【赏析】22-CULTURE WARS 总感觉这几章有点像滚轱辘,翻来覆去说censorship,controls…情绪上就是无力感 because the same bad things happen again ,again ,and again …I have other ways to express my anger or I can choose not to express it at all .
1、 he lived in legal purgatory : to suffer for their sins before they go to heaven.炼狱
2、 to sound the alarm and remain vigilant 警钟长鸣保持警惕
3、 he was inundated with so many official directions and orders
4、 It's an attitude that turns the mundane into something more interesting and exciting.(very ordinary and not at all interesting or unusual平凡的; 单调的)
5、 Make a bare-handed fortune on sth 靠..白手起家
6、 Academic fraud 学术造假
7、 Crosscheck software 查重软件
8、 To ran aground 搁浅
9、 A reflex or a reflex action is something that you do automatically and without thinking,下意识反应; 习惯性动作/例:Walt fumbled in his pocket, a reflex from his smoking days.沃尔特在口袋里摸索,一个他以前抽烟时形成的习惯性动作。