
世界各地令人惊叹的14座瀑布|The 14most amazing waterfalls in the world

Few natural wonders encapsulate the sublimepower and impermanence of the wild better than roaring waterfalls.几乎没有什么自然奇观比咆哮的瀑布更能体现大自然的崇高力量和无常。

  Angel Falls  安赫尔瀑布

Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world, plunging an incredible 3,212 feet over the edge of the Auyantepui mountain in Venezuela. In fact, the fall is so tall that much of the falling water evaporates or dissipates as a fine mist before it reaches the ground.

Angel瀑布是世界上最高的瀑布,它从委内瑞拉的Auyantepui mountain陡壁直泻而下3212英尺。瀑布如此之高,以至于到达地面之前蒸发或消散成细雾。 

(美国探险家Angel原本是到南美洲淘金,无意中发现了南美最高瀑布,Angel Falls落差约相当于13座黄果树瀑布的叠加。)

Blood Falls  锈色冰川,或血瀑布

This eerie and mysterious blood-red waterfall is located in remote Antarctica. The red color is partially the result of saltwater tainted with iron oxide, which turns red when it hits the air. A new study from researchers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks links the waterfall to a large source of salty water that may have been trapped under a glacier for more than 1 million years.

这个诡异而神秘的血红瀑布位于偏远的北极。红色部分是由含氧化铁的盐水造成的,氧化铁在遇到空气时会变成红色。Alaska Fairbanks大学的一项新研究声称瀑布与一大片咸水有联系,这些咸水可能在冰川下存在了100多万年。

The real mystery of these falls is what lives in the water. Water samples contain almost no oxygen, but at least 17 different types of alien-like microbes have been identified slithering around in the blood-like water. Scientists surmise that they survive via a metabolic process never observed in nature that utilizes sulfate as a respiratory catalyst with ferric ions, metabolizing trace levels of ancient organic matter trapped underneath Antarctica's vast glaciers.


http://www.iqiyi.com/w_19rvcuxe5p.html 精彩视频的详细介绍。

Ban Gioc–Detian Falls 板约-德天瀑布

This breathtaking spectacle straddles the Sino-Vietnamese border and is the fourth largest waterfall located on a national border, behind only Iguazu Falls, Niagara Falls and Victoria Falls. The picturesque backdrop adds to the falls' magnificence.


Dettifoss  黛提瀑布

Located in Northeast Iceland, the massive Dettifoss is generally recognized as the largest and most powerful waterfall in Europe. It is protected within the Vatnajökull National Park and remains untapped as an energy source.


Gocta Cataracts  戈克塔

Well-known to locals for centuries, this towering waterfall remained a secret from the rest of the world until as recently as 2005, when German explorer Stefan Ziemendorff became the first outsider to witness it. Located in a remote Amazonian province in Peru, the Gocta Cataracts is one of the world's tallest waterfalls. Though accurate measurements of its height have yet to be taken, an initial estimate placed it as the third highest in the world.

几个世纪以来,这座高耸的瀑布一直只被当地人熟知。直到2005年,德国探险家Stefan Ziemendorff才成为第一个见证这一现象的局外人。它位于秘鲁的一个偏远的Amazonian省,是世界上最高的瀑布之一。尽管尚未对其高度进行准确的测量,但初步估计表明它是世界上第三高的瀑布。

Locals kept the location secret because they feared that revealing its whereabouts would release the curse of a beautiful blond mermaid who is rumored to live in the waters.


Havasu Falls 哈瓦苏瀑布

Plunging over majestic red rocks and pooling into milky, turquoise water, it's easy to see why Havasu Falls is one of the most photographed waterfalls in the world. It helps that the location is deep within breathtaking Grand Canyon National Park, where the waters eventually converge with the mighty Colorado River.


Iguazu Falls 伊瓜苏瀑布

Splitting the border between Argentina and Brazil, Iguazu Falls is one of the world's most surreal sights. According to legend, the site was formed when a beautiful young woman refused to marry a god, instead choosing her mortal lover. As the two lovers fled in a canoe, the god sliced the river in a rage, condemning them to an eternal fall.


