

Para.1 The collection of the days when her mum and she meet under a tree

Para.2What they usually talked about under the tree

Para.3the close relationships and the deepening love between  each other

Para.4The author was surprised by the question

Para.5The author realized there is something wrong with her mother

Para.6-7 silence    encouragement  response  realize the fact

Para.8the fact and the feeling


Para.9 What she did with her sons in the same park after her mother's death

Para10the son's news and her response

Para.11the feelings of hearing the news

Para.12-13 the tradition goes on



recall vt.

rather fml bring back to the mind; remember 〖较正式〗回想,回忆起

e.g. 1. I seem to recall I’ve met him before somewhere.


2. Can you recall exactly what happened?



recall sth.

recall (that)

recall doing sth.

recall what / how / where, etc.

turn out

1. happen to be, or be found to be, in the end 结果(是),原来(是),证明(是)

e.g. 1) Though we did not have enough time to make preparations, the evening party turned out (to be) a success.

2) It turned out that she was a friend of my sister’s.


3) “How did the party turn out?” “It turned out very well. Thanks.”

“宴会举行得怎么样?”“非常成功, 谢谢。”

2. be present at an event; appear, assemble or attend 在场;露面;集合;出席

e.g. Thousands turned out to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland.


occur vi.

rather fml (esp. of unplanned events) take place; happen〖较正式〗(尤指意外的事情)发生

e.g. 1. The tragedy occurred only half an hour after the plane had taken off.

2. A third of accidental deaths occur in the home.


CF: happen, occur, take place


e.g. The accident happened/occurred at about 9:30.


e.g. What happened when you told him the news?

你告诉他这消息时, 他有何反应?

take place表明事情的发生是有计划的。

e.g. The funeral took place on 24 April at 3 pm.

take sb. by surprise

happen unexpectedly and cause surprise to, esp. in a way that leaves one unprepared 使(某人)惊奇,使(某人)没有准备

e.g. 1. The teacher’s question took me by surprise; he asked me if I had read Shakespeare in the original.

2. His heart attack was so sudden that I think even the doctors were taken by surprise.


inquiry n.

request for help or information (about sb. / sth.) 查询;请求(得到帮助或信息)

e.g. 1. I don’t know how to get to that small town but I have been making inquiries about it.

2. I don’t know who sent the gift, but I’ll make some inquiries.


disturbing a.

worrying or upsetting 烦扰的,担心的,令人不安的

e.g. 1. The local government is now faced with a disturbing increase of crime rate.

2. The following programme contains scenes that may be disturbing to some viewers.


indicate vt.

show or make clear, esp. by means of a sign 表示,标示

e.g. 1. Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast.

2. The study indicates a strong connection between poverty and crime.



be preoccupied with sth.; worry about sth. 心事重重; (为某事而)烦恼

e.g. 1. Ann has been very quiet these days; she must have something on her mind.

2. Sorry I forgot. I’ve got a lot on my mind at the moment.


Verb phrases with mind

change one’s mind 改变主意 make up one’s mind 作出决定 go out of/slip one’s mind 忘记

bear/keep…in mind 记住 speak one’s mind直率地表达意见 be of one mind意见一致

be out of one’s mind 发狂 bring/call sth. to mind 想起 have a mind of one’s own 有主见

be in two minds 犹豫不决 come/spring to mind

出现在脑海中 turn over sth. in your mind


take a load/weight off one’s mind 使某人如释重负 give sb. a piece of one’s mind

坦诚相告(尤指不满对方行为) ease one’s conscience/mind


keep one’s mind on sth.

继续专心于某事 take one’s mind off sth.

使某人不再担忧某事 set/put one’s mind at rest


cross/enter one’s mind


ease vt.

make or become less severe 减轻,舒缓

e.g. 1. I eased her mind by telling her that her children turned out to be safe.

2. The plan should ease traffic congestion in the city.


awkward a.

1. causing difficulty or uncomfortable feeling; inconvenient or embarrassing 尴尬的;为难的

e.g. 1) She asked me some very awkward questions, which made me quite embarrassed.

2) There was an awkward moment when she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.


3) The handle of this teapot has an awkward shape.


2. lacking skill or grace; clumsy 无技巧的;不熟练的;不灵活的;笨拙的

e.g. 1) Swans are surprisingly awkward on land.


2) I was always an awkward dancer.


keep sth. from sb.

not to tell (sb.) about (sth.); prevent from hearing about 不把……告诉(某人);防止(某人)听到(某事)

e.g. 1. She knew that John was keeping something from her.

2. I think we ought to keep the truth from him until he’s better.


option n.

one of a number of courses of action that are possible and may be chosen 可选择的办法

e.g. 1. You must finish the work before five o’clock; you have no option.

2. Students have the option of studying abroad in their second year.


create vt.

cause (sth. new) to exist; produce (sth. new) 创造;创建;创作

e.g. 1. Some people believe the universe was created by a big explosion.


2. The government plans to create more jobs for young people.


rare a.

1. extremely unusual or uncommon 稀少的,罕有的

e.g. 1) It’s extremely rare for it to be this hot in early April.

2) I only saw Helen on the rare occasions when I went into her shop.


2. (usu of beef) cooked so that the inside is still red and juicy; underdone (通常指牛肉)半熟的(里面色红肉嫩的)

e.g. I’d like my steak rare, please.

soak up

receive and absorb into one’s senses, body or mind 接受;吸收;沉湎于

e.g. 1. You can use a paper towel to soak up the cooking oil.

2. Go to a sidewalk cafe, order coffee, and soak up the atmosphere.



I think I had known for quite a while but had not been willing to admit it to myself.


单词量还是不够  有些单词很熟悉但是忘了


注意单词间的连读问题  轻音还是重音


我们和父母相处的时间越来越少    趁现在多和父母交流  多联系  少一些抱怨 多一分理解


听力始终是我的短板 所以,,,,,加油吧  每天20个单词  尽量多听英语吧【我也很失望啊 听的我想哭 】

Para. 1

sat on an old blanket under a pine tree

chatting with my mother

for years

sat in this same spot

Para. 2

brought me to…

turned out

I was getting married

Tears filled her eyes

sad to lose her little girl but happy to see that …

turned into a beautiful young woman

Paras. 3-4

tall and straight

touch the clouds

our increasingly close relationship

the deepening love

breathing in the scent of freshly mown  grass

took me by surprise


my arched-eyebrow inquiries

return my smile

ask such a disturbing question

picked up a blade of grass

shred it with her fingernail

well acquainted with

had something serious on her mind

gathering our thoughts

ease the awkward moment

reached over

took my mother’s hand in mine

there’s nothing …

handle this together


looked into my face

tears that spilt down her cheeks

held her tightly

her heart condition was worsening

couldn’t be repaired

admit it to myself

kept from me

her condition wasn’t improving

wished for more time together


had a chance to…

just as…

praise them for…

create our own memories

smile with pride


not long ago

hemmed and hawed

getting married

cried tears of joy

a rare and special treat

how proud I was of the man…

soaking up

come full circle

holding my son in my arms

was happy for


looking over my son’s shoulder

grow straight and tall

continue to


a whispering voice

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