EXPECT one of the following:(可能碰到的面试类型有下列几种:)
1. Traditional interview(传统面试)
2. Panel interview(小组面试)
3. Behavioural ( competence ) interview(行为(素质能力)面试)
4. Extended interview process, eg: presentation, psychometric tests, meet the team, a site visit, etc.(扩展型面试流程,例如:演示、心理测试、团队会议、现场参观,等等)
In a traditional interview expect anything. However, the usual areas covered are:(在传统面试中,任何问题都可能会碰到。但它们通常会涉及下列领域:)
1. Introductory or general questions(介绍性或一般性的问题)
2. Your management experience(你的管理工作经历)
3. Your motivation(你的应聘动机)
4. How you handle conflict(你处理冲突的方式)
5. How you deal with customers/colleagues(你对待顾客或同事的方式)
6. An opportunity for you to ask questions(你提问的机会)
7. Education/work(教育背景/工作情况)
8. Your skills and competences(你具备的技能和能力)
9. Why you are leaving your company(你的离职原因)
10. What should happen next(下一步怎么办)
Two " killer " questions to ask in the interview to help you to sell yourself:(以下这两个“绝佳”的问题非常有助于你在面试过程中很好地推荐自己:)
1. After 5-10 minutes ask :" What sort of skills are you looking for in the ideal candidate?"(在面试开始5-10分钟后问:“你们心目中理想的候选人应具备哪些技能?”)
2. At the closing stages ask :" Am I the sort of person you are looking for?"(在面试快要结束时问:“我是否属于你们要找的那种人?”)