Peak 刻意练习/weekly1



Why are some people so amazingly good at what they do?They always dazzle us with their amazingly incredible results.There are always some sorts of exceptions around .

Why can not I do as good as them even if really I work hard?Facing the vast differences,we naturally come to conclude  that this sort of person is born with gentic gift----he is gifted.

Yes ,it's true.Not only us,the normal people,but also the neuroscientists believed that our brains' circuits were fixed,which hints a cruel truth--no amount of practice would help if you didn't have the genes to start with.

Thanks to the great scientific process and the neuroscientists,we can “see” what on earth happened in the brain today.

Our brain is like a muscle in nutshell, and it could change to somewhere we want it  to with our beliberate practice.

The author offers a detailed investigations of the posterior hippocampi of london cabbles and the visual cortex of blinds to testify how our brain is incredibly adaptable  in response to our purposeful practices.

The brain's structure and function are not fixed ,and they change in response how we use them. In other words ,we can say that  the brain can be shaped in the way we desire through deliberate practice.

What a breakthrough!

Then what is deliberate practice?How can we do it?

Everyone know the importance of work-hard. When we run into the wall,we never give up ,on the contrary, we insisit on and even try harder.But it's not the effctive way of practice.We might call it as “naive practice” ,which is mainly just doing someting repeatedly,and expecting that the repetition alone will improve our performance.

But naive practice cannot lead to any  improvement  once we reach the level of acceptable performance automatically ,one the contrary,the automated abilities gradually deteriorate in the absence of deliberate practice.

So we should turn to purposeful practice,which is charactered  with well-defined,specific goals,focused,good feedback and getting out of comfort zone.

In fact most of us are wandering about in our comfort zones day to day.Before getting to the ultimate point we usually stop ,then turn around.However ,the truth is :if you never push yourself beyond your comfort zone,you will never improve.Getting ou of  your comfort zone means trying to do someting that you  couldn't do before.

We are not short of “try harder”,but short of “try differently”.

But purposeful practice is only the basic of beliberate practice,and it has its own limitations.

The most powerful and effective way to improve one's abilities in every area is deliberate practice.

The human body has a preference for stability ,and the technical term for this is “homeostasis”,which means the tendency of a system----any sorts of system of living creature ------to act in a way that maintains its own stability.

The body and the brain have the same feedback mechanisms  in reponse to the outer pushing to maintain the stability.

If you run fast ,your body's all sorts of systems and your cells are not happy with the varied affaires,they will response by calling up some different genes or more complicated things to get out of the formal comport zone to mantain its “homeostasis”-----go into the next comport zone.Your physical force has  improved  a lot.

So is the brain. Brain changes in respose to mental challenges.Push it hard enough and for a long enough,the brain will respond by changing in ways that make that push easier to do.

Regular training leads to changes in the parts of the brains that are challenged by the training .The btain adapts to these challenges by rewiring itself in ways that increase its ability to carry out the functions required by the challenges.

But there are a few details that are worth noting.

First, the training has a larger effects  in the younger people.Second,developing certain parts of the brain by prolonged training will come at the cost of another parts of brain.Finally Stop training ,and they can go away.

Afterall we can think about ourselves in the broadest sense ,----our goal it not to reach our potential but to built it ;to expand it ,to do things possible that were not possible before.

In this sense ,learning is no longer just a way of fulfilling some genetic destiny;it becomes a way of taking control of yourdestiny and shaping your potential in ways taht you choose.











1.catch n.[可数名词, 常用单数形式] a hidden difficulty or disadvantage 隐藏的困难;暗藏的不利因素

But there is a catch :once the comensatory changes have occurred--....

The catch is what is problem caused him so unhappy.

2.burnout n.精疲力竭;劳累过度 also burn-out. If someone suffers burnout, they exhaust themselves at an early stage in their life or career because they have achieved too much too quickly.

Pushing too hard for too long can lead to brunout and ineffctice learning.

Many students have burnout after taking exams.

3.upkeep  n.维修;保养;养护 The upkeep of a building or place is the work of keeping it in good condition.

The cognitive and physical changes causedby training requires upkeep.

The upkeep of a big house is very expensive.

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