经济学人双语阅读 : 手机医生来问诊 The smartphone will see you now

FlyTitle: Telemedicine in China

The covid-19 epidemic has brought millions of new patients online. They are likely to stay there新冠疫情促使成百上千万病人上网求诊,这可能成为常态

WHEN SARS, a coronavirus, hit China in 2003 citizens hunkered down at home. This proved a blessing for some businesses. Chinese social media took off. So did e-commerce. Richard Liu, who ran a chain of consumer-electronics shops, shut all his brick-and-mortar stores and set up JD.com. The firm is now valued at $64bn.


A novel coronavirus that has brought China to a halt this year is boosting another fledgling industry: telemedicine. As hospitals turn away patients with other ailments and many Chinese are confined to their homes or steer clear of clinics for fear of infection, millions are seeking treatment and advice on the internet. The government is egging them on.


Xin Lijun, boss of JD Health, says that his platform’s monthly consultations have grown tenfold since the outbreak, to 2m. Some 1.6m tuned in to a talk by a top cardiologist that the JD.com subsidiary live-streamed. Without the outbreak, the shift in consumer behaviour would have taken perhaps five years, reckons Mr Xin. Chen Qiaoshan of Analysys, a consultancy in Beijing, thinks that China’s online health-care market may near 200bn yuan ($29bn) this year, up from her pre-outbreak estimate of 158bn yuan.


China’s telemedicine market—including consultations and drug sales—had been predicted to grow vigorously even before the latest epidemic. Ping An Good Doctor, a medical-services app run by a big insurer, claimed in September that over 300m had registered on it, equivalent to one in three internet users in China. Tianyancha, a data firm, counts over 1,000 home-grown telemedicine companies.


Until now, however, most of these firms have stuck to delivering drugs or, in Ping An’s case, booking appointments with specialists, whom Chinese patients favour over general practitioners, even if it means queuing for hours at a hospital. Prestigious “AAA” hospitals account for one in ten public institutions but receive half of all outpatients. And the many Chinese who believe in traditional medicine, with its injunction that a reliable diagnosis cannot be made without feeling the pulse, would not dream of accepting health advice by video link.


Authorities, too, have been cautious. In many countries, including America, the world’s biggest telemedicine market, most insurers do not reimburse patients’ online expenses. Nor, in all but a few regions, does China’s national health-insurance scheme. Most Chinese online doctors are permitted only to handle repeat prescriptions and follow-up consultations, not make an initial diagnosis. A draft government policy from 2017 took “a negative tone” on internet hospitals and recommended they be shut down, recalls Li Tiantian, founder of Dingxiang Doctor, which runs a medical myth-busting-and-advice forum.


Last year the government began to lift some restrictions, such as a ban on the sale of prescription drugs. But covid-19, as the new disease is known, has accelerated the shift. At the peak of the epidemic in early February a health-ministry directive mandated that internet-based medical services be given “full play” to diagnose and treat patients. Another encouraged hospitals to give online consultations. Jiangsu province, China’s industrial powerhouse, authorised reimbursements for online medical care. So have cities including Shanghai and Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, where covid-19 first emerged.


Telemedicine firms are trying to win over the government and consumers by behaving like good corporate citizens. Many, including JD Health, are offering patients consultations free of charge while the epidemic lasts. Ali Health, an arm of Alibaba, China’s e-commerce titan, launched a free “online clinic” for residents of Hubei, which has been under lockdown; in five days 100,000 patients got a remote consultation. WeDoctor, an app backed by Tencent, a tech giant, mobilised 20,000 physicians to work online for no pay. Ping An set up an “antivirus command centre” to dispatch free face masks around the country. Dingxiang Doctor got epilepsy medication to 300 children in Hubei amid an acute shortage of suppliers and delivery firms. Its real-time heat map tracking covid-19 infections has been viewed 2.5bn times.


