

NXP Introduces New High Performance GaN RF Power Transistors for Cellular Base Stations

Four new Doherty amplifier-optimized transistors provide the high power, small footprints and higher frequencies required of next-generation RF power amplifiers
, May 25, 2016
(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NXP Semiconductors N.V.
(NASDAQ:NXPI), today announced an expansion to its portfolio of 48V Gallium Nitride (GaN) RF power transistors optimized for Doherty power amplifiers for use in current and next-generation cellular base stations. The four new transistors collectively cover cellular bands from 1805 to 3600 MHz, meeting the needs of wireless carriers for superior performance at higher frequencies.
With the wireless spectrum shortage, wireless carriers are exploring higher frequencies to accommodate the exponential annual increases in traffic. These networks require RF power transistors and amplifiers that deliver higher performance over wider signal bandwidths, as well as higher efficiency and ruggedness, higher output power and smaller footprints.
The four new NXP GaN transistors are specifically designed to meet these challenges. The transistors have high efficiency and gain, and are extremely rugged, with the ability to deliver their rated performance with an impedance mismatch (VSWR) greater than 10:1. These transistors, designed for use in Doherty power amplifiers, are optimized for seamless integration with digital predistortion linearization systems.
The new products introduced today are:
A2G22S251-01S: Ultra wideband symmetrical Doherty two device solution covering 1805 to 2170 MHz (365 MHz bandwidth). In a symmetric Doherty, it delivers an average RF output power of 71 W (450 W peak), gain of 16.5 dB, and drain efficiency of 46% in concurrent multiband operation at 8 dB back-off configured. The part is housed in a NI-400S-2S air-cavity ceramic package.
A2G26H281-04S: NXP’s first in-package Doherty transistor covering 2496 to 2690 MHz, with average RF output power of 50 W (288 W peak), gain of 15.3 dB, and drain efficiency of 57% configured in a NI-780S-4L air-cavity ceramic package.
A2G35S160-01S and A2G35S200-01S: Two-transistor Doherty amplifier solution covering 3400 to 3600 MHz with 53 W average RF output power (331 W peak), gain of 13.8 dB, and drain efficiency of 46%. Each of these transistors is housed in a NI-400S-2S air-cavity ceramic package.

“Cellular customers are actively pursuing GaN technology especially in higher frequency bands. Given its leadership in the cellular base station market, NXP is committed to being a dominant source of top-quality GaN products,” said Paul Hart
, executive vice president and general manager of NXP’s RF power business unit. “Our new transistors fully harness the inherent strengths of GaN enabling broad bandwidth, efficient and compact solutions.”
Availability and Showcase
NXP is showcasing the new GaN transistors at the International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2016), May 23-26
, in San Francisco
, Booth 1839.
NXP’s GaN RF power transistors are either sampling or in production. Optimized reference designs are available. For pricing or additional information, please contact your local NXP sales office or NXP approved distributor.
For more information about GaN technology and products, visit http://www.nxp.com/products/rf/rf-power-transistors/rf-power-gan-portfolio:RF-POWER-GAN-PORT.
**About NXP Semiconductors
**NXP Semiconductors N.V.
(NASDAQ:NXPI) enables secure connections and infrastructure for a smarter world, advancing solutions that make lives easier, better and safer. As the world leader in secure connectivity solutions for embedded applications, NXP is driving innovation in the secure connected vehicle, end-to-end security & privacy and smart connected solutions markets. Built on more than 60 years of combined experience and expertise, the company has 45,000 employees in more than 35 countries and posted revenue of $6.1 billion
in 2015. Find out more at www.nxp.com.
NXP and the NXP logo are trademarks of NXP B.V.
All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. © 2016 NXP B.V.

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Tate Tran
Tel: +1 408-802-0602Email: tate.tran@nxp.comEurope
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Tel: +31 6 10914896Email: martijn.van.der.linden@nxp.comGreater China
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Tel: +886 2 8170 9990Email: esther.chang@nxp.com

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