Networking (Final) + 一些感想




Networking Presentation




So here we go.

Why networking?

Why not just only talk to people I know well or close friends?

Because it is a different communication method between talking to close friends and strangers.

Your friends know you. And you know them. You don’t need small talk with friends. Most importantly, you only have less than 10 of them. It is too little too late to make so many close friends help you find jobs.

So, we need to network with strangers.

Let me share my networking way up to now. Hopefully, you learn at least one thing to help you fast track your way to network with everyone.

My name is Rax, I am currently working in Manulife Asset Liability Management. I networked my way to find this job. So can you!

I start to network when I was in the University of Waterloo. I want to get an internship but don’t know how. I wasn’t in the coop program and just transferred to a new program called FARM (Financial Analyst and Risk Management) in 2009.

Back then, there is no Power Career available, no VIP package, Infinite program, or Excel courses. You are very very lucky today to have the service available to you.

I would use the service to make more money and save more time.

I talked to the program coordinator, Breden ***. I learned about LinkedIn in around 2009 after networking with him.

Networking lesson one:

Network with anyone. Even your professor, classmates, or even the audiences in this wechat group. They will become very valuable connections in the future.

So, even though I know and register Linkedin. But I don’t how to use it.

You can ask PC advisor more about the LinkedIn service. I will briefly cover today how should linkedin look like.

[Service available]

So I did not use LinkedIn.

Fast forward to my master of finance time at Wilfrid Laurier University, I was trying to take a certification in Bloomberg Terminal. But I have some questions about the exam. So, I email the camps rep and got my answer. In the end, I am very pleased to talk to him and offered my help if he needs a hand. Luckily, he did need someone. So, he gave me a part-time job in campus to promote the exam.

Networking lesson two:

Proactive. Try to be helpful to everyone.

I did not know he has a job. I was just willing to offer my help for free so that I can put more experience in my resume. It turned out to be a part-time job.

Fast forward to 2 years ago, I was talking with my friend Jason, CFA lecturer in PC, who just found a job in Manulife. I was congratulating him and at the same time let him know that I am actively looking one.

One day, he told me that this risk analyst job available in Global ALM when he talked to Michael, my teammate in the Waterloo school project. I passed my resume and he recommended me. I got an interview and a job offer right after.

Networking lesson three:

Let others know what you want.

Do you know that “on average, every 200 resumes turns into one job offer while only 12 informational interviews turns into a job offer”.

Every time you networking with people in coffee chart, you are 20 time more efficient than the one sitting at home and apply jobs through company websites.

To catch up for you:

1.networking is about making many small talks with everyone so that there will be more connections available.

2. More connections mean more coffee chats.

3. When you talk to more people through coffee chats, you become better to talk to anyone.

4. When you are good at talking to anyone, you will get more interview

5. Once you got interviews, you will get a bigger offer.

This is not a just one-way trip rather a lifelong networking process to grow your career

I don’t know exactly why other help me but let me tell you why I coffee chatted with some students in the past.

But my reason is I want to keep myself open so that I can learn from you. So I recommend you also let yourself as open as possible. [bold]

You can network with PC GRADS by checking out PC WeChat moment to take a note who got what offers. So you can ask for a coffee chat. PC has one of best communities you should take advantage of. If you are not yet add their WeChat, you can feel free to add them now or after the talk.

Ex screenshots

[WeChat friend links]

I like people who are really curious and willing to go for the extra mile.

You are qualified today for coming over in the Friday night and curious about networking.

But how do I see curious people by just looking their cold emails or LinkedIn invitation. They are asking a good questions and actual did the research before sending emails. I will cover the 3 tips later part of the session.

[Screenshots] and examples

The most important factor is hope. I see you will become a lot better than now. I like people who has a growth mindset.

I’m sure you that all of you will have high hope to grow today or tomorrow. But it is more important what the growth rate be in a year.

So now you know why networking and why people want to network with you.

Here is part explain what is networking and what is not.

I learned from watching Charlie Munger solve problems by working the opposites.

If you want to know what is networking, the first question to ask is what is not networking.

Networking is not just finding a job.

Networking is not about impressive others.

Networking is not making everyone like you.

Why networking is not just finding a job?

I know I just say it eventually end up an job offer. But please please don’t narrow yourself to network only when you are finding a job. It is the opposite of being open to possibility. Found a job is just one of the possibility. You may find a lot different thing through networking.

Networking is a way to say hello to the world.

