

  • 位于/eos_install/eos/buildeos_install文件夹下面储存的是git下来的eos源码)

  • 连接测试网的genesis.json文件如下

  "initial_timestamp": "2018-06-01T12:00:00.000",
  "initial_key": "EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV",
  "initial_configuration": {
​    "max_block_net_usage": 1048576,
​    "target_block_net_usage_pct": 1000,
​    "max_transaction_net_usage": 524288,
​    "base_per_transaction_net_usage": 12,
​    "net_usage_leeway": 500,
​    "context_free_discount_net_usage_num": 20,
​    "context_free_discount_net_usage_den": 100,
​    "max_block_cpu_usage": 200000,
​    "target_block_cpu_usage_pct": 1000,
​    "max_transaction_cpu_usage": 150000,
​    "min_transaction_cpu_usage": 100,
​    "max_transaction_lifetime": 3600,
​    "deferred_trx_expiration_window": 600,
​    "max_transaction_delay": 3888000,
​    "max_inline_action_size": 4096,
​    "max_inline_action_depth": 4,
​    "max_authority_depth": 6
  • 我们需要修改一下才能连接到主网,连接主网的genesis.json文件如下:
 "initial_timestamp": "2018-06-08T08:08:08.888",
 "initial_key": "EOS7EarnUhcyYqmdnPon8rm7mBCTnBoot6o7fE2WzjvEX2TdggbL3",
 "initial_configuration": {
​    "max_block_net_usage": 1048576,
​    "target_block_net_usage_pct": 1000,
​    "max_transaction_net_usage": 524288,
​    "base_per_transaction_net_usage": 12,
​    "net_usage_leeway": 500,
​    "context_free_discount_net_usage_num": 20,
​    "context_free_discount_net_usage_den": 100,
​    "max_block_cpu_usage": 200000,
​    "target_block_cpu_usage_pct": 1000,
​    "max_transaction_cpu_usage": 150000,
​    "min_transaction_cpu_usage": 100,
​    "max_transaction_lifetime": 3600,
​    "deferred_trx_expiration_window": 600,
​    "max_transaction_delay": 3888000,
​    "max_inline_action_size": 4096,
​    "max_inline_action_depth": 4,
​    "max_authority_depth": 6
  • 如果在那个路劲找不到这个文件,就自己创建一个,一样可以用



