
湖北省造光绪元宝是清代年间特有的一种货币。由于当时时局动荡不安,几乎在全国的各个省都有专门的货币铸造厂。因此我们会发现那个时代的货币上都有鲜明的铸字,标明是哪个省的造币厂铸造的。湖北省造光绪元宝当十经鉴宝专家权威验证,此枚光绪元宝属红铜,该钱币包浆自然、历史留下的痕迹清晰可见,极具收藏价值,即便是对光绪铜币没有研究的外行藏友也是爱不释手!更甚者,背面龙纹有所偏移,乃铸造之时的疏漏。而此枚钱币 设计精美,做工精细,纹饰丰富,布局合理,层次鲜明,线条流畅优雅,工艺纯熟精湛,

Hubei province made gold is a currency in the Qing Dynasty Guangxu years unique. Because at that time the turbulent, in almost every province in China has a special currency casting factory. Therefore, we will find that era's currency has a distinct mark typecasting, which province is mint. Hubei province made just ten by experts when gold treasure verification, this gold ingot is copper coins of the dynasty, natural and historical patina clearly visible traces, highly collectible, even if there is no research on copper Guangxu layman Tibet also fondle admiringly! What's more, the dragon has offset, but when casting defects. This coin design is exquisite, fine workmanship, rich decoration, reasonable layout, distinct levels, smooth lines and elegant, skilled craft exquisite,


Why do people in Hunan province made when cash twenty paper so popular?


1: as the ingot produced in the period of Emperor Guangxu Dynasty, during the war, the domestic war in coins after endless years, is still intact, it is not easy, and this coin is a witness to the historical process of China evolution from feudal society to semi feudal and semi colonial society, is an important part of China's modern monetary history and numismatics, unique historical significance. The coin is small, but also can response characteristics of the social and cultural significance, of good, deep value. Therefore, it has a high value of cultural relics collection, historical and cultural value and the value of art.


2: as everyone knows a rarity, the Qing Dynasty coins cast version of many, but Hubei province made Kuang Hsu yuan when ten less and less, but very representative, it has always been regarded as the treasure of collectors.With the passage of time, the long history of Hunan Province, when the ability to hedge ten Guangxu bullions remains robust, in the past few years, the coin collection has become the focus of the transaction will be around the scene.Now, as a non renewable resources of the Guangxu era coins, still keep their original charm, showing extremely high value"


3: in recent years, Hubei Province in ingot became the darling of collectors sought after media speculation, raise a Babel of criticism of hundreds of hundreds of thousands of millions of the price. It is understood that the meat and potatoes of the "Hubei province Guangxu bullions" collection of high value, but the "Hubei province Guangxu ingot are extremely rare, generally the antique market is a forgery, forgery now intensified.


4: up and down for thousands of years, the dragon has infiltrated all aspects of Chinese society, become a cultural cohesion and accumulation. The dragon has become the symbol of China, the symbol of the Chinese nation, the symbol of Chinese culture. For every one of all the children of the Yellow Emperor, the image of the dragon is a symbol, a mood, an intimate feeling. "Descendants of the dragon", "descendants of the dragon" name, often made us excited, energetic and proud. Dragon Culture in addition to the earth shall spread, also be traveled overseas Chinese all over the world, in the world of Chinese residential or China, the largest and most compelling decorations are still long. Coin boutique in Hubei province "Guangxu ingot, the back is a true to life of the dragon. In Chinese, very love this coin collectors, collectors have a saying, "Hubei province in gold on the back of the dragon, can increase a person's fate, the moment in the protection of dragon gas, good fortune. So this coin has been well received by collectors.


5:Money collection market and the stock market is hot, the poor performance of the fund, some investors from the stock market fund to withdraw from the market, the investment is more robust, the proceeds of the protection of the collection. According to reports, a new change of the market recently, the large influx of new rich. They are willing to pay a high price to buy a lot of the collection, the product is better than the collection is willing to several times the price.


In view of all kinds of goods, so well, are so rare in Hunan province made when can cash twenty paper by the vast number of friends to enjoy.

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