这段时间在做一个组件开发,要实现JS那边动态调用一个含有block参数的OC方法,接触到了libffi,主要涉及使用libffi 动态调用和定义C函数两个方面,下面是使用之后的一些总结。参考了bang的博客这里
一、Calling Convention
高级语言编译器将代码编译成相应汇编指令时都会依据一系列的规则,这些规则十分必要,特别是对独立编译来说。其中之一是“调用约定” (Calling Convention),它包含了编译器关于函数入口处的函数参数、函数返回值的一系列假设。它有时也被称作“ABI”(Application Binary Interface)。调用约定(Calling Conventions)定义了程序中调用函数的方式,它决定了在函数调用的时候数据(比如说参数)在堆栈中的组织方式。
int testFunc(int n, int m) {
return n+m;
int main() {
// (1)
int (*funcPointer)(int, int) = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "testFunc");
funcPointer(1, 2);
// (2)
void (*funcPointer)() = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "testFunc");
funcPointer(1, 2); //error
return 0;
FFI(Foreign Function Interface)允许以一种语言编写的代码调用另一种语言的代码,而libffi库提供了最底层的、与架构相关的、完整的FFI。libffi的作用就相当于编译器,它为多种调用规则提供了一系列高级语言编程接口,然后通过相应接口完成函数调用,底层会根据对应的规则,完成数据准备,生成相应的汇编指令代码。
那么这样我们就可以通过libffi动态的调用任意C函数,那libffi 具体怎么使用呢?详细文档请看:这里
- 准备好参数数据及其对应ffi_type数组、返回值内存指针、函数指针
- 创建与函数特征相匹配的函数原型:
对象 - 使用“ffi_call”来完成函数调用
需使用的libffi API:
/* 封装函数原型
ffi_prep_cif returns a libffi status code, of type ffi_status. This will be either FFI_OK if everything worked properly; FFI_BAD_TYPEDEF if one of the ffi_type objects is incorrect; or FFI_BAD_ABI if the abi parameter is invalid.
ffi_status ffi_prep_cif(ffi_cif *cif,
ffi_abi abi, //abi is the ABI to use; normally FFI_DEFAULT_ABI is what you want. Multiple ABIs for more information.
unsigned int nargs, //nargs is the number of arguments that this function accepts. ‘libffi’ does not yet handle varargs functions; see Missing Features for more information.
ffi_type *rtype, //rtype is a pointer to an ffi_type structure that describes the return type of the function. See Types.
ffi_type **atypes); //argtypes is a vector of ffi_type pointers. argtypes must have nargs elements. If nargs is 0, this argument is ignored.
/* 调用指定函数
This calls the function fn according to the description given in cif. cif must have already been prepared using ffi_prep_cif.
void ffi_call(ffi_cif *cif,
void (*fn)(void),
void *rvalue, //rvalue is a pointer to a chunk of memory that will hold the result of the function call. This must be large enough to hold the result and must be suitably aligned; it is the caller's responsibility to ensure this. If cif declares that the function returns void (using ffi_type_void), then rvalue is ignored. If rvalue is ‘NULL’, then the return value is discarded.
void **avalue); //avalues is a vector of void * pointers that point to the memory locations holding the argument values for a call. If cif declares that the function has no arguments (i.e., nargs was 0), then avalues is ignored. Note that argument values may be modified by the callee (for instance, structs passed by value); the burden of copying pass-by-value arguments is placed on the caller.
