
原文来自Nick Mugguilli的博客。作者从另一个角度告诉你时间的意义,以及什么时候用钱去购买时间。


Peter Attia, a physician and longevity expert, has a talk on increasing your lifespan where he proposes an incredible thought experiment to his audience (see 16:49):

医学和长寿专家Peter Attia有一个关于如何延长寿命的谈话,他建议听众做一个难以置信的思想实验:

I would be willing to bet that not one of you, if you were offered every dollar of Warren Buffett’s fortune, would trade places with him right now…And I would also bet, by the way, that Buffett would be willing to be 20 years old again if he was broke.

我愿意打赌,即使让你获得巴菲特的所有财产,你也不会愿意和今天的巴菲特交换生命。 我愿意打另外一个赌, 如果可以年轻20岁,巴菲特会即使破产也在所不惜。

Consider his thought experiment for one moment.  Imagine having Buffett’s wealth, fame, and status as the greatest investor on Earth.  You can go anywhere you please, meet anyone you want, and buy anything that can be sold.  However, you’re now 87 years old.  Would you make the trade?  I know it sounds cryptic, but almost all of you wouldn’t.

考虑一下他的思想实验。想象获得巴菲特的财富、名望和地位,成为地球上最伟大的投资人。你可以去任何想去的地方, 见任何你想见的人,买任何可以买的东西。


Attia’s thought experiment got me thinking deeper about another seemingly unrelated question I have been asked by a few friends:


Nick, why don’t you monetize your blog?


I used to respond to this question with, “I am trying to grow my audience,” or “It isn’t worth what little money I would make,” but I recently realized I was wrong.  I was thinking about this question incorrectly.  I am charging for this blog, but not with money.  I am charging you the one thing you cannot replenish, the one thing Warren Buffett can’t buy, the most important asset in the world—your time.


我向你收取一件你无法再生的东西,一件巴菲特也无法买到的东西,这是世界上最重要的资产 - 你的时间。

Think of it this way:  Each week you get 10,000 minutes to live your life (it’s actually 10,080 minutes, but let’s round for simplicity).  If these 10,000 minutes represent 100% of your week, then each minute is 1 basis point (i.e. one hundredth of a percent).  If you sleep 7 hours a night that’s 2,940 minutes or ~30% of your week.  If you work 40 hours, that’s another 2,400 minutes or 24% gone.  Therefore, if you spend 5 minutes reading one of my posts, that’s 5 basis points of your week that you are allocating to me.  I know that doesn’t sound like much, but when you consider the endless amount of content competing for your attention, it’s amazing.




This is why I happily spend ~10 hours a week (6% of my week) writing a 5 minute post that thousands of people will read.  It’s why I read 40+ books a year to find diverse ideas to relate back to your finances.  It’s why I view writing to you as a privilege, an exorbitant privilege, as Barry Ritholtz once said.  In a world where so many people think they are owed something, I have to remind myself that I am owed nothing.  I have to fight, scratch, and claw for your precious attention.  And I will.  I will scour the Earth for the most intriguing things I can share with you week after week after week.  And yes, while my post quality will vary, my goal is to never waste your most important asset.


这就是为什么我认为写作是一种特权,一种极高的特权,正如Barry Ritholtz说过的那样。在这个很多人认为他们有所拥有的世界里,我必须提醒自己,我一无所有。我必须为你的宝贵关注而竭尽所能。我会的。


And trust me that time is your most important asset.  Why?  Because you will never get a second more than what you already have.  Yes, I could discuss the importance of time when it comes to starting early or compounding, but I know you already know that.  Time is important primarily because of its scarcity.  Consider this thought experiment and you will see why:


Imagine working extremely hard for years at the neglect of your family so you can earn more money.  Let’s say your plan works and you get that promotion you always craved.  Now you can take your extra money and invest it.  However, a few years later, a downturn strikes and you sell in a panic for a minor loss.

想象一下,假如你极其努力工作到忽略了家庭,这样你就可以赚更多的钱。假设你的计划有效,你得到了你一直以来渴望的升职。 现在你可以拿出额外的钱并进行投资。然而,几年之后,经济衰退来了,你出现了小幅亏损,恐慌之下抛售了股票。

In this thought experiment it sucks that you lost money, but, in theory, you can earn it back later.  You can work a few extra years before retiring, but you can’t go back and see your children as children again.  You can’t attend that friend’s wedding or mourn a relative with your loved ones twice.  As Epsilon Theory’s Ben Hunt stated, “Always go to the funeral.”  The fact is that money will come and go in your life, many times as a result of good and bad luck, but your time is only here now, so don’t squander it.


正如Epsilon Theory的Ben Hunt所说,“一定要去参加葬礼。” 事实上,金钱会在你的生活中来来往往,很多时候是好运气或坏运气的结果,但你的时间只在此时此刻,所以不要浪费它。

And don’t start believing that there isn’t enough time to do what you want in life.  That idea is self-defeating.  If anything, our society is creating more time for more people than ever before.  Just consider this beautiful graphic, which I have discussed before, from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation:


Look at all of those children we saved and all of that human time we created!  All of those lives, billions of hours collectively, would have been wiped from existence but for modern medical knowledge.  This explains why the death of a child is so tragic compared to the death of a centenarian: the child never had a shot at life, but the 100 year old did.  Nevertheless, 5.8 million children died in 2015.  Children who never got to fully live, love, or dream big.  Children who never had their time, so whatever you do, don’t waste yours…



Knowing When To Trade 知道什么时候用钱购买时间

The key to changing your worldview on time is knowing when to trade it for money.  Obviously, if you don’t have much money, you don’t have many options for trading, but as you gain wealth, this tradeoff will become more relevant.  The traditional way to think about when to trade your money for your time has been to pay for anything that is below your hourly wage.  This explains how one could justify paying for a cleaning or laundry service.  I generally agree with this, but it can be expanded.



You should also trade your money for anything that you would regret missing on your deathbed.  If you can imagine yourself regretting skipping an event in your final days of life, then you should trade money for it today.  This worldview is something I only adopted recently, but it has made my decision-making process so much easier when it comes to tradeoffs like these.  For example, I would probably spend money to visit a good friend, but I wouldn’t spend money to have a nice car.  I will (hopefully) remember seeing my friend on my deathbed, but the car?  No chance.



Lastly, I do technically monetize this blog through Amazon affiliate links (i.e. if you buy a book I link then I get a small percentage).  However, the goal was not strictly monetization (I’ve made less than $1 per hour for each hour I have worked on this blog), but tracking engagement from readers like you across different articles.


With that being said, if you really like issues of time and time travel, I highly recommend the fiction book Replay by Ken Grimwood.  Please just trust me and DO NOT READ THE SYNOPSIS.  Go in blind and you will thank me later for it.  I also recommend the films Memento, Primer, The Butterfly Effect, and Twelve Monkeys for other takes on time travel (sorry it’s my favorite genre). 

话说这么多,如果你真的喜欢时间和时间旅行的话题,我强烈推荐Ken Grimwood的小说《Relay》。请相信我,不要阅读大纲。直接进入开始,你以后会感谢我。我还推荐电影Memento,Primer,The Butterfly Effect和Twelve Monkeys,这几个是关于时间旅行的。(对不起,这是我最喜欢的类型)。



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