使用 Phalcon7 的协程库实现简易的 websocket 服务






$loader = new Phalcon\Loader();





class Pool


private $channel;

private $concurrency;

private $count = 0;

private $context;

public function __construct(int $concurrency = 1, int $capacity = 0)


$this->concurrency = max(1, $concurrency);

$this->channel = new \Phalcon\Async\Channel($capacity);

$this->context = \Phalcon\Async\Context::background();


public function close(?\Throwable $e = null): void


$this->count = \PHP_INT_MAX;



public function submit(callable $work, $socket, ...$args): \Phalcon\Async\Awaitable


if ($this->count < $this->concurrency) {


Websocket::info('Pool count '.$this->count);

\Phalcon\Async\Task::asyncWithContext($this->context, static function (iterable $it) {

try {

foreach ($it as list ($defer, $context, $work, $socket, $args)) {

try {

$defer->resolve($context->run($work, $socket, ...$args));

} catch (\Throwable $e) {



} finally {



} catch (\Throwable $e) {


} finally {



}, $this->channel->getIterator());



$defer = new \Phalcon\Async\Deferred(),






return $defer->awaitable();



class Websocket


static public $debug = false;

protected $port = null;

protected $host = null;

protected $server = null;

protected $callback = null;

protected static $opcodes = array(

'continuation' => 0,

'text' => 1,

'binary'   => 2,

'close' => 8,

'ping' => 9,

'pong' => 10,


public function __construct($host, int $port, callable $callback = NULL, int $concurrency = 1, int $capacity = 0) {

$this->port = $port;

$this->host = $host;

$this->callback = $callback;

$this->pool = new Pool($concurrency, $capacity);


public function start()


$callback = $this->callback;

$ws = $this;

$worker = static function ($socket) use ($ws, $callback) {

// echo ('memory'.memory_get_usage().PHP_EOL);

//$socket->setOption(TcpSocket::NODELAY, false);

$socket->isHttp = false;

$socket->parser = new \Phalcon\Http\Parser();

$socket->isHandshake = false;

$socket->is_closing = false;

$socket->fragment_status = 0;

$socket->fragment_length = 0;

$socket->fragment_size = 4096;

$socket->read_length = 0;

$socket->huge_payload = '';

$socket->payload = '';

$socket->headers = NULL;

$socket->request_path = NULL;

try {

$buffer = '';

while (!$socket->is_closing && null !== ($chunk = $socket->read())) {

if ($socket->isHandshake === false) {

$buffer .= $chunk;

$pos = strpos($buffer, "\r\n\r\n");

if ($pos) {

$header = substr($buffer, 0, $pos+4);

$buffer = substr($buffer, $pos+4);

if ($ws->handShake($socket, $header)) {



} elseif ($socket->isHttp) {

$buffer = $chunk;

} else {

$buffer .= $chunk;


if ($socket->isHttp) {

$ret = $socket->parser->execute($buffer);

if (!$ret) {

throw new \Exception('HTTP parse failed');


if ($socket->parser->status() == \Phalcon\Http\Parser::STATUS_END) {

$body = \Phalcon\Arr::get($ret, 'BODY');

if ($callback && \is_callable($callback)) {

$callback($socket, $socket->headers, $socket->request_path, $body);


$socket->is_closing = true;



} else if ($ws->process($socket, $buffer)) {

$buffer = substr($buffer, $socket->read_length);

if ($callback && \is_callable($callback)) {

$callback($socket, $socket->headers, $socket->request_path, $socket->payload);


$socket->fragment_status = 0;

$socket->fragment_length = 0;

$socket->read_length = 0;

$socket->huge_payload = '';

$socket->payload = '';



} catch (\Throwable $e) {


} finally {




try {

$this->server = \Phalcon\Async\Network\TcpServer::listen($this->host, $this->port);

echo Phalcon\Cli\Color::info('start server listen:'.$this->host.':'.$this->port).PHP_EOL;

while (true) {

$socket = $this->server->accept();

if ($socket === false) {



// \Phalcon\Async\Task::async($worker, $socket);

$this->pool->submit($worker, $socket);


} catch (\Throwable $e) {


} finally {

if ($this->server) {






* 请求握手

* @return boolean


static public function handShake($socket, $header)



$request = $socket->parser->execute($header, true);

if (!$request || !isset($request['HEADERS'])) {

throw new \Exception('Handshake failed, HEAD error');


$headers = $request['HEADERS'];

$socket->headers = $headers;

$socket->request_path = $request['QUERY_STRING'];

if (!isset($headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key'])) {

$socket->isHttp = true;

return true;

} else if ($request['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'GET') {

throw new \Exception('Handshake failed, No GET in HEAD');


$socket->isHandshake = true;

$wsKey = trim($headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key']);

// 根据客户端传递过来的 key 生成 accept key

$acceptKey = base64_encode(sha1($wsKey . "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11", true));

// 拼接回复字符串

$msg = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n";

$msg .= "Upgrade: websocket\r\n";

$msg .= "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n";

$msg .= "Connection: Upgrade\r\n";

$msg .= "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: " . $acceptKey . "\r\n\r\n";


return true;


static public function readFragment0($socket, $buffer) {

if (strlen($buffer) < 2) {

return false;


$data = substr($buffer, 0, 2);

$socket->read_length = 2;

// Is this the final fragment? // Bit 0 in byte 0

/// @todo Handle huge payloads with multiple fragments.

