriteTimeoutException can be detected by overriding exceptionCaught() in your ChannelHandler.
  • DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder: A generic decoder that extracts frames using any user-provided delimiter
  • LineBasedFrameDecoder: A decoder that extracts frames delimited by the line-endings \n or \r\n. This decoder is faster than DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder
  1. ChunkedInput implementations:
  • ChunkedFile: Fetches data from a file chunked by chunk, for use when your platform doesn't support zero-copy or you need to transform the data
  • ChunkedNioFile: Similar to ChunkedFile expect that it uses FileChannel
  • ChunkedStream: Transfers content chunk by chunk from an InputStream
  • ChunkedNioStream: Transfers content chunk by chunk from a ReadableByteChannel
  1. To use your own ChunkedInput implementation install a ChunkedWriteHandler in the pipeline. Use ChunkedWriteHandler to write large data without risking OutOfMemoryErrors.
  2. JDK serialization codecs:
  • CompatibleObjectDecoder: Decoder for interoperating with non-Netty peers that use JDK serialization
  • CompatibleObjectEncoder: Encoder for interoperating with non-Netty peers that use JDK serialization
  • ObjectDecoder: Decoder that uses custom serialization for decoding on top of JDK serialization; it provides a speed improvement when external dependencies are excluded. Otherwise the other serialization implementations are preferable.
  • ObjectEncoder: Encoder that uses custom serialization for decoding on top of JDK serialization; it provides a speed improvement when external dependencies are excluded. Otherwise the other serialization implementations are preferable.
  1. JBoss marshalling. If you are free to make use of external dependencies, JBoss marshalling is ideal: It's up to 3 times faster than JDK serialization and more compact.
  2. JBoss marshalling codecs:
  • CompatibleMarshallingDecoder: For compatibility with peers that use JDK serialization
  • CompatibleMarshallingEncoder
  • MarshallingDecoder: For use with peers that use JBoss Marshalling. These classes must be used together.
  • MarshallingEncoder
  1. Protobuf codec:
  • ProtobufDecoder: Decodes a message using Protobuf
  • ProtobufEncoder: Encodes a message using Protobuf
  • ProtobufVarint32FrameDecoder: Splits received ByteBufs dynamically by the value of the Google Protocol "Bse 128 Varints" integer length field in the message
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