<pre spellcheck="false" class="md-fences md-end-block ty-contain-cm modeLoaded" lang="" contenteditable="true" cid="n4712" mdtype="fences" style="box-sizing: border-box; overflow: visible; font-family: var(--monospace); font-size: 0.9em; display: block; break-inside: avoid; text-align: left; white-space: normal; background-image: inherit; background-position: inherit; background-size: inherit; background-repeat: inherit; background-attachment: inherit; background-origin: inherit; background-clip: inherit; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); position: relative !important; border: 1px solid rgb(231, 234, 237); border-radius: 3px; padding: 8px 1em 6px; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-top: 15px; width: inherit; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial;">[root@localhost config]# vi config.ini 
# the endpoint upon which to listen for incoming connections (eosio::bnet_plugin)
bnet-endpoint =
# this peer will request only irreversible blocks from other nodes (eosio::bnet_plugin)
bnet-follow-irreversible = 0
# the number of threads to use to process network messages (eosio::bnet_plugin)
# bnet-threads =
# remote endpoint of other node to connect to; Use multiple bnet-connect options as needed to compose a network (eosio::bnet_plugin)
# bnet-connect =
# this peer will request no pending transactions from other nodes (eosio::bnet_plugin)
bnet-no-trx = false
# The string used to format peers when logging messages about them.  Variables are escaped with ${<variable name>}.
# Available Variables:
#    _name      self-reported name
#    _id        self-reported ID (Public Key)
#    _ip        remote IP address of peer
#    _port      remote port number of peer
#    _lip       local IP address connected to peer
#    _lport     local port number connected to peer
#  (eosio::bnet_plugin)
bnet-peer-log-format = ["${_name}" ${_ip}:${_port}]
# the location of the blocks directory (absolute path or relative to application data dir) (eosio::chain_plugin)
blocks-dir = "blocks"
# Pairs of [BLOCK_NUM,BLOCK_ID] that should be enforced as checkpoints. (eosio::chain_plugin)
# checkpoint =
# Override default WASM runtime (eosio::chain_plugin)
# wasm-runtime =
# Override default maximum ABI serialization time allowed in ms (eosio::chain_plugin)
abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 15000
# Maximum size (in MiB) of the chain state database (eosio::chain_plugin)
chain-state-db-size-mb = 1024
# Safely shut down node when free space remaining in the chain state database drops below this size (in MiB). (eosio::chain_plugin)
chain-state-db-guard-size-mb = 128
# Maximum size (in MiB) of the reversible blocks database (eosio::chain_plugin)
reversible-blocks-db-size-mb = 340
# Safely shut down node when free space remaining in the reverseible blocks database drops below this size (in MiB). (eosio::chain_plugin)
reversible-blocks-db-guard-size-mb = 2
# print contract's output to console (eosio::chain_plugin)
contracts-console = false
# Account added to actor whitelist (may specify multiple times) (eosio::chain_plugin)
# actor-whitelist =
# Account added to actor blacklist (may specify multiple times) (eosio::chain_plugin)
# actor-blacklist =
# Contract account added to contract whitelist (may specify multiple times) (eosio::chain_plugin)
# contract-whitelist =
# Contract account added to contract blacklist (may specify multiple times) (eosio::chain_plugin)
# contract-blacklist =
# Action (in the form code::action) added to action blacklist (may specify multiple times) (eosio::chain_plugin)
# action-blacklist =
# Public key added to blacklist of keys that should not be included in authorities (may specify multiple times) (eosio::chain_plugin)
# key-blacklist =
# Database read mode ("speculative", "head", or "read-only").
# In "speculative" mode database contains changes done up to the head block plus changes made by transactions not yet included to the blockchain.
# In "head" mode database contains changes done up to the current head block.
# In "read-only" mode database contains incoming block changes but no speculative transaction processing.
#  (eosio::chain_plugin)
read-mode = speculative
# Chain validation mode ("full" or "light").
# In "full" mode all incoming blocks will be fully validated.
# In "light" mode all incoming blocks headers will be fully validated; transactions in those validated blocks will be trusted
#  (eosio::chain_plugin)
validation-mode = full
# Disable the check which subjectively fails a transaction if a contract bills more RAM to another account within the context of a notification handler (i.e. when the receiver is not the code of the action). (eosio::chain_plugin)
disable-ram-billing-notify-checks = false
# Track actions which match receiver:action:actor. Actor may be blank to include all. Action and Actor both blank allows all from Recieiver. Receiver may not be blank. (eosio::history_plugin)
# filter-on =
# Do not track actions which match receiver:action:actor. Action and Actor both blank excludes all from Reciever. Actor blank excludes all from reciever:action. Receiver may not be blank. (eosio::history_plugin)
# filter-out =
# PEM encoded trusted root certificate (or path to file containing one) used to validate any TLS connections made.  (may specify multiple times)
#  (eosio::http_client_plugin)
# https-client-root-cert =
# true: validate that the peer certificates are valid and trusted, false: ignore cert errors (eosio::http_client_plugin)
https-client-validate-peers = 1
# The local IP and port to listen for incoming http connections; set blank to disable. (eosio::http_plugin)
http-server-address =
# The local IP and port to listen for incoming https connections; leave blank to disable. (eosio::http_plugin)
# https-server-address =
# Filename with the certificate chain to present on https connections. PEM format. Required for https. (eosio::http_plugin)
# https-certificate-chain-file =
# Filename with https private key in PEM format. Required for https (eosio::http_plugin)
# https-private-key-file =
# Specify the Access-Control-Allow-Origin to be returned on each request. (eosio::http_plugin)
# access-control-allow-origin =
# Specify the Access-Control-Allow-Headers to be returned on each request. (eosio::http_plugin)
# access-control-allow-headers =
# Specify the Access-Control-Max-Age to be returned on each request. (eosio::http_plugin)
# access-control-max-age =
# Specify if Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true should be returned on each request. (eosio::http_plugin)
access-control-allow-credentials = false
# The maximum body size in bytes allowed for incoming RPC requests (eosio::http_plugin)
max-body-size = 1048576
# Append the error log to HTTP responses (eosio::http_plugin)
verbose-http-errors = false
# If set to false, then any incoming "Host" header is considered valid (eosio::http_plugin)
http-validate-host = 1
# Additionaly acceptable values for the "Host" header of incoming HTTP requests, can be specified multiple times.  Includes http/s_server_address by default. (eosio::http_plugin)
# http-alias =
# The maximum number of pending login requests (eosio::login_plugin)
max-login-requests = 1000000
