一. 问答
1. How would you define "failure"?
Failure means, you failed to achieve the intended purpose.
2. How failures could be a blessing in disguise? Please include a story of yours.
When I was a senior in college, I got a chance to send a graduate student. Later on, I was disqualified, only because my English scores did not meet the requirements. However, I found a job that I really liked and met a super reliable boss who taught me a lot. I had been working on it for seven years, so that I benefited a lot from it. This experience is definitely a blessing in disguise.
3. Who/What made us tend to avoid failure?
Our education system and our overbearing or critical parents made us tend to avoid failure. Because they punish those who don't do well or screw up something or try anything new.
4. Do you have any "VCR questions"? And what are they?
Yes, of course. Some of my VCR questions are:
(1) How do I talk to foreigners after the conventional greeting?
(2) How to keep in touch with my friends when both of us go farther and farther?
(3) How to read an article fluently, in which all of words are composed of capital letters? I know I should read them more, but I have a headache whenever I see them. I have to spell every words letter by letter.
5. Have you done "do something" recently? or are you going to do some "do something"?
Yes, I've started to practice the public speech in order to learn how to speak naturally on the stage. I need to master this skill well, because I'm a marketing manager now.
二. 感想
Fear and anxiety and sadness are not necessarily always undesirable or unhelpful states of mind; rather, they are often representative of the necessary pain of psychological growth.
Our most radical changes in perspective often happen at the tail end of our worst moments.
It's only when we feel intense pain that we're willing to look at our values and question why they seem to be failing us.
Improvement at anything is based on thousands of tiny failures, and the magnitude of your success is based on how many times you've failed at something.
If someone is better than you at something, then it's likely because she has failed at it more than you have. If someone is worse than you, it's likely because he hasn't been through all of the painful learning experiences you have.
Just shut up and do it.
Don't just sit there. Do something. The answers will follow.
With simply doing something as your only metric for success - well, then even failure pushes you forward.
三. 字词
1. crumple up
(1) 原文:Picasso finished his coffee and crumpled up the napkin to throw away as he left.
(2) 解释:(使)皱、扭曲
(3) 造句:I crumpled up the paper and threw it in the wastepaper basket.
2. tangible goal
(1) 原文:Shitty values, as we saw in chapter 4, involve tangible external goals outside of our control.
(2) 解释:明确的目标
(3) 造句:Have a tangible goal before doing something.
3. ongoing
(1) 原文:The value is an ongoing, lifelong process that defies completion.
(2) 解释:continuing to develop
(3) 造句:I ongoing search for a better solution.
4. traumatic experience
(1) 原文:How they'd coped with traumatic experiences in the war.
(2) 解释:痛苦难忘的经历
(3) 造句:It was a traumatic experience in his childhood.
5. resilient
(1) 原文:Our pain often makes us stronger, more resilient, more grounded.
(2) 解释:适应力强的,可以和tough一起记。名词是resilience,适应能力。
(3) 造句:He proved remarkably resilient during the frustration.