From the other consideration, I don’t want you to set any expectations in mind. Setting any expectations to strangers is the best way to make yourself miserable.

So, I always have the following mindset while networking with others:

I am here to listen and learn from you. Anything you tell me is a plus for me. I am very grateful that you are meeting or talking to me.

Why networking is not about impressive others?

There is always always someone who are better, smarter, prettier or handsomer than you. So, you don’t need to put on a show to others. It is too much of a faking.

What I find help me networking is the following:

People always has one or more domain knowledge than me. I am all ear in front of them. I try to ask more questions or comments on their answers than giving a speech like what I am doing right now.

Why networking is not making everyone like you?

Neither you or I are Canadian dollar. So, making everyone like you is impossible and unnecessary.

Be yourself is enough. It is more sustainable way to keep a relationship, I mean friendship.

Now you know why we networking and what is networking.

Here is the how should we network.

One mindset and 3 tips

The mindset is:

We are all connected in some ways. I want to learn more about you.

What do I mean by that?

You are I are connected through this networking events. The next time if you see me in the offline, you notice me, that is something you can bring it up to method. This is how we connected.

You can understand it as how we are in common whether we have same hobby, or same idol groups, or watched the same raptors games, etc.

Previously, my favor was looking for Alumni. However, ever since I adapt to the mindset, I know we are connected not only limit to school but also a lot other interesting stuffs we can talk about.

Once you adapt the mindset, you are more confident talking to anyone who you want to learn more than before.

What do I mean by these 3 tips:

Ask easy open questions:

Don’t ask hard or challenge questions in the beginning. You can ask them later when you realize he or she is the expert to answer the question.

Easy question should be answered by the person without thinking.

“You really like your dress. Where did you get it? I am thinking to get it for my girlfriend as our three year anniversary gift.”


This is the key word.

You either know the brand or not.

If you know, comment on it. If you don’t, ask it about it. What should you pick?

Here are tips to open the conversation:

Fact + compliment

What does that mean?

Fact is thing you observe when first meet the person.  It is the ice-breaker.

Compliment is the way you show your willingness to talk and please others.

For example, if a person approach me by asking me directly: “What do you do for living?”

I would feel odd and inappropriate. I don’t even know you why would I tell you what I do.

A better way to the same question is:

“The way you speak is very logical. Are you in Sale?”

You see, even though I am not in Sale, but the person gave a compliment with fact about the way I talk is logical.

I won’t mind talking to him or her. It doesn’t matter whether the guess is right or wrong.

It is about the followings:

He paid attention to me.

He compliment me

I am being respected

Let me give you more examples to try open the conversation with strangers.

Example 1, in the Starbuck, you are walking in the place and you want to talk to the person around you.

What would I say to start the conversation?

“I saw it people posted this red drink from Instagram. It seems so good. What is the drink’s name?”

Fact: I observe the red drink in the person’s hands

Compliment: It seems so good.

Example 2, in the condo elevator, you saw a guy is carrying a gym bag.

You can go with: “You seems work out quite often. Are you familiar with the nearby gym? I am considering which gym to join.”

Fact: I observe the gym bag in the person’s hands

Compliment: work out quite often.

Example 3, in the subway, you saw a guy having his Airpod on without much people around

You can go with: “I saw you having the latest Airpod. How do you like your it? I always want to get one”

Fact: I observe the latest Airpod in the person’s ears

Compliment: latest version.

Example 4, in the event, you saw a woman called “Ada”

“I like your name “Ada”. What is the meaning behind it?”

Fact: I observe her name tag.

Compliment: like her name.

There are so many facts to pick up and compliment about to start the conversation.

One way is trying to find the items or accessories the person has.

Another way is comment on others’ body. You can do it with the person’s shirt, dress, accessories, hair style, personality.


If I am planning to go an Alumni event which has 4 portfolio managers attending, I will try to find out more about them.

My goal is to talk to them about their jobs and research on current market and their covering companies or industries.

I would aim at talking to 4 of them and meet with 2 Professors.

What do I want to say to each of them?

I will research all of the following:


Google them

Paper or publications


I will ask for their feedback on my investment research if they have 15 minutes.

Once I finish what I was planning to do, I don’t have to wait for the event is over. I can leave it right after. Don’t forget to follow up with the people who you were talking to in Linkedin within 24 hour.


Checking others’ experience and career path

Accumulating connections

Ask connections out for coffee chats

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