# The maximum timeout for pending login requests (in seconds) (eosio::login_plugin)
max-login-timeout = 60
# The target queue size between nodeos and MongoDB plugin thread. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
mongodb-queue-size = 1024
# The maximum size of the abi cache for serializing data. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
mongodb-abi-cache-size = 2048
# Required with --replay-blockchain, --hard-replay-blockchain, or --delete-all-blocks to wipe mongo db.This option required to prevent accidental wipe of mongo db. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
mongodb-wipe = false
# If specified then only abi data pushed to mongodb until specified block is reached. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
mongodb-block-start = 0
# MongoDB URI connection string, see: https://docs.mongodb.com/master/reference/connection-string/. If not specified then plugin is disabled. Default database 'EOS' is used if not specified in URI. Example: mongodb:// (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
# mongodb-uri =
# Enables storing blocks in mongodb. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
mongodb-store-blocks = 1
# Enables storing block state in mongodb. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
mongodb-store-block-states = 1
# Enables storing transactions in mongodb. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
mongodb-store-transactions = 1
# Enables storing transaction traces in mongodb. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
mongodb-store-transaction-traces = 1
# Enables storing action traces in mongodb. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
mongodb-store-action-traces = 1
# Track actions which match receiver:action:actor. Receiver, Action, & Actor may be blank to include all. i.e. eosio:: or :transfer:  Use * or leave unspecified to include all. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
# mongodb-filter-on =
# Do not track actions which match receiver:action:actor. Receiver, Action, & Actor may be blank to exclude all. (eosio::mongo_db_plugin)
# mongodb-filter-out =
# The actual host:port used to listen for incoming p2p connections. (eosio::net_plugin)
p2p-listen-endpoint =
# An externally accessible host:port for identifying this node. Defaults to p2p-listen-endpoint. (eosio::net_plugin)
# p2p-server-address =
# The public endpoint of a peer node to connect to. Use multiple p2p-peer-address options as needed to compose a network. (eosio::net_plugin)
# p2p-peer-address =
# Maximum number of client nodes from any single IP address (eosio::net_plugin)
p2p-max-nodes-per-host = 1
# The name supplied to identify this node amongst the peers. (eosio::net_plugin)
agent-name = "EOS Test Agent"
# Can be 'any' or 'producers' or 'specified' or 'none'. If 'specified', peer-key must be specified at least once. If only 'producers', peer-key is not required. 'producers' and 'specified' may be combined. (eosio::net_plugin)
allowed-connection = any
# Optional public key of peer allowed to connect.  May be used multiple times. (eosio::net_plugin)
# peer-key =
# Tuple of [PublicKey, WIF private key] (may specify multiple times) (eosio::net_plugin)
# peer-private-key =
# Maximum number of clients from which connections are accepted, use 0 for no limit (eosio::net_plugin)
max-clients = 25
# number of seconds to wait before cleaning up dead connections (eosio::net_plugin)
connection-cleanup-period = 30
# max connection cleanup time per cleanup call in millisec (eosio::net_plugin)
max-cleanup-time-msec = 10
# True to require exact match of peer network version. (eosio::net_plugin)
network-version-match = 0
# number of blocks to retrieve in a chunk from any individual peer during synchronization (eosio::net_plugin)
sync-fetch-span = 100
# maximum sizes of transaction or block messages that are sent without first sending a notice (eosio::net_plugin)
max-implicit-request = 1500
# Enable expirimental socket read watermark optimization (eosio::net_plugin)
use-socket-read-watermark = 0
# The string used to format peers when logging messages about them.  Variables are escaped with ${<variable name>}.
# Available Variables:
#    _name      self-reported name
#    _id        self-reported ID (64 hex characters)
#    _sid       first 8 characters of _peer.id
#    _ip        remote IP address of peer
#    _port      remote port number of peer
#    _lip       local IP address connected to peer
#    _lport     local port number connected to peer
#  (eosio::net_plugin)
peer-log-format = ["${_name}" ${_ip}:${_port}]
# Enable block production, even if the chain is stale. (eosio::producer_plugin)
enable-stale-production = false
# Start this node in a state where production is paused (eosio::producer_plugin)
pause-on-startup = false
# Limits the maximum time (in milliseconds) that is allowed a pushed transaction's code to execute before being considered invalid (eosio::producer_plugin)
max-transaction-time = 30
# Limits the maximum age (in seconds) of the DPOS Irreversible Block for a chain this node will produce blocks on (use negative value to indicate unlimited) (eosio::producer_plugin)
max-irreversible-block-age = -1
# ID of producer controlled by this node (e.g. inita; may specify multiple times) (eosio::producer_plugin)
# producer-name =
# (DEPRECATED - Use signature-provider instead) Tuple of [public key, WIF private key] (may specify multiple times) (eosio::producer_plugin)
# private-key =
# Key=Value pairs in the form <public-key>=<provider-spec>
# Where:
#    <public-key>       is a string form of a vaild EOSIO public key
#    <provider-spec>    is a string in the form <provider-type>:<data>
#    <provider-type>    is KEY, or KEOSD
#    KEY:<data>         is a string form of a valid EOSIO private key which maps to the provided public key
#    KEOSD:<data>       is the URL where keosd is available and the approptiate wallet(s) are unlocked (eosio::producer_plugin)
signature-provider = EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV=KEY:5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3
# Limits the maximum time (in milliseconds) that is allowd for sending blocks to a keosd provider for signing (eosio::producer_plugin)
keosd-provider-timeout = 5
# account that can not access to extended CPU/NET virtual resources (eosio::producer_plugin)
# greylist-account =
# offset of non last block producing time in micro second. Negative number results in blocks to go out sooner, and positive number results in blocks to go out later (eosio::producer_plugin)
produce-time-offset-us = 0
# offset of last block producing time in micro second. Negative number results in blocks to go out sooner, and positive number results in blocks to go out later (eosio::producer_plugin)
last-block-time-offset-us = 0
# ratio between incoming transations and deferred transactions when both are exhausted (eosio::producer_plugin)
incoming-defer-ratio = 1
# Lag in number of blocks from the head block when selecting the reference block for transactions (-1 means Last Irreversible Block) (eosio::txn_test_gen_plugin)
txn-reference-block-lag = 0
# Plugin(s) to enable, may be specified multiple times
# plugin =</pre>