All this is costing the companies money. But, says Mr Xin of JD Health, it makes “little sense” to focus on profit at the moment. What matters, he adds, is how covid-19 has made people think twice about rushing to hospital and helped foster trust in general practitioners, who provide the bulk of online advice. It has also broadened the appeal of firms like his, beyond middle-aged patients with chronic conditions to web-savvy youngsters seeking advice for parents and grandparents and healthy types simply seeking reassurance. Of the 10m people who have turned to the internet for health services in the past month, perhaps half were first-time online patients, says Ms Chen. At least a third are likely to keep using such apps, she estimates.


Remote possibilities


It is not just patients and politicians who are embracing telemedicine. JD Health has lured more pharmacies to its platform (in part by waiving the fee it earns on drug orders in Hubei). China’s underpaid, overworked doctors are also keen. Xiao Xingxing left a AAA hospital in Beijing to consult full-time for JD Health; many old colleagues and classmates are doing the same, she reports. And against the backdrop of a global, virus-induced stockmarket rout, Chinese online health firms offer a tonic to ailing investors. This year the share prices in Ping An Healthcare and Ali Health are up by 33% and 74%, respectively. ■



1  hunker

英 [ˈhʌŋkə(r)]  美 [ˈhʌŋkɚ]

Their strategy for the moment is to hunker down and let the fuss die down.



I have to hunker down to finish my algebra this evening.



They are not allowed to hunker down to rest after running 5,000 meters.


2  brick-and-mortar

英 [b'rɪk'ændm'ɔ:tər]  美 [b'rɪk'ændm'ɔtər]



Now the company is moving further into the brick - and - mortar world.



Brick - and - mortar companies are working hard to create similarly rich date sources.


3 halt /hɔːlt/  CET4 TEM4

When a person or a vehicle halts or when something haltsthem, they stop moving in the direction they were going and stand still. 使停住; 停住

They halted at a short distance from the house.


=lame 跛的; 瘸的

If something such as growth, development, or activity comes or grinds to a halt or is brought to a halt, it stops completely. 完全停止

Her political career came to a halt in December 1988.


4 ailment /ˈeɪlmənt/  CET6+ TEM8

N-COUNT An ailment is an illness, especially one that is not very serious. 小病

The pharmacist can assist you with the treatment of common ailments.


5 steer clear of

Steer clear of negative thoughts. If a negative thought creeps in – replace it with a positive thought. 避开消极的想法吧,如果消极的思想在蠕动——那么用积极的思考取而代之吧。

6 egg on

If you egg a person on, you encourage them to do something, especially something dangerous or foolish. 怂恿

He was lifting up handfuls of leaves and throwing them at her. She was laughing and egging him on.


7 tenfold /ˈtɛnˌfəʊld/

equal to or having 10 times as many or as much 十倍的

a tenfold increase in population

8 tune in

If you tune in to a particular television or radio station or programme, you watch or listen to it. 收看; 收听

All over the country, youngsters tune in to Sesame Street every day.


If you tune in to something such as your own or other people's feelings, you become aware of them. 了解 (感情等)

You can start now to tune in to your own physical, social and spiritual needs.


9 practitioner /prækˈtɪʃənə/  CET6+ TEM4

N-COUNT Doctors are sometimes referred to as practitioners or medical practitioners. 行医者

10 prestigious /prɛˈstɪdʒəs/  TEM4

A prestigious institution, job, or activity is respected and admired by people. 有声望的

It's one of the best equipped and most prestigious schools in the country.


11 injunct /ɪnˈdʒʌŋkt/

V to issue a legal injunction against (a person) 给(某人)下制止令

12 outpatient /ˈaʊtˌpeɪʃənt/

An outpatient is someone who receives treatment at a hospital but does not spend the night there. 门诊病人

...the outpatient clinic.


13 injunction /ɪnˈdʒʌŋkʃən/  TEM8

An injunction is a court order, usually one telling someone not to do something. (法院的) 禁令; 强制令

He took out a court injunction against the newspaper demanding the return of the document.


