2019-08-22 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(让步妥协)

Let's compromise. 让我们还是各让一步吧. 

compromise /'kɑmprəmaɪz/ n. 妥协,和解;妥协(或折中)方案;达成妥协 v. 妥协,折中;违背(原则),达不到(标准);(因行为不当)使陷入危险,名誉受损


1. deal 交易

2. unrealistic 不切合实际的

3. exactly 正确地

4. make a concession 让步 /kən'sɛʃən/ n. 让步;特许(权);承认;退位

5. insist on 坚持

6. come to an agreement 达成协议

7. give sb. a break on the price 给某人减价

8. as requested 按照要求

9. at one's request 应某人的要求

10. receive a confirmation 收到确认通知

11. as we agreed 按照双方的商定


1. Let's meet each other halfway. 让咱们就各让一步吧。

2. Let's compromise. 我们还是各退一步吧。

3. If you can make a concession, I think we can discuss this further. 如果能做出让步的话,或许我们还能继续再谈。

4. I'm sure there is some room for negotiation. 我肯定还有商量的余地。

5. We are always willing to cooperate with you and if necessary make some concessions. 我们总是愿意跟你们合作的,如果需要还可以做些让步。

6. So in order to make the business concluded, how about meeting each other half-way and making a concession? 那么为了做成这笔交易,我们双方都做些让步怎么样?

7. We are prepared to reconsider amending the contract. 我们可以重新考虑修改合同。

8. If you want to make any changes, minor alternations can be made then. 如果你有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。

9. As we agreed, we will go ahead and make arrangements to send you the product on Friday. 如我们协商的那样,我们会开始行动,安排周五给你们送货。


1. I'm afraid not. 恐怕不行。

2. This isn't part of my job. 这不在我的工作范围内。

3. I think we need more time to consider this request. 我想我们需要更多的时间来考虑这个要求。

4.  So I should wait to receive a confirmation before I wire any money. 所以我应该等收到确认通知后再汇款。

5. If you insist on your price and make no concession, there will be not much point in further discussion. 如果你方坚持自己的价格,不做让步,那我们就没必要再谈下去了。


1. I’m glad we have come to an agreement on price. 很高兴我们能在价格上达成一致。

2. But with an eye to our friendship and the further cooperation between us, we can accept the offer. 不过考虑到我们的交情和以后的合作,我们可以接受这个报价。


1.  If you can ..., I think we can discuss this further. 如果你们能... 我觉得我们可以进一步商谈。

2. If you can...., maybe we can talk more about this. 如果你们能... 或许我们可以再谈谈。

3. If you can..., we may be able to agree to what you're proposing. 如果你们能...我们可能会同意你们的提议。

4. If you can ... perhaps we can discuss this more. 如果你们能....或许我们可以再谈一下。


1. Our price is based on reasonable profit, and comes in line with the prevailing market. 我方报价是以合理的利润为基础的,与当前市场价格的普遍水平相一致。

be based on  以...为基础

agree on 达成一致

2. We're not going to be able to agree on the price. 在价格上我们的看法无法一致。

3. You're starting to get the idea about our procedures here. 你应该开始了解我们这里的程序了。

4. We'd like to clear up some points connected with the procedure. 我们希望弄清楚有关程序的几个问题。

clean up 弄清,整理

5. If you can offer the same price as last time, I think we can discuss this further. 如果能保证和上次一样的价格,或许我们还能继续再谈。

6. I will have to check with my boss. I'll let you know as soon as I get an answer. 我得和老板先谈谈。我一有消息就立刻通知你。

7. I‘m sure there is some room for negotiation. 肯定还有商量得余地。

8. Is the price negotiable? 价格还有商量得余地吗?

9. You agree to give us a break on the price, right? 你答应我们减价,对吗?

give ab. a break 给某人一个机会

10. The deal is done. 成交了。

11. If you give us a little more leeway on the deadline, we'll accept.如果你们给我们宽裕一点儿得截至期限,我们能接受。


A: Well, we've discussed the offer you quoted. Since we found your offer was too high, it's difficult for us to accept it. 哦,我们已经讨论过你们提出的报价。我们认为你方的价格太高,我方难以接受。

B: But I think my offer is reasonable and realistic. 不过,我认为我们的报价是合理的,而且比较现实。

A: What do you mean by "reasonable"? 你说的“合理”是什么意思?

B: Our price is based on reasonable profit, and comes in line with the prevailing market. 我方报价是以合理的利润为根据的,与当前市场价的普通水平相一致。

A: I can't agree with you. If you insist on your price and make no concession, there will be not much point in further discussion. We might as well call the deal off.我不同意。如果你方坚持自己的价格,不作让步,我们就没必要再谈下了。我们干脆放弃这笔交易好了。

B: Well, what's your counter offer? 那么,你方还价是多少呢?

A: As we do business on the basis of mutual benefit, the best we can do is 70 dollars per set C.I.F Shanghai. 既然双方是互利的基础上做生意,我们最多只能接受上海到岸每件70美元。

B: Your counterbid is too low, we can't accept it. It's absolutely impossible for us to reduce our price as your suggested. The gap is too wide. 你方还价太低,我方无法接受。我们绝对不可能将价格降到你方所要求的那样。差距太大了。

A: So in order to make the business concluded, how about meeting each other half-way and making a concession? 那么,为了做成这笔交易,我们双方都做些让步怎么样?

A: What's your proposal then? 你的建议是什么?

B: 72 dollars per set C.I.F Shanghai. 上海港到岸价每件72美元。

A: Still it's rather low. But with an eye on our friendship and the further ccooperation between us, we accept it. 还是太低了。不过考虑到我们的交情和以后的合作,我们接受了。

B: I'm glad we have come to an agreement on price. 很高兴我们能在价格上达成一致。

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