Jog Falls  乔格瀑布

  This is the highest-plunge waterfall in all of India — which is saying something considering India lies at the base of the towering Himalayas. Although there are many waterfalls in Asia that drop from a higher altitude, Jog Falls is unique in that it remains untiered over the entire drop. This is a popular tourist attraction, and it is most impressive during monsoon season.

这是整个印度境内最高的瀑布——这也要考虑到印度位于高耸的喜马拉雅山脚下。虽然亚洲有许多瀑布更高,Jog Falls仍是独一无二的。这是一个很受欢迎的旅游景点,尤其在季风季节最令人印象深刻。

Kaieteur Falls  凯厄图尔瀑布

Located in Guyana's Kaieteur National Park, this waterfall is reputed to pour more water over a great height than any other waterfall in the world. Kaieteur Falls is the world's 123rd tallest (single and multi-drop waterfall) and the 19th largest waterfall in terms of volume. In other words, this site has a rare combination of height and water volume, which helps to quantify its spectacular beauty.


Gullfoss  冰岛黄金瀑布

One of the most breathtaking sites in the world, Gullfoss is located in the canyon of the Hvítá river in the waterfall-rich nation of Iceland. One of the most mesmerizing aspects of Gullfoss occurs as one first approaches the falls. Because the crevice is obscured from view, it gives the appearance that a mighty river simply vanishes into the Earth.


Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布

The most powerful and most famous waterfall in North America, Niagara Falls pours more than 6 million cubic feet of water over its crest line every minute during high flow. Located on the border between the state of New York and the province of Ontario, Canada, the falls are an important source of hydroelectric power for both countries. The site has inspired its share of daredevils who have attempted to plummet over the falls in barrels, or who have tiptoed over them on a high wire.尼亚加拉瀑布是北美最大、最著名的瀑布,在最高流量时,每分钟都有600多万立方英尺的水倾泻自峰顶。瀑布位于纽约州和加拿大安大略省之间的边界上,是两国重要的水力发电来源。这个地点曾引得冒险家们试图钻进桶中直线坠落,或在高高架起的铁丝上踮着脚尖越过瀑布。

Plitvice Falls  普利特维采瀑布

The many waterfalls of Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia are Pandora-like — what you imagined paradise might be like. Water seems to cascade from every ledge and crevice, gathering in crystal clear lakes along the way. Interestingly, the lakes between the falls are separated by natural dams of travertine, which is deposited and built by the action of living things: moss, algae and bacteria.


Cascades de Trou de Fer  法国留尼旺岛Cascades de Trou de Fer瀑布

This bird's-eye view of the Cascades de Trou de Fer might be one of the most remote, spectacular sights in the world. Found on Reunion Island of the coast of Madagascar, the water plunges into an enormous green crater. In total, as many as six waterfalls feed the canyon below.

这幅Cascades de Trou de Fer瀑布鸟瞰图可能是世界上最遥远、最壮观的景观之一。位于马达加斯加海岸的Reunion岛上的水冲进了一个巨大的绿色火山口。下面的峡谷中共有六条瀑布在流淌。

Victoria Falls 维多利亚瀑布

Sitting on the precipice between Zambia and Zimbabwe on the Zambezi River, magnificent Victoria Falls is the largest sheet of falling water in the world. The location is one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World and a World Heritage site.


The first European to see the falls was Englishman David Livingstone, who named them after Queen Victoria. He later wrote of the water that "no one can imagine the beauty of the view from anything witnessed in England. It had never been seen before by European eyes; but scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight."

第一个看到瀑布的欧洲人是英国人David Livingstone,他以维多利亚女王的名字命名这些瀑布。他后来描述道:“英格兰任何美景都无法与之媲美。欧洲人以前从未见过这般仙境;但是天使们飞行途中一定曾经注视过它美丽的容颜。”

Read more:https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/wilderness-resources/photos/the-14-most-amazing-waterfalls-in-the-world/pictures-of

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