An injunction to do something is an order or strong request to do it. 指令

We hear endless injunctions to managers to build commitment and a sense of community among their staff.


14 prescription /prɪˈskrɪpʃən/  CET6 TEM4

A prescription is the piece of paper on which your doctor writes an order for medicine and which you give to a pharmacist to get the medicine. 处方

The new drug will not require a physician's prescription.


A prescription is a proposal or a plan that gives ideas about how to solve a problem or improve a situation. 方案

There's not much difference in the economic prescriptions of Ireland's two main political parties.


15 mandate /ˈmændeɪt/  CET6+ TEM8

If a government or other elected body has a mandate to carry out a particular policy or task, they have the authority to carry it out as a result of winning an election or vote. (政府或机构经选举而获得的) 授权

The president and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform.


When someone is mandated to carry out a particular policy or task, they are given the official authority to do it. 授权

He'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire.


16 dispatch /dɪˈspætʃ/  CET6 TEM4

If you dispatch someone to a place, you send them there for a particular reason. 派遣

He had been continually dispatching scouts ahead.


If you dispatch a message, letter, or parcel, you send it to a particular person or destination. 发送

The victory inspired him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt.


17 epilepsy /ˈɛpɪˌlɛpsɪ/

N-UNCOUNT Epilepsy is a brain condition that causes a person to suddenly lose consciousness and sometimes to have seizures. 癫痫

Shawna suffers from epilepsy.


18 acute /əˈkjuːt/  CET4 TEM4

You can use acute to indicate that an undesirable situation or feeling is very severe or intense. 严峻的

The war has aggravated an acute economic crisis.


The report has caused acute embarrassment to the government.


ADJ An acute illness is one that becomes severe very quickly but does not last very long. Compare . 急性的

...a patient with acute rheumatoid arthritis.


If a person's or animal's sight, hearing, or sense of smell is acute, it is sensitive and powerful. 敏锐的

When she lost her sight, her other senses grew more acute.


19 bulk /bʌlk/  CET4 TEM8

N-SING You can refer to something's bulk when you want to emphasize that it is very large. 大块

The truck pulled out of the lot, its bulk unnerving against the dawn.


You can refer to a large person's body or to their weight or size as their bulk. 庞大肥硕的身躯

Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair.


The bulk of something is most of it. 大部分

The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents.


If you buy or sell something in bulk, you buy or sell it in large quantities. 大批地 (买卖)

Buying in bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities.


20 lure /lʊə/  CET6 TEM8

To lure someone means to trick them into a particular place or to trick them into doing something that they should not do. 引诱

He lured her to his home and shot her with his father's gun.


They did not realize that they were being lured into a trap.


21 pharmacy /ˈfɑːməsɪ/  CET6+ TEM4

A pharmacy is a shop or a department in a shop where medicines are sold or given out. 药店; 药房

Pick up the medicine from the pharmacy.



22 waive /weɪv/  TEM8

If you waive your right to something, such as legal representation, you choose not to have it or do it. 放弃 (权利)

He pleaded guilty to the murders of three boys and waived his right to appeal.


If someone waives a rule, they say that people do not have to obey it in a particular situation. 放弃 (规则)

The art gallery waives admission charges on Sundays.


23 backdrop /ˈbækˌdrɒp/  TEM8

A backdrop is a large piece of cloth, often with scenery painted on it, that is hung at the back of a stage while a play is being performed. 舞台背景

The backdrop to an object or a scene is what you see behind it. 背景

...the rugged cliffs that formed a backdrop to the village.


The backdrop to an event is the general situation in which it happens. 事件的背景

The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability.


24 tonic /ˈtɒnɪk/  TEM8

A tonic is a medicine that makes you feel stronger, healthier, and less tired. 补药

People are spending twice as much on health tonics as they were five years ago.


respectively /rɪˈspɛktɪvlɪ/  CET4

Respectively means in the same order as the items that you have just mentioned. 分别地

Their sons were three and six respectively.


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