  • # p2p-server-address =改成p2p-server-address =,主网连接需要从别的节点同步数据

  • chain-state-db-size-mb = 10240,默认的1024太小了,很快就会满

  • plugin = eosio::chain_api_plugin ​ plugin = eosio::history_plugin ​ plugin = eosio::history_api_plugin ​ plugin = eosio::chain_plugin ​ plugin = eosio::bnet_plugin


  • 还需要把节点加进来,这里是一份所有节点的清单,这里是份标准的config.ini模板可供参考。实测peer的多少并不能对同步区块的速度造成很大的影响,少一点多一点无所谓。



  • ./nodeos:只能在nodeos所在的位置启动,./表示当前文件夹

  • nodeos:配置完环境变量后的启动方式,跟上一条结果一样,区别是在任何位置都可以用

    配置临时环境变量的格式样例:export PATH=$PATH:/home/eos_install/eos/build/programs/nodeos

  • ./nodeos -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin:指定了两个插件,如果上面已经配置了config.ini就不需要再指定了


  • nodeos --data-dir=/home/eos_install/eos/data/packages/nodeos --config-dir=/home/eos_install/eos/data/packages/nodeos--data-dir指定了data的存储位置,也就是block的位置,--config-dir指定了config.ini的位置,如果是第一次启动的话,可以在后面加上--genesis-json genesis.json指定genesis.josn文件位置。
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