int testFunc(int m, int n) {
printf("params: %d %d \n", m, n);
return m+n;
+ (void)testCall {
testFunc(1, 2);
void* functionPtr = &testFunc;
int argCount = 2;
ffi_type **ffiArgTypes = alloca(sizeof(ffi_type *) *argCount);
ffiArgTypes[0] = &ffi_type_sint;
ffiArgTypes[1] = &ffi_type_sint;
void **ffiArgs = alloca(sizeof(void *) *argCount);
void *ffiArgPtr = alloca(ffiArgTypes[0]->size);
int *argPtr = ffiArgPtr;
*argPtr = 5;
ffiArgs[0] = ffiArgPtr;
void *ffiArgPtr2 = alloca(ffiArgTypes[1]->size);
int *argPtr2 = ffiArgPtr2;
*argPtr2 = 3;
ffiArgs[1] = ffiArgPtr2;
//生成函数原型 ffi_cfi 对象
ffi_cif cif;
ffi_type *returnFfiType = &ffi_type_sint;
ffi_status ffiPrepStatus = ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, (unsigned int)argCount, returnFfiType, ffiArgTypes);
if (ffiPrepStatus == FFI_OK) {
void *returnPtr = NULL;
if (returnFfiType->size) {
returnPtr = alloca(returnFfiType->size);
ffi_call(&cif, functionPtr, returnPtr, ffiArgs);
int returnValue = *(int *)returnPtr;
printf("ret: %d \n", returnValue);
params: 1 2
params: 5 3
ret: 8
ffi_status ffi_prep_closure_loc (ffi_closure *closure, //闭包,一个ffi_closure对象
ffi_cif *cif, //函数原型
void (*fun) (ffi_cif *cif, void *ret, void **args, void*user_data), //函数实体
void *user_data, //函数上下文,函数实体实参
void *codeloc) //函数指针,指向函数实体
Prepare a closure function.
参数 closure is the address of a ffi_closure object; this is the writable address returned by ffi_closure_alloc.
参数 cif is the ffi_cif describing the function parameters.
参数 user_data is an arbitrary datum that is passed, uninterpreted, to your closure function.
参数 codeloc is the executable address returned by ffi_closure_alloc.
函数实体 fun is the function which will be called when the closure is invoked. It is called with the arguments:
函数实体参数 cif
The ffi_cif passed to ffi_prep_closure_loc.
函数实体参数 ret
A pointer to the memory used for the function's return value. fun must fill this, unless the function is declared as returning void.
函数实体参数 args
A vector of pointers to memory holding the arguments to the function.
函数实体参数 user_data
The same user_data that was passed to ffi_prep_closure_loc.
ffi_prep_closure_loc will return FFI_OK if everything went ok, and something else on error.
After calling ffi_prep_closure_loc, you can cast codeloc to the appropriate pointer-to-function type.
You may see old code referring to ffi_prep_closure. This function is deprecated, as it cannot handle the need for separate writable and executable addresses.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ffi.h>
/* Acts like puts with the file given at time of enclosure. */
// 函数实体
void puts_binding(ffi_cif *cif, unsigned int *ret, void* args[],
FILE *stream)
*ret = fputs(*(char **)args[0], stream);
int main()
ffi_cif cif;
ffi_type *args[1];
ffi_closure *closure;
int (*bound_puts)(char *); //声明一个函数指针
int rc;
/* Allocate closure and bound_puts */ //创建closure
closure = ffi_closure_alloc(sizeof(ffi_closure), &bound_puts);
if (closure)
/* Initialize the argument info vectors */
args[0] = &ffi_type_pointer;
/* Initialize the cif */ //生成函数原型
if (ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 1,
&ffi_type_uint, args) == FFI_OK)
/* Initialize the closure, setting stream to stdout */
// 通过 ffi_closure 把 函数原型_cifPtr / 函数实体JPBlockInterpreter / 上下文对象self / 函数指针blockImp 关联起来
if (ffi_prep_closure_loc(closure, &cif, puts_binding,
stdout, bound_puts) == FFI_OK)
rc = bound_puts("Hello World!");
/* rc now holds the result of the call to fputs */
/* Deallocate both closure, and bound_puts */
ffi_closure_free(closure); //释放闭包
return 0;
- 准备一个函数实体
- 声明一个函数指针
- 根据函数参数个数/参数及返回值类型生成一个函数原型
- 创建一个ffi_closure对象,并用其将函数原型、函数实体、函数上下文、函数指针关联起来
- 释放closure