
Puzzling as life may be, solutions can be close at hand


A stroll through the hutong near Beijing's Drum Tower, which once sounded out the hours for the ancient city, is always like stepping back in time.

漫步 在曾经为老北京敲钟报时的鼓楼附近的胡同里,时光仿佛倒流了。

stroll through                        漫步

But on one recent crisp winter night, during a walk through a well-traveled alley there, I found myself suddenly transported back to my childhood years, half a world away.

但最近在一个清冷的冬夜 里,在穿过一条游客众多的小巷 时,我觉得自己好像突然回到了千里之外的童年时代。

crisp winter night                             清冷的冬夜

a well-traveled alley                             繁忙的小巷

I was heading toward one of the area's two excellent CD/record stores, when a display in a shop window caught my eye. Upon closer inspection, I realized the painting was a jigsaw puzzle, and the shop was devoted to such puzzles. When I stepped inside, the store's toasty warmth could hardly have outdone the rekindled fires in my heart and memory.

当时,我正想去这一片最好的两家CD/唱片店。这时候,一家商店橱窗里的一幅画吸引了我的目光。仔细一看,我发现这幅画竟是一幅拼图,而这家店也是专门卖拼图的。我走进店里,店里的温暖也没暖过当时我内心和记忆里重新燃起 的火焰。

upon closer inspection                        仔细一看

jigsaw puzzle                            拼图

toasty                          adj.暖和舒适的

rekindle                        v.重新点燃

Long ago, in my quiet hometown on the other side of the planet, my siblings and I, on long summer days, well before the advent of cellphones and video games, whiled away the afternoons solving, piece by piece, jigsaw puzzles of colorful waterfalls and other natural wonders.


advent                         n.出现,到来,问世

Many decades later, as I browsed in Beijing through shelf after shelf of puzzles, I wondered: Could assembling them today possibly be as exciting as in bygone years?


bygone                   adj.过去的        n.过去的事

Indeed, the two puzzles I purchased were just as fun as those of yesteryear. But I found that I'd accumulated skills over the decades that prepared me to better meet the challenge now and appreciate the profound value of this pastime.

事实证明,的确如此——我买的两个拼图拼起来就跟以前 一样有趣。但我发现,几十年来,我已经积累了一些技巧使我能够 更好地迎接现在的挑战,也使我更理解这种消遣背后的深刻价值。

yesteryear                      n.不久以前;去年    adv.过去不久的岁月

prepared me to                               使我能够

In perplexing moments while assembling the puzzles and searching endlessly for the proper piece, I often found myself wondering if perhaps I had lost a piece, or maybe my cat had pilfered one, swatting it about until losing it under the refrigerator. By and by, though each piece had already been carefully scrutinized, the mystery piece suddenly materialized and seemed so obvious.


perplexing                          adj.复杂的,令人费解的;令人困惑的

pilfer                    v.偷窃;小偷小摸

swat                     n.用劲打击;重拍;全垒打    v.重拍;猛击;用力击出(远距离球)

by and by                        不久以后

materialize                       v.实现,成为现实;突然显现,奇怪地出现

An eagle's eye for nuanced color matches or tiny distinguishing details was required, aided by keeping the puzzle's box top close at hand for reference in the often frustrating search for just the right piece.


nuanced                        adj.微妙的;具有细微差别的

An insight by US advertising executive James Webb Young proved helpful. He wrote years ago in his book A Technique for Producing Ideas that, to effectively solve a problem, we need to work diligently, of course, but also must eventually rest, at which time the subconscious mind continues seeking a solution and, inevitably, surprises us with an appropriate answer when least expected. So when the puzzles seemed impossibly perplexing, I simply took a break, returned refreshed, and quickly found the piece that had long eluded me.

事实证明,美国的广告大师詹姆斯·韦伯·扬(James Webb Young)的一个见解很有用。多年前,他在《创意的生成》一书中写道,要想有效地解决一个问题,我们当然需要勤奋工作,但最终也必须休息;休息的时候,潜意识会继续寻找解决方案,而且一定会在我们最意想不到的时候,给我们一个恰当的答案。因此,当拼图拼到千头万绪的时候,我不妨休息一下,回来的时候大脑已经神清气爽,这时候就能很快找到那块在跟我玩捉迷藏的拼图了。

elude                 v.逃避;使达不到;使不记得;对(法律,要求,处罚)不服从

Among the valuable lessons and rewards that these puzzles offer is that patience and perseverance are enhanced. But what is most beneficial is how, like the detective Sherlock Holmes, we look for answers or clues, working tirelessly to find the perfect fit. It's an approach that pays off when confronting any challenge that life presents.


work tirelessly                        孜孜不倦

No matter how flustered we get, we can rest assured of one thing: The answers to our problems are probably not under the refrigerator or even in the vast world outside, but often can be found right under our nose. That is, if we can persevere until the solution becomes almost embarrassingly obvious.


flustered                           adj.慌张的;激动不安的

right under our nose                            就近在眼前

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