第八次面试,快乐英语教授原版英文漫画和小说。刚刚创业的教育机构,让我表演的一个少儿故事,我就演了,虽然台词没怎么记住,但是leader Susan对我很满意。她跟我讲了报酬和工作内容等等,我说考虑。回来的路上我给舍友老猪打电话,因为这份工作适合单纯善良的她,这份工作远不能满足我的期望值,我还不想过早地尘埃落地。之后婉拒,但是这家机构发展前景不错,推荐给周围做老师的朋友了。
第九次面试,华尔街英语学习顾问。先是接到英孚教育上海总部的电话全英面试,刚开始我没反应过来,后来依稀记得HR先是自我介绍,公司介绍,后来是问我相关经验,由于经验不足,没有收到面试通知。下午洗完澡,华尔街英语打来电话,老外男低音Steve,自我介绍,电话面试,大概15分钟,然后试讲周五面试邀请。收到试讲邮件,还收到培生公司发来的简历储存的邮件。接下来一天看网上试讲视频。第二天,穿裙高跟鞋面试去了,依旧提早去了。在华尔街英语国贸中心,里面环境不错,各行各业想提升自身英语能力的人汇聚在一起,我跟像艺术家的自由职业者和IT管理男聊天,他们看起来学习兴趣很浓很努力。后来Cissy Yang带我去试讲教室,全英交谈。试讲要求:
·The class should be 30 minutes in length.
·The topic of the class is theuse of the past simple and present perfect tenses.
·There will be 4-6 mid -level students in the class.
·The students will all already be familiar with the two verb tenses, but they may lack clarity on how to use them precisely. The objective of your class is to give the students as much opportunity as possible topracticethe two tenses while communicating with their classmates.
·This should not be a traditional kind of grammar lecture. You'll need to design a few different activities that are student-centered with an emphasis on spoken English.
·You should avoid using grammatical terms if possible, as they tend to confuse the students, and this is the traditional approach.
·You will be given markers and whiteboard for your demo class.
·While we observe your class, we will be assessing your teaching ability. In particular, we will be looking for:
§Effective classroom management that encourages good student interactions
§Good rapport with the students
§A low amount of teacher talking time and a high amount of student talking time
§Your language awareness (familiarity with the teaching point)
§A clarification of the class' objective to the students (i.e., the students should understand that they are practicing the present simple and present continuous tenses)
§Clear and concise instructions for each activity