Interpersonal Communication Division
Amanda J. Holmstrom, Vice Chair
Michigan State University
Department of Communication
473 Communication Arts & Sciences
East Lansing, MI 48823
Phone: 517-432-1286
The Interpersonal Communication Division is interested in the precursors, interactive dynamics, and outcomes of communication processes that occur between people in a variety of contexts such as close relationships, organizations, health, intercultural, intergroup, interracial, intersex, and others via face-to-face, mediated channels, and/or new technologies. Papers, extended abstracts, and panels associated with the conference theme of “Communication Beyond Boundaries” are strongly encouraged, and such submissions should illustrate relevance to the theme. Papers, extended abstracts, and panels that spotlight the integration of multidisciplinary and multi-cultural perspectives on interpersonal communication are also encouraged.
The Division will consider completed papers, extended abstracts, or panels for the 2019 conference. Please note papers, abstracts, or panels must not be submitted simultaneously for consideration to more than one ICA division or interest group. Also be sure to remove ALL IDENTIFYING information in the submission. If any item of the above guidelines and formatting instructions is not met, the contribution will not be reviewed. Only full papers at the time of submission are eligible for division awards.
Full papers should be 25 pages, double-spaced, no smaller than 11-point font, not including references, tables, or figures.
The goal for extended abstracts is to present and discuss current research where data has already been collected. At least some preliminary analyses should be conducted to provide a first review of results. Abstracts are not appropriate for exclusively methodological or theoretical papers without any empirical findings. Extended abstracts should be no longer than 5 pages double-spaced, including tables, figures, and references. Extended abstracts will only be considered for High Density or Interactive Poster Presentations.
Panel proposals should include a title, description for the program (max. 75 words), format (traditional or high density), and a rationale for the panel (max. 400 words) as well as abstracts of each participant’s contribution (max. 150 words each). Panel proposals must include the names, ranks, affiliations, and contact information of ALL participants including the panel Chair.
IMPORTANT: Panel proposals must show innovation and provide exceptional added value (including but not limited to: including scholars from areas close to the conference site and/or related to the conference theme.
As part of the submission process, you will be asked to enter keywords defining your manuscript. This is an important part of the submission process as these keywords greatly assist in the selection of reviewers for your submission. Please be as specific as possible in your selection of keywords.
The Interpersonal Communication Division has expanded the session options for the 2019 conference. Depending on the type of submission, works will be considered for one of the following 4 options:
1. Traditional Paper Session
In these sessions, 4-5 presenters provide a 10-12 minute review of a full paper. A respondent may be part of this session. Papers qualifying for Traditional Paper Session should be full papers. Papers submitted for consideration in the traditional sessions will also be considered for the High Density Sessions, as well as the conference-wide Interactive Poster Display Session. No extended abstracts will be considered for this session.
2. High-Density Paper Session
The High Density Session is a small interactive paper session and will include 8-12 thematically-linked papers during a single session. Presenters will provide a brief (2-3 minute) “greatest hits” overview of their project (with no visual aids). After all presenters have provided the overview, they will move to different areas of the room to informally and interactively discuss their work in greater detail. Full papers and extended abstracts will be considered for this session. Papers submitted for consideration in the High Density Paper Session will also be considered for the Traditional Paper Sessions, as well as the Interactive Poster Display Session.
3. Conference-Wide Interactive Poster Presentation
The division has the opportunity to have several poster presentations at the Plenary Interactive Poster Session. This a great opportunity to build exposure to the great work being done in our division. All of the division’s posters will be scheduled at the same time on the same day. Full papers and extended abstracts at the time of submission will be considered for the Interactive Poster Session.
4. Panel Session
The goal of a Panel Session is to bring together 4-8 scholars to discuss their work on a common theme. Very few panel proposals can be accepted, so panel proposals must show innovation and provide exceptional added value (including but not limited to: including scholars from areas close to the conference site and/or related to the conference theme).
It is expected that at least one author of an accepted submission will abide by the professional expectation of presenting the work, no matter what the program format.
The Interpersonal Communication Division recognizes the Top Four Papers in the Division and the Top Student Paper. For the Top Student Paper Award, PLEASE identify your student status at the time of submission. All of these awards require full papers for consideration. The Division also has Dissertation, Thesis, and Travel Awards.
A wide range of reviewers from all ranks is encouraged. Typically three reviewers will rate each paper. When you submit your paper, you will be asked if you are willing to serve as a reviewer. If you click “YES” you AGREE TO THE PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR REVIEWING FOR THE DIVISION. If you agree to review for the Division, please carefully select the keywords that best reflect your methodological, theoretical, and subfield interests. Reviewer assignments are based on searches of this content using keywords from the paper submissions. The Program Planner may also convene a committee to identify additional reviewers.