






第12章  养生


Colors blind the eyes, sounds deafen the ears, flavors numb the tastes. Galloping and hunting thrill the hearts, possessing rarity corrupt one’s mind. So, the Sage works to fill up one's core rather than to please his eyes. Therefore, he knows how to choose this over that.



Thirty spokes share one hub, when no spokes, then we know its use. Clays are shaped as vessels, when no clay, we know its use. Doors and windows are made for the house, when there are none existing, we know their uses. Therefore, we use them to our own benefits, we know they are useful when using them.


载营魄抱一,能无离乎?专气致柔,能如婴儿乎? 涤除玄鉴,能无疵乎? 爱民治国,能无为乎? 天门开阖,能为雌乎? 明白四达,能无知乎?

Keeping body and soul together as one, can you avoid separation? Focusing to the level of becoming supple, can you become as a baby?  Washing and cleansing the primal vision, can you see without a stain? Loving all men and ruling the country, can you accomplish without work? Opening and closing the gateway to heaven, can you act in a role of woman? Understanding and being sensible to all things, you can’t be ignorant.


持而盈之,不如其已。 揣而锐之,不可长保。金玉满堂,莫之能守。富贵而骄,自遗其咎。功遂身退,天之道也。

Filling up to the brim is not as good as giving up at opportune moment. Over-sharpening a blade will blunt its edge. Hoarding treasures of gold and jade will forfeit your security. Amassing wealth and fame betray your vanity, disaster comes to your door. This is the Tao of Heaven: hide away after becoming successful.





The supreme good is like water. It benefits all without a challenge as it stays where it is reviled, thus it is close to Tao.

In dwelling, it prefers down-to-earth places. In meditation, it is as deep as an abyss. In relationship, it treats all with compassion. In words, it conveys trust. In governance, it holds onto justice. In work, it employs talents. In action, it seizes opportune time. Therefore, it stays away from conflicts, and ends up with no faults.




The Heaven is long and Earth eternal. They are long and eternal because they are not self-producing, so they are eternal.

Therefore, the Saint stays behind, that is why she is ahead; She is apart from all so that She becomes a part of all. She is selfless, therefore She make herself fulfilled.   



The Great Self never dies, she is called the Unimaginable (Great) Mother. The gateway of the Great Mother is called the root of Heaven and Earth. It brings forth infinite worlds and will not be exhausted.





Heaven and earth are indifferent, they treat all things as sacrifices; The Saint is indifferent, he treats populace as offerings. The Heaven and earth are like bellows and wind instruments. They are hollow and infinite. The more they are worked, the more they yield. The outspoken is less desirable than toeing to the central line.




Esteem no sage so people chase no fame; treasure no rare goods so that people don't degenerate into stealing; hide away what people crave for so that their minds will not be distracted.

Therefore, the saint governs by emptying people's mind, filling their cores, weakening their resolve, and strengthening their muscles. Refrain people from their quest for knowledge and desires, then the wise acts responsibly. Practice no act, then, all will be under control.



Tao is void. When being used, it is inexhaustible. Infinite as if it is the beginning of all. Blunt sharp edges, resolve confrontations, contain glories, follow the dust. Clear as it exists. Not knowing whose offspring He is, he looks older than God.





People know things as beautiful, because there exist ugly things. People see things as good, because there exist evils.

Therefore, haves and have-nots create each other, difficult and easy complement each other, long and short define each other, high and low support each other, chord and sound harmonize each other, before and after follow each other. This is the Primal Virtue.

Therefore, the sage handles affairs in a hands-off manner, he instructs without teaching. The ten thousand things rise and fall without ending, giving birth and nourishing, bearing yet not possessing, working yet not taking credit, succeeding yet not dominating. As it is not dominating, it takes no blames.


《道德经》开宗明义,把宇宙之大,道之玄妙莫测展了开来,就如《圣经》旧约的创世纪第一章。《道德经》中的“道”通常被译为Tao,其实《圣经》有类似对应的概念--the Way。「约14:6」:耶稣说,我就是道路,真理,生命/I am the way, the truth and the life. 能否把“道”译成“the Way”,我觉得是可以的。



道,可道也,非恒道也。名,可名也,非恒名也。 “无”,名天地之始;“有”,名万物之母。 故,常“无”,欲以观其妙;常“有”,欲以观其徼。 此两者,同出而异名,同谓之玄。玄之又玄,眾妙之门。

Tao that can be taught and learned is not an everlasting Tao. Name that can be explained is not a timeless name.

The unnamable is the source of heaven and earth, and the nameable is the mother of all. Therefore, through fathomless unnamable we observe its mystery, through the nameable, we knows it limits. Both share the same source but named differently. Collectively, they are called the unknown, which is the gateway to all knowledge.

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