每日一词 01 | cripple
1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:to cause great damage to something
例句:The war has crippled the economy.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
当我们想表示“破坏”时,除了用 damage…badly,我们可以直接用更简洁、形象的 cripple。比如:
The war has crippled the economy.
Not long ago floods crippled millions of households in Shouguang, Shandong Province.
“cripple” 的“严重破坏”还可以是心理上的。比如在《中国合伙人》中,邓超饰演的孟晓俊从美国回来给学生们做演讲,不过他上台后,因为怯场在演讲台上一句话也说不出来。这时我们就可以说:
Stage fright crippled him.
美国脱口秀主持人 Trevor Noah 在它的回忆录 Born a Crime 中也用到了这个词。想要实现种族隔离(apartheid),政府需要先让黑人群体接受次等的教育,让他们变得愚蠢,作者就写到:
The only way to make apartheid work is to cripple the black mind.
3. 从认识到会用
台风山竹(Typhoon Mangkhut)严重破坏了香港和广东地区的电力供应和通讯服务。
(参考翻译:Typhoon Mangkhut has crippled the electricity supply and communication services in Hong Kong and Guangdong. )
每日一词 02 | count
1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:to be important or valuable
例句:How you learn it counts more than how much you learn.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
我们常说“细节非常重要”,就可以说 Details count. “第一印象很重要”,可以说 First impressions count. 比如想要表达“财富观比拥有的财富本身更重要”时,我们可以说:
What counts the most is not how rich you are, but how you treat wealth.
这个 “What counts the most is not X, but Y.” 就是一个超高频句式,口语和写作中都可以用得到。在《极简欧洲史》(The Shortest History of Europe)中,作者提到“民主”的定义时就引用了下面这段话:
When it is a question of putting one person before another in positions of public responsibility, what counts is not membership of a particular class, but the actual ability which the man possesses.
How you learn it matters more than how much you learn.
3. 从认识到会用
(参考翻译:How you respond to it counts/matters more than what happened.)
每日一词 03 | shape
1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义: to influence the way that a person, idea, or situation develops
例句:Phenomenal English is shaping how English learners approach the language.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
“shape”作为名词表示“形状”,它也常作为动词使用,意思是“影响”、“塑造”、“决定”。用它可以替换 influence 和 have an impact on。由于“shape”有“形状”的意思,因此作“塑造”的意思形象生动,表示影响的程度很大。
Like it or not, our families shape our lives and make us what we are.
《经济学人》在写政策、制度、法规等对社会和人的影响时,会经常用到这个词。2016 年《经济学人》圣诞特刊中,有一篇文章写的是经济学人集团所在的大楼对它的影响,作者是这样写的:
Over the years the building has shaped The Economist in several ways, some good, some less so.
再如,On Writing Well 的作者 William Zinsser 在另一本著作 Writing Places 中,提到一份报纸对他童年的影响时是这样写的:
When I was a kid the Herald Tribune had shaped the values I would take through life as a writer.
3. 从认识到会用
(参考翻译:Many believe that the language we speak shapes the way we think.)
每日一词 04 | shift
1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:to change a situation, discussion, etc by giving special attention to one idea or subject instead of to a previous one
例句:An increasing number of English learners are shifting their focus from input to output.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
Attitudes to homosexuality have shifted in recent years.
Many have shifted from owning bicycles to using shared bicycles.
再如,William Zinsser 在写到自己写作的兴趣时也用到了“shift”:
I wanted to understand what was happening, and as the old values shifted, so did my concerns as a journalist.
3. 从认识到会用
(参考翻译:This consumer goods company has shifted its strategy from domestic market to overseas market.)
每日一词 05 | favor
1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:feel or show approval or preference for
例句:Phenomenal English has been increasingly favored by serious English learners.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
比如,最近有一个很火的二手书交易平台“多抓鱼”(它的外文名是 Déjà vu),我们就可以说:
Déjà vu, an online second-hand book marketplace, has been increasingly favored by book lovers.
Mobile payment has been increasingly favored by beggars.
你应该注意到了,“X has been increasingly favored by Y” 是一个超高频句式。当你想表达什么东西越来越受某个人群的青睐了,就可以直接用。
Clearly, Trump doesn't favor immigration.
再如,William Zinsser 在 On Writing Well 中写采访的注意事项时,就用过“favor”表“赞同”的意思:
If he [interviewee] carefully weighed two sides of an issue and you only quote his views of one side, making him seem to favor that position, you will misrepresent what he told you.
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
(参考翻译:Many graduates in China favor big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. )