$socket->final = (boolean) (ord($data[0]) & 1 << 7);

// Should be unused, and must be false… // Bits 1, 2, & 3

$rsv1 = (boolean) (ord($data[0]) & 1 << 6);

$rsv2 = (boolean) (ord($data[0]) & 1 << 5);

$rsv3 = (boolean) (ord($data[0]) & 1 << 4);

// Parse opcode

$opcode_int = ord($data[0]) & 31; // Bits 4-7

$opcode_ints = array_flip(self::$opcodes);

if (!array_key_exists($opcode_int, $opcode_ints)) {

throw new \Exception('Bad opcode in websocket frame: '.$opcode_int);


$opcode = $opcode_ints[$opcode_int];

// record the opcode if we are not receiving a continutation fragment

if ($opcode !== 'continuation') {

$socket->last_opcode = $opcode;


// Masking?

$socket->mask = (boolean) (ord($data[1]) >> 7); // Bit 0 in byte 1

$socket->payload = '';

// Payload length

$socket->payload_length = (integer) ord($data[1]) & 127; // Bits 1-7 in byte 1

if ($socket->payload_length > 125) {

$socket->fragment_status = 1;

} else {

$socket->fragment_status = 2;


return true;


static public function readFragment1($socket, $buffer) {

if ($socket->payload_length === 126) {

if ($socket->fragment_length - $socket->read_length < 2) {

return false;


$data = substr($buffer, $socket->read_length, 2); // 126: Payload is a 16-bit unsigned int

$socket->read_length += 2;

} else {

if ($socket->fragment_length - $socket->read_length < 8) {

return false;


$data = substr($buffer, $socket->read_length, 8); // 127: Payload is a 64-bit unsigned int

$socket->read_length += 8;


$socket->payload_length = bindec(self::sprintB($data));

$socket->fragment_status = 2;

return true;


static public function readFragment2($socket, $buffer) {

// Get masking key.

if ($socket->mask) {

if ($socket->fragment_length - $socket->read_length < (4 + $socket->payload_length)) {

return false;


$masking_key = substr($buffer, $socket->read_length, 4);

$socket->read_length += 4;

} elseif ($socket->fragment_length - $socket->read_length < $socket->payload_length) {

return false;


// Get the actual payload, if any (might not be for e.g. close frames.

if ($socket->payload_length > 0) {

$data = substr($buffer, $socket->read_length, $socket->payload_length);

$socket->read_length += $socket->payload_length;

if ($socket->mask) {

// Unmask payload.

for ($i = 0; $i < $socket->payload_length; $i++) {

$socket->payload .= ($data[$i] ^ $masking_key[$i % 4]);


} else {

$socket->payload = $data;



$socket->fragment_status = 3;

return true;


static public function sendFragment($socket, $payload, $opcode = 'text', $masked = true) {

if (!in_array($opcode, array_keys(self::$opcodes))) {

throw new \Exception('Bad opcode '.$opcode.', try text or binary.');


// record the length of the payload

$payload_length = strlen($payload);

$fragment_cursor = 0;

// while we have data to send

while ($payload_length > $fragment_cursor) {

// get a fragment of the payload

$sub_payload = substr($payload, $fragment_cursor, $socket->fragment_size);

// advance the cursor

$fragment_cursor += $socket->fragment_size;

// is this the final fragment to send?

$final = $payload_length <= $fragment_cursor;

// send the fragment

self::send_frame($socket, $final, $sub_payload, $opcode, $masked);

// all fragments after the first will be marked a continuation

$opcode = 'continuation';



static public function send_frame($socket, $final, $payload, $opcode, $masked) {

// Binary string for header.

$frame_head_binstr = '';

// Write FIN, final fragment bit.

$frame_head_binstr .= (bool) $final ? '1' : '0';

// RSV 1, 2, & 3 false and unused.

$frame_head_binstr .= '000';

// Opcode rest of the byte.

$frame_head_binstr .= sprintf('%04b', self::$opcodes[$opcode]);

// Use masking?

$frame_head_binstr .= $masked ? '1' : '0';

// 7 bits of payload length...

$payload_length = strlen($payload);

if ($payload_length > 65535) {

$frame_head_binstr .= decbin(127);

$frame_head_binstr .= sprintf('%064b', $payload_length);


elseif ($payload_length > 125) {

$frame_head_binstr .= decbin(126);

$frame_head_binstr .= sprintf('%016b', $payload_length);


else {

$frame_head_binstr .= sprintf('%07b', $payload_length);


$frame = '';

// Write frame head to frame.

foreach (str_split($frame_head_binstr, 8) as $binstr) $frame .= chr(bindec($binstr));

// Handle masking

if ($masked) {

// generate a random mask:

$mask = '';

for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) $mask .= chr(rand(0, 255));

$frame .= $mask;


// Append payload to frame:

for ($i = 0; $i < $payload_length; $i++) {

$frame .= ($masked === true) ? $payload[$i] ^ $mask[$i % 4] : $payload[$i];





* Helper to convert a binary to a string of '0' and '1'.


protected static function sprintB($string) {

$ret = '';

for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {

$ret .= sprintf("%08b", ord($string[$i]));


return $ret;



* 解析数据包


* @return string


static public function process($socket, $buffer)



self::info('process fragment_status:'.$socket->fragment_status.' buffer length:'.strlen($buffer));

$socket->fragment_length = strlen($buffer);

switch ($socket->fragment_status) {

case 0:

// Just read the main fragment information first.

if (!self::readFragment0($socket, $buffer)) {

return false;


goto startfragment;


case 1:

if (!self::readFragment1($socket, $buffer)) {

return false;


goto startfragment;


case 2:

if (!self::readFragment2($socket, $buffer)) {

return false;


goto startfragment;


case 3:


if ($socket->last_opcode === 'close') {

// Get the close status.

if ($socket->payload_length >= 2) {

$status_bin = $socket->payload[0] . $socket->payload[1];

$status = bindec(sprintf("%08b%08b", ord($socket->payload[0]), ord($socket->payload[1])));

$socket->close_status = $status;

$socket->payload = substr($socket->payload, 2);

self::sendFragment($socket, $status_bin . 'Close acknowledged: ' . $status, 'close', true); // Respond.


$socket->is_closing = true; // A close response, all done.


// if this is not the last fragment, then we need to save the payload

if (!$socket->final) {

$socket->huge_payload .= $socket->payload;

self::info('final:'.$socket->final.', payload:'.$socket->payload);

return false;

} else {

// sp we need to retreive the whole payload

$socket->huge_payload .= $socket->payload;

$socket->payload = $socket->huge_payload;

$socket->huge_payload = null;

self::info('final:'.$socket->final.', payload:'.$socket->payload);

return true;





return false;


static public function info($message)


if (self::$debug) {

echo Phalcon\Cli\Color::info($message).PHP_EOL;



static public function err($message)


echo Phalcon\Cli\Color::error($message).PHP_EOL;



$opts = new \Phalcon\Cli\Options('Websocket CLI');


    'type' => \Phalcon\Cli\Options::TYPE_STRING,

    'name' => 'server',

    'shortName' => 's',

    'required' => false, // 可选,需要用=号赋值

'help' => "address"



    'type' => \Phalcon\Cli\Options::TYPE_INT,

    'name' => 'port',

    'shortName' => 'p',

    'required' => false,

'help' => "port"



    'type' => \Phalcon\Cli\Options::TYPE_BOOLEAN,

    'name' => 'concurrency',

    'shortName' => 'c',

    'required' => false



    'type' => \Phalcon\Cli\Options::TYPE_BOOLEAN,

    'name' => 'capacity',

    'shortName' => 'C',

    'required' => false



    'type' => \Phalcon\Cli\Options::TYPE_BOOLEAN,

    'name' => 'debug',

    'shortName' => 'v',

    'required' => false,

'help' => "enable debug"


$vals = $opts->parse();

if ($vals === false ) {




* 客户端测试

* sudo apt install node-ws

* wscat -c ws://localhost:10001

* curl -v http://localhost:10001/hello

* 运行 php websocket-server.php


if (isset($vals['debug'])) {

Websocket::$debug = true;


$ws = new Websocket(\Phalcon\Arr::get($vals, 'server', ''), \Phalcon\Arr::get($vals, 'port', 10001), function($socket, $headers, $path, $data) {

if ($path) {

$handlerName = 'Index';

$actionName = 'Index';

$params = NULL;

if (preg_match("#^/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]++)/?+$#", $path, $matches)) {

$handlerName = $matches[1];

} else if (preg_match("#^/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]++)/([a-zA-Z0-9\\._]++)(/.*+)?+$#", $path, $matches)) {

$handlerName = $matches[1];

$actionName = $matches[2];

$params = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : NULL;


$handlerName = Phalcon\Text::camelize($handlerName);

$handlerName .= 'Plugin';

$actionName .= 'Action';

if (class_exists($handlerName) && method_exists($handlerName, $actionName)) {

$data = call_user_func($handlerName.'::'.$actionName, $data);



if ($socket->isHttp) {

$sendchunk = \sprintf("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: webserver\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n%x\r\n%s\r\n0\r\n\r\n", \strlen($data), $data);


} else {

Websocket::sendFragment($socket, $data);


}, \Phalcon\Arr::get($vals, 'concurrency', 500), \Phalcon\Arr::get($vals, 'capacity', 1));



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