小太阳 写作第二天 2015-12-3 3号素材



If you want to enjoy the best life has to offer, you must learn how to turn others down. 如果你想享受生活,那么你必须学会拒绝

1061、turn sb down 拒绝某人

*Recently, an old friend invited me on a luxury spa weekend to mark her birthday. But I had to turn her down. 最近有个朋友约我双休日去一所豪华温泉会所庆祝生日,但是我不得不拒绝她。

*After I turned him down a few times, he stopped asking. 我拒绝了他几次之后,他就不再邀请了。

An old friend invited me on a luxury spa weekend to mark her birthday. But I had to turn her down.

1062、enjoy the best life has to offer 享受生活

(the best life has to offer 生活带给我们的好事物)

*She has a brilliant career, no children, a rich boyfriend; she is enjoying the best life has to offer. 她有一份好工作,没孩子,还有个有钱的男朋友,她正在享受着生活的一切美好。

*If you are enjoying the best life has to offer, be considerate of your less well-off friend’s feelings. 如果你日子过得真风调雨顺,别忘了照顾一下你那个不那么富有的朋友的情绪。

It teaches students to enjoy the best life has to offer.

1063、tire of 厌倦;厌烦

*Nearly always, the richer friend tires of the poorer one’s inability to keep up with their lifestyle and drops them. 几乎总是这样,比较富裕的朋友会厌倦穷一点的那个总是难以跟上他们的生活方式,最后不得不舍弃这样的朋友。

*A faithful friend will never tire of hearing us out, no matter how trivial it might be. 一个忠诚的朋友不会厌倦听我们倾诉,无论这事儿有多琐碎。

A faithful friend will never tire of hearing us out.

1064、drop away 离开;逐渐远去

*Friends dropped away pretty fast after I lost my job. 朋友在我离职后很快就纷纷远离我了。

*The lecture was so dull that soon the audience begin to drop away. 演讲单调乏味,不久,听众就开始陆续离席了。

The class was so dull that soon the audience began to drop away.

1065、maintain friendships 保持友谊

*It’s difficult to maintain friendships with people who have radically different finances. 财力相距甚远的人很难保持友谊。 (finances,不可数名词,财务状况)

*Parents should encourage their children to develop and maintain friendships with children who have positive qualities. 父母应该鼓励孩子与有积极心态的孩子建立并保持友谊。

Staying connected with friend is the key to maintain friendships.

1066、crumble 指制度、关系或希望崩溃(comes to an end)

*Under the financial pressure, all her friendships have crumbled. 在巨大的经济压力之下她的朋友都离他而去。

*For sure, your stereotypes will crumble as you witness the dignity of all people no matter their circumstances.可以确定的是,当你见证人们在任何环境下所体现的尊严后,你的固有观念会被粉碎。

Her friendships have crumbled, because the financial pressure.

1067、 wealth gap/gap between one’s financial status 贫富差距

*The vast gap between their financial status eventually became an issue. 他们的贫富差距最终还是成了个问题。

*Sometimes wealth gap might be the reason why people drop away. 有时候贫富差距会成为人们越行越远的原因。

The vast gap between their financial status eventually became an issue.

1068、be broke/penniless 穷

*I’m broke. In fact, I am thousands of pounds in debt, while my friends are so well off that they are all enjoying the best life has to offer. 我很穷。事实上我欠了一屁股债。而我的朋友们都过得很好很滋润。

*They are sick of me being penniless. I am an embarrassment to them. I have lost touch with some friends who were worried my bad luck would rub off on them. 他们都厌倦了我身无分文。我让他们觉得难堪。有些朋友担心我的换运气会沾染到他们身上所以断了联系。

Even he was broke, he never lose the hope to change his life.

1069、spell 意味着;招致

If something spells a particular outcome, often an unpleasant one, it suggests that this will be the result. 预示 (通常不好的结果)

*So does a fall in income have to spell the end of a friendship? Not necessarily. 那么收入的减少一定就意味着友谊的终结吗?不一定。

*Distance may spell unsuccessful relationships, because constant absence will eventually take a toll on your intimacy. 距离或许就预示着感情药黄。这是因为缺席总会对于亲密感情产生危害。

1070、a select few 精挑细选的少数几个人∕物

*For a select few millennials, career paths are already paved with gold.对于极少数的零零后而言,职业道路已经被铺好了。

*Only a select few people can maintain friendship despite different financial status. But that doesn’t mean relationships depend on money. 只有很少的人能够即便经济地位不同还能保持友谊的。但这并不意味着人与人之间的关系都建立在金钱之上。

Only a select few people